Occupational disease prevention is closely related to each of us

April 25 to May 1, 2022 is

The 20th National Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases Promotion Week

This year’s promotion theme is

“ Everything is for the health of workers”

aims to publicize and implement the “Occupational Disease Prevention Law”

Popularize knowledge on occupational disease prevention and control

Improve employers’ awareness of the main responsibility for occupational disease prevention and control

and workers’ self-protection ability

Effectively protect the occupational health rights and interests of workers

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What is an occupational disease?

Occupational diseases refer to the occupational activities of workers in employers such as enterprises, institutions and individual economic organizations. , diseases caused by exposure to dust, radioactive substances and other toxic and harmful factors.

What are occupational diseases?

Occupational hazards Factors refer to factors or conditions that arise or exist in occupational activities that may adversely affect the health, safety and work ability of occupational groups, including chemical, physical, biological and other factors.

Occupational disease is Preventable

Maintain prevention and combine prevention and treatment


Primary Prevention
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For the job environment

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① Substitutes: Substitute non-toxic or low-toxic chemical substances for highly toxic raw materials and auxiliary materials used in the production process.

② Improve production technology and equipment: adopt closed and automated production lines to prevent leakage of harmful substances and keep workers away from occupational disease hazards.

③ Protective facilities: Equipped with protective facilities that meet the requirements to play the role of dust prevention, shock absorption, noise reduction, heat insulation, etc., and regular maintenance to ensure its normal operation. Protective facilities should be designed, constructed, put into production and used at the same time as the main project.

④ The intensity or concentration of occupational disease hazards in the workplace complies with the national occupational health standards.

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For workers

① Find a job for workers Contraindications, carry out pre-employment health examinations, screen susceptible persons, and prohibit their exposure to contraindicated occupational disease hazards.

② Equip with qualified personal protective equipment and guide workers to use it correctly.

③ Educating workers to abandon bad behavior and not to smoke, drink or eat in the workplace.

Secondary prevention

is the early detection and diagnosis of human health caused by occupational hazards damage, take preventive and treatment measures in a timely manner.

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Regular occupational environmental monitoring

Ensure that the intensity or concentration of occupational hazards in the workplace meets the national occupational health standards.

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Regular occupational health inspection

For workers exposed to occupational hazards, carry out regular occupational health inspections during and when they leave their jobs to detect diseases early damage or detect occupational contraindications, take remedial measures to prevent the further development of lesions, reduce or prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases.

The items and cycle of occupational health inspection are carried out in accordance with the “Technical Specifications for Occupational Health Monitoring” (GBZ188). Technical Specifications (GBZ235) and other regulations shall be implemented.

Tertiary Prevention

refers to active treatment and measures to promote recovery after illness.

Workers can conduct occupational disease diagnosis at the medical and health institutions that undertake occupational disease diagnosis in accordance with the law at the location of the employer, the place of their household registration, or the place of habitual residence. Employers shall, in accordance with relevant state regulations, arrange for occupational disease patients to undergo treatment, rehabilitation and regular inspections.

Protecting workers’ health

< p>This is a legal requirement

Every “worker” must protect himself

must understand A “talisman”


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The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, etc. clarifies the main responsibility of employers for the prevention and control of occupational diseases and the rights of workers .

Occupational diseases are not a trivial matter

Many occupational diseases are irreversible

So understanding and preventing occupational diseases is a A very important thing

I hope every worker can retire in a healthy and healthy way