Notice on restricted purchases during the static management period in Chengdong District

The general public:

The current situation of epidemic prevention and control is still severe. The basic needs of daily life during the static management period are hereby notified as follows:

【Residents please see here↓】 span>

1. The community guides residents to purchase living materials at different peak times. In principle, each household arranges one person to go out to purchase once every three days.

2. Taking the community as a unit, the access cards are blue, pink and yellow respectively, and each household is issued with only one color , every three days in turn according to the color of the pass to purchase nearby.

3. The time for residents of the community to go out to purchase each time is from 15:00 to 20:00, and cannot exceed 2 hours.

4. Please cooperate with the management of the community and community properties, enter and leave on time, wear a mask when entering and leaving the community, and do a good job of temperature measurement, register.

5. Purchasing personnel who go out are not allowed to drive vehicles (including electric vehicles), and shop in strict accordance with the prescribed time period. Please return to the community in time after purchasing. Gathering is strictly prohibited, and consciously fulfill the obligation of epidemic prevention and control.

[Operators please see here↓]

1. Approved by the District Market Supervision Administration and the District Development and Reform and Industrial Information Technology Bureau, qualified supermarkets, grain and oil stores, butchers and pharmacies are open for business from 15:00 to 20:00 every day.

2. In order to ensure the stability of the food channel, the complete variety of dishes, and to avoid the phenomenon of price gouging, the Chengdong District Government has set up a secondary level within its jurisdiction. For wholesale markets, operators can wholesale with the introduction letter issued by the district market supervision and administration bureau.

3. All operators and participating sales personnel can enter and leave the community with their staff cards.

4. Qualified shops should adopt the method of out-of-store operation. Residents must check double codes for purchases, queue in an orderly manner, and have a lot of spacing between queues at 2 meters. It is strictly forbidden to gather and chat in front of the store.

5. Indoor operators should do a good job of diverting and restricting purchases to ensure that people are not crowded and crowded.

6. All business sites need to do a good job of sterilization in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control.

【Reminder here↓】

1. At present, the supply of main daily necessities in Xining City is sufficient and the prices are stable, which can meet the normal consumption needs of the masses. The masses are requested not to spread rumors or believe in rumors, do not panic buy, and purchase civilian materials reasonably.

2. Illegal acts such as hoarding, collusion, and market price manipulation by operators will be strictly investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law.

3. If you find collusion to raise prices, price gouging or other illegal acts, please call 12315 to report in time.

Chengdong District New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters

April 16, 2022