Not every mole is related to melanoma! Use the ABCDE rule to observe whether there is a “mole” change?

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span>Nowadays, everyone knows the relationship between moles and melanoma, and many people panic about moles.

The ancients said: moles are strange, but become the beauty of peach blossoms.

How to treat moles correctly, today we will talk about it.

classification of moles

< p>The number of cellular nevus increased from birth to 30 years old. The initial onset is a well-demarcated patch or papule, which gradually becomes soft and pigmented.

According to where the mole grows in the skin, it is divided into three types: junctional mole, mixed mole and intradermal mole.

junctional nevi are located at the base of the epidermis, intradermal nevi are located entirely within the dermis, and mixed nevi are both.

observed by the naked eye, if the It is a pedunculated rash, usually intradermal moles; those slightly raised above the skin are mostly mixed moles ; junctional nevus is not above the skin surface.

Why do moles form ?

Most moles form as a reaction to sun exposure.

A mole protects the sunburned melanocytes in it, like a small dark umbrella, protecting the skin from further irritation from the sun.

Nevi usually appear in childhood as small, flat brown to dark brown dots about the size of a pinpoint.

It may slowly grow into a round or oval shape, flat or slightly raised, generally smaller than a standard pencil diameter.

Nevi may become lighter in color during development, and raised moles often flatten and eventually disappear in later life.

Some moles are not related to sun exposure. 1% of children are born with moles,usually brown to dark brown, flat or slightly raised, and may exceed 1cm in diameter. This mole grows and grows hair.

MelanomaWhat is it? Woolen cloth?

Melanomas often malignantly arise from junctional or mixed nevus.Intradermal nevus generally does not Malignant changes occur.

The current incidence of melanoma in my country is low, ranging from 0.5 to 1/100,000. Most common moles generally do not develop into melanoma. But there are also normal moles. Possible transition to melanoma.

molewhy turn into melanoma< What about /span>?

The etiology of melanoma is still unclear. The internal cause is clearly a mutation of certain oncogenes, and the only external cause is the overexposure to UVB (outdoor ultraviolet) in the ultraviolet light.

How to find out earlier span>

Do moles turn into melanomas?

Early-stage melanomas are often irregular, inflammatory, or horizontally growing flat nevi. If the mole changes as follows, you need to go to the hospital immediately.

ABCDE Principles

A(Asymmetry ):asymmetric. One half of the mole is asymmetrical to the other half.

B(Border): The edge is irregular. Ragged edges or notches, serrations, etc., rather than smooth round or oval outlines like normal pigmented moles.

C(Color): Color change. Normal moles are usually monochromatic, while melanomas come in many different colors, including brown, brown, brown-black, blue, pink, black, and even white.

D(Diameter): Diameter. Be careful when moles are >5mm in diameter or grow significantly in a short period of time. Melanoma is usually larger than normal moles, watch out for moles >5mm in diameter.

E(Elevation): Elevation. In some early-stage melanomas, the entire tumor has a slight bump. Any hyperpigmented lesion that is rapidly raised or uneven should be examined immediately.

This ABCDE rule can help us observe moles, but we also need to pay attention to some special types of moles:

1. Congenital giant pigmented nevus. A hairy dark-brown patch or patch larger than 20cm.

2. Dysplastic moles. A mottled tan, brown, or pink mole.

3. Multiple moles (more than 50). The more moles you have, the more likely you are to develop melanoma.

4. Moles on the ends of the extremities.

5. Moles or pigmentation of the digestive tract, genitourinary tract.

6. Moles exposed to sunlight for a long time. Ultraviolet rays are an important trigger for moles to develop into melanoma, such as head and neck, calves, forearms, etc. need sun protection.

Is melanomacurable?

Melanoma is completely curable with early treatment. Because melanoma grows horizontally in the skin in the early stage, as long as it undergoes extended excision and adjuvant therapy, it will basically not metastasize.


p>Content source: The text is edited from “The Truth of Disease – The Science Diary of Panda Doctor” published by the People’s Health Publishing House

Editor-in-chief of the book: Miao Zhongrong

The author of this article: Peking University Cancer Hospital Guo Jun

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