Nucleic acid testing in some areas for males and females? Disclosure of reasons

From May 17, the normalized nucleic acid testing sampling points in all districts, cities and counties of Dalian will be fully opened. Normalized nucleic acid testing is carried out every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday in principle. Male citizens are sampled and tested on Tuesday, female citizens are sampled and tested on Thursday, and both men and women can be sampled and tested on Saturday.

According to the relevant person in charge of Dalian City, the Omicron variant virus spreads fast, and different groups of people are arranged to be in each Testing on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday is more conducive to checking risks from time distribution and achieving early detection.

At the same time, considering family gathering to form community transmission is an important risk, Distributing members of the same family for testing at different times is more conducive to early detection of potential risks in the family health unit< /span> to improve detection sensitivity and timeliness.

The male and female members of the same family are tested at different times, and the risk detection effect is better. Sampling and testing male personnel on Tuesday, and female personnel on Thursday, separate testing is equivalent to monitoring the same family twice a week, so as to maximize risk warning under the most economical and convenient premise effect.

Saturday is for everyone who doesn’t have time for sampling, and the service time is relatively extended to meet the testing needs of people who do not have timely testing, and solve the problem that citizens and friends do not have time on weekdays. Easy to detect problems.

Some netizens said that they felt a little funny at first glance, but after thinking about it carefully, in fact Makes sense. Some netizens said: “Men and women are tested separately, which is equivalent to only testing once a week for individuals, but for most families, it is equivalent to testing twice a week, which not only saves costs, reduces the pressure on testing institutions, and can detect more viruses. , quickly catch the infected.”

Do you think the nucleic acid detection method is good for men and women ?

Source: People’s Network