Notice of the General Office of the National Health and Health Commission on Launching Birth Defect-related Publicity Day Activities in 2022

Women and Children’s Letter [2022] No. 66

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Health and Health Committee of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

In order to implement the requirements of the “Healthy China Action (2019-2030)”, promote the action of promoting maternal and child health, strengthen Down syndrome, hemophilia, thalassemia (thalassaemia), etc. Publicity and education on the prevention and treatment of birth defects, to create a good atmosphere in which the whole society cares and supports the prevention and treatment of birth defects. The notices on the theme of the 2022 World Down Syndrome Day, World Hemophilia Day, and World Thalassaemia Day are as follows:< /p>

One. Theme of the event

(1) World Down Syndrome Day. March 21, 2022 is the 11th “World Down’s Syndrome Day”, the theme of the event is “Emphasis on Down’s Syndrome Screening, Nurturing Healthy Babies”, aiming to raise the awareness of Down’s syndrome in the whole society. Know and pay attention, guide women who are pregnant to take the initiative to undergo Down’s screening after pregnancy, do a good job in pregnancy health care, and scientifically breed healthy new lives.

(2) World Hemophilia Day. April 17, 2022 is the 34th “World Hemophilia Day”, the theme of the event is “For Everyone – Solidarity and Cooperation, Policy Support, Common Development”, aiming to raise the awareness of hemophilia in the whole society. We will create a social atmosphere of pooled efforts, co-construction and sharing. Through inclusive policies and service optimization, the level of prevention and care of hemophilia will be improved, and everyone will enjoy the opportunity of sustainable development.

(3) World Thalassaemia Day. May 8, 2022 is the 29th “World Thalassaemia Day”, and the theme of the event is “Caring for Thalassaemia Children and Going to the Future Together”, which aims to advocate the whole society to join hands, take positive actions, and start from our Start, pay attention to thalassemia, care for children with thalassemia, and promote the healthy growth of children.

Second, job requirements

(1) All localities should hold a series of publicity activities as an important measure to implement the Healthy China Action, and take this opportunity to give full play to prenatal screening and diagnosis institutions and designated hemophilia diagnosis and treatment institutions , the role of thalassaemia screening institutions, publicize health and benefit policies, popularize scientific knowledge of eugenics, optimize medical and health care services, guide the public to improve their health literacy levels, and actively accept eugenics services.

(2) All localities should combine the requirements of the normalized epidemic prevention and control situation, and adopt methods such as the combination of online and offline, the combination of theme publicity and daily publicity, and the combination of publicity and education with care and assistance. Innovatively carry out activities such as policy publicity, knowledge dissemination, free consultation, disease screening, care and assistance, lectures and training, and raise the awareness and attention of the whole society to birth defects.

(3) All localities should highlight the advancement of publicity and education, and actively cooperate with education and other departments to organize and carry out eugenics popularization knowledge into campuses and classrooms and other activities, so as to improve the participation of the masses and the society in publicity and education activities. Coverage, and promote the implementation of birth defect prevention into the curriculum of primary and secondary schools.

(4) All localities should conscientiously implement our Commission’s “Notice on Doing a Good Job in Hemophilia Medical Services” (Weiban Medical Affairs Letter [2012] No. 1101), “On Further Strengthening the Mediterranean Notice on the Prevention and Control of Anemia (Guowei Ban Women and Children Letter [2018] No. 683), improve the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, improve the ability of treatment and support, and do a good job in patient file establishment, information registration, health guidance, follow-up management, etc. Work, establish and improve the organic connection mechanism of screening, intervention, diagnosis and treatment, and rescue.

III. Other arrangements

(1) Our commission has issued the core information on the prevention and treatment of thalassaemia, and will soon publish the core information on the prevention and treatment of Down syndrome, hemophilia and congenital heart disease. Download it from the sub-website of the “Department of Women’s and Children’s Health” on the official website of our commission to cooperate with the theme publicity activities.

(2) Our commission has organized and produced publicity posters, folds, canvases and other propaganda materials for related publicity activities, which will be uploaded to the “Department of Women’s and Children’s Health” section of the official website of our commission a few days ago. The website and the official website of the Baby-friendly Hospital Development Fund of the Red Cross Foundation of China (http: are for reference and use everywhere. All localities can produce propaganda and education materials and popular science works with strong pertinence and good dissemination effect based on the actual situation, and enrich the forms and carriers of activities.

(3) Our commission will organize a collection of short videos on the prevention and control of thalassemia in the near future, and will announce and broadcast excellent popular science works on the World Thalassaemia Day. Specific matters will be notified separately.

(4) Weibo accounts such as “People’s Daily”, “CCTV News” and “Healthy China” will initiate relevant topics on the Sina Weibo platform before and after each theme publicity day, and publish publicity posters, public welfare For video and core information on health education, please use the “two micro and one end” new media government affairs platform to organize relevant publicity and education units and service agencies to actively participate in topic interaction and improve the effect of social publicity.

Office of the National Health Commission

March 9, 2022