“Nursing Style” Hua’an Brain Hospital Nursing Department organized a nursing theoretical knowledge assessment

In order to further consolidate the basic knowledge of nursing staff in our hospital and provide high-quality, efficient and safe nursing services for inpatients, 3months On 31, the nursing department of our hospital organized batches of nurses in the whole hospital to conduct theoretical assessment in the No. 1 conference room of the administrative building.

This assessment revolves around“three bases” (basic theory, basic knowledge, and basic skills) key knowledge. On the test site, the invigilators are rigorous and conscientious, strictly follow the test discipline, and refer to The nurses were full of energy and attitude, and the whole examination was in good order.

Liu Fuzhuo, director of the Nursing Department, said: The many theoretical and special operation skills assessments carried out on the one hand reflect our hospital’s emphasis on nursing work and the safety of patient diagnosis and treatment; on the other hand, it fully demonstrates The professional demeanor of the nursing team in our hospital, through continuous assessment and consolidation of work, improve the professional level of the nursing team in our hospital, and provide more professional nursing services for our patients.