Nucleic acid results not out yet? Maybe there is a bug in these links

The field girl found that many citizens in the past two days

have such questions

< p>Don’t panic, Mr. Wei has the answer!

Why hasn’t the nucleic acid report been released yet?

Maybe there is a bug in these links


Sampling registration

“Come on, ahhh”, the nearest Shenzhen Man, he has reached the point where bel canto cannot be taught by himself. Immediately after the sound of ah ah ah, swab samples mixed with bacteria, viruses, human cells, etc. were “born”.

It may be enjoying a “single room”, but more of a “five-person room” or “ten-person room”.

✎ Possible bugs

The sampling staff made mistakes, resulting in failure to collect valid samples;

The examinee moved or stopped early due to discomfort, resulting in Failed to collect valid sample.


Scan the QR code for “calling”

Each cotton swab pokes a throat, but the sample information is obtained through the personal nucleic acid QR code and red tube information For binding, it is necessary for the sampling site information entry personnel to scan the code to “roll call” to match each collection tube and the corresponding personnel information.

✎ Possible bugs

The input staff made mistakes, and the personal information did not match the corresponding tube, that is, the sample has been collected, but the information has not been collected successfully;

The inspected person filled in the wrong ID number or name in the Guangdong Nucleic Acid, and the test results failed to match the personal information on the Yuekang Code platform;

The inspected person showed someone else’s Guangdong nucleic acid QR code , resulting in the wrong issuance of the test results of others;

The inspected personnel did not fill in the certificate number when registering their personal information, resulting in the inability to match the corresponding test results.


Transportation “on the road”

The swab samples stayed comfortably in the preservation solution, “wearing” the sealed preservation bags, Transfer boxes and other layers of protection, get on a special car, and start the “mission” journey.

✎ Possible bugs

Transfer vehicles encountered traffic jams, and the samples could not be delivered to the laboratory in time;

Transfer vehicles need to go to multiple sampling points one by one It takes a long time to collect on the road.


Ring-Ring Disinfection

Tube No.

Special car arrived for experiment After the laboratory, the sample collectors handed the samples safely to the laboratory staff. The laboratory staff sprayed and disinfected each link with alcohol, and then entered the barcode information of the collection tube into the system. Then, the sample starts the “experience” before the official test.

✎ Possible bugs

The laboratory needs to process a large number of samples (millions) every day, and manual information entry may occur Duplicate or wrong;

The barcode of the collection tube is damaged, resulting in the inability to correspond to the correct sample information;

According to relevant requirements, adjust the priority of some samples (such as key groups).


Scan the code again

The samples return to the laboratory, one after another “queue” to receive the barcode scanning by the experimenter, and the collection tube information passes through The samples are collected by manual scanning and entered into the laboratory testing system synchronously with the samples.

The next step is to conduct sample testing. Each tube of sample is “transformed” into a small drop of “information code water”, which is transferred from the sample tube to the extraction reagent for nucleic acid extraction.

✎ Possible bugs

The experimenter needs to manually add samples, which may cause errors and affect the quality of the test results;

The sample extraction is unsuccessful and needs to be re-sampled extraction, resulting in prolonged detection time.


On-machine detection

The nucleic acid is obtained after the sample is extracted, and the nucleic acid is added to the detection PCR system , lying quietly in the small holes, at this point, the sample is finally going to be tested on the machine.

The on-board testing process takes several hours. Once the machine is turned on, the addition of new samples cannot be suspended, and the next batch of tests must be completed after the operation is completed.

✎ Possible bugs

Nucleic acid nucleic acid amplification was unsuccessful. After analysis, the laboratory staff found the corresponding sample, re-applied the sample addition and machine steps, and re-tested;

✎ p>

Due to temporary power failure or equipment failure, the detection process restarts and the detection time is prolonged.


Sampling registration

After the digitized results are completed, the back-end system will upload to the Guangdong New Coronavirus Detection Information System with one click.

The system checks the specimen information and the personal information of the Yuekang Code platform, and then publishes the results (ie, sends a green code).

✎ Possible bugs

The most common problem is that the ID number and name of Guangdong Nucleic Acid (sampling end) are inconsistent with the Yuekang Code (result end), resulting in unmatched results; Or the certificate number is not registered in Guangdong nucleic acid;

The same batch of tests, the same batch of results has been released, and some people’s results have not been displayed, it may be due to abnormal personal information, system bugs and other reasons, causing the results to be pushed to the Yuekang code If there is an abnormality, the review time is long, and the display is delayed;

Yue Nucleic Acid Sampling and Yuekang Code are two systems. When it is too large, the system has a delay, resulting in a delay in the display of results;

The system displays abnormally, that is, due to errors in the registration of personal information, etc., the information may be uploaded, but the data display is abnormal.

While you are waiting,

You can confirm your information first

Is there any error

If not

Just wait patiently for a while

The staff are already working non-stop!

Don’t worry!

Source: Shenzhen Health Commission