Non-toxic and light, this “detoxification” formula can eliminate cold accumulation, damp accumulation and food accumulation in the body

The occurrence of diseases has a certain regularity. For example, before the 1980s, people at that time could not eat enough, could not wear warm clothes, suffered from severe malnutrition and suffered from severe malnutrition. The diseases of the people are mainly based on deficiency, so doctors at that time can walk the world with one dose of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction. When the qi rises, the function of the spleen and stomach is improved, and most problems are solved.

Look at the present, people are well fed and warmly dressed, their living standards are getting better and better, and their medical care is getting better and better. Higher, more and more hospitals are built, and all kinds of medical equipment are more and more advanced. In this case, it is reasonable to say that there should be fewer and fewer diseases, and fewer and fewer people get sick, but in fact this is not the case. No matter how many, all the hospitals are filled with long queues, and the wards are still overcrowded. . .

Why does this happen?

Because today’s era is no longer an era of insufficient food and clothing, but an era of excess nutrition, an era based on empirical evidence. the age of the Lord.

Nowadays, people can enjoy all kinds of food to the fullest, and the table is full of fat and rich flavors, such as chicken, duck, fish, various pastries, cold drinks, etc. , it is easy to eat too much, and it is easy to cause indigestion, food accumulation;

Nowadays people still I am particularly greedy for the cold. Now this season, no matter where you go, the air conditioner is turned on. The wind from the air conditioner is not the natural wind. Traditional Chinese medicine calls it “Xu Xie Thieves Wind”. Get sick; cold beer and cold drinks abound when you eat, a large glass of ice water is refreshing on your mouth, but it causes a great burden on your stomach, and if things go on like this, these chills will gather in your body And form cold accumulation.

Contemporary people live a fast-paced life and are under a lot of pressure from study and work, which can easily cause mental and emotional problems and affect the smooth adjustment of liver qi. Liver qi stagnation and stagnation of liver qi are formed, which is referred to as qi accumulation.

Food accumulation, cold accumulation, and qi stagnation will damage the spleen and stomach, affecting the transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach, and the cold, fat, sweet and rich taste of food is digested. No, the accumulation of moisture in the body causes moisture accumulation, which is moisture accumulation.

Cold accumulation and stagnation of qi can cause the blood to run poorly, causing the blood to run slowly or the blood to block and form blood stasis, which is Blood accumulation.

So food accumulation, cold accumulation, gas accumulation, damp accumulation, and blood accumulation are the main causes of health problems in modern people. These five Accumulation often does not exist alone, but multiple or even five kinds of stagnation exist at the same time, which are intricate and mutually causal.

Even if only one of these five kinds of stagnation occurs, it is very difficult to solve it. How can the five kinds of stagnation appear at the same time? Isn’t it more helpless and sighing?

In fact, this is indeed a difficult problem, but fortunately we still have Chinese medicine, and our ancestors of Chinese medicine have long been Think of a way to solve the problem for us.

There is a formula called Wu Ji San, “Wu Ji San, Wu Ji San”, through the formula From the name, we can see that this recipe is specifically aimed at these five kinds of stagnation, and is designed to eliminate these five kinds of stagnation.

Wuji San was first recorded in the Tang Dynasty orthopedics monograph “Secret Recipe of Immortal Injury Management and Injury Sustainability”, and later included in the Song Dynasty “Taiping Hui” The dosage ratios recorded in Minhe Jiju Prescription and Taiping Huimin Heji Ju Prescription are slightly different from those in the Secret Recipe of Immortals and Injuries, and the latter are mostly used in clinical applications in later generations.

Let’s take a look at the composition of the recipe first:

< span>Atractylodes, Campanulaceae, Citrus aurantium, dried tangerine peel, peony, Angelica Radix, Chuanxiong, Angelica, Licorice, Cinnamon, Poria, Pinellia, Magnolia, Ginger, Ephedra.

Wu Ji San, a warming agent, has the functions of relieving the surface and warming the inside, dispelling cold and dampness, regulating qi and activating blood , the effect of resolving phlegm and eliminating accumulation.

Indications: Persistent cold in the spleen and stomach, distending pain in the abdomen and flank, stopping phlegm in the chest and diaphragm, vomiting and nausea; or exogenous Wind-cold, internal injury and cold, confidants are stuffy, dizzy and painful in the head, shoulders and backs are in a hurry, limbs are lazy, cold and heat exchange, food and drink are not in; and women’s blood is not regulated, confidants have aching pain, menstrual irregularities, or closure.

Clinically commonly used in the treatment of persistent cold in the spleen and stomach, distending pain in the abdomen and flank, stopping phlegm in the chest and diaphragm, vomiting and nausea; exogenous wind-cold dampness, Internal injury is cold, confidants are stuffy, dizziness and pain in the head, shoulders and backs are in a hurry, limbs are lazy, cold and heat are exchanged, food and beverages cannot be taken in; and women’s blood and qi are not regulated, confidants have aching pain, menstrual irregularities, or closure.

This recipe is very interesting. The medicine tastes much more than the recipes we usually share, which makes people feel confused. , If you carefully analyze this recipe with Xiao Langzhong, you will find that there is another mystery in this recipe.

First of all, in order to solve the accumulation of dampness, the four herbs of Atractylodes macrocephala, Magnolia officinalis, dried tangerine peel, and licorice root are actually Pingweisan. Pingwei San is a famous prescription for eliminating dampness, and it is also the basic prescription for strengthening the spleen and eliminating dampness. Its main function is to dry dampness and strengthen the spleen. The resulting fatigue, weakness, heaviness of the limbs, fullness of the abdomen, inability to eat, nausea and vomiting, belching and sourness, thin stools, etc.

The combination of Pinellia, tangerine peel, Poria, and licorice has become a famous phlegm-relieving formula, Erchen Decoction, which can solve the accumulation of phlegm. Erchen Decoction is recognized by physicians of all dynasties. The first prescription for drying dampness and resolving phlegm, uses Pinellia to remove dampness and phlegm, Poria and tangerine peel to strengthen the spleen and stomach, to invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, “Huangdi Neijing” says: “All kinds of swelling and fullness of dampness belong to the spleen”, The better function of the spleen and stomach, on the one hand, eliminates the source of dampness, on the other hand, it can accelerate the operation of dampness and phlegm, and promote their excretion.

< span>Danggui, Baishao and Chuanxiong are the three herbs together, is it a bit familiar? Yes, this is Siwutang without the rehmannia. We all know that the function of Siwutang is to invigorate blood and activate blood. Some of the meaning of nourishing blood has the power of promoting blood circulation, thereby helping us to eliminate congestion.

Ephedra and Angelica sinensis sweat, It can relieve the exterior and dispel cold; dry ginger and cinnamon are hot and warm in the interior to remove the internal cold, and the two aspects together can clear the cold accumulation inside and outside the body.

The platycodon and citrus aurantium in the recipe can regulate qi and widen the chest, promote qi and eliminate accumulation. The platycodon can lift the qi in the chest, and the citrus fruit can lower the qi in the chest. The two herbs, one liter and one lower, the whole Qi machine will be smooth.

Apricot fruit, Magnolia officinalis and dried tangerine peel can regulate Qi and reduce bloating, and can eliminate food and guide stagnation. If you eat too much, it can’t be digested, and it is blocked in the stomach. After using these medicinal materials, the spleen and stomach’s qi mechanism is opened, and the stagnation is eliminated.

This is such a song of five accumulations, which uses relatively common medicines. With such a combination, the five accumulations are eliminated, the five poisons are eliminated, and all symptoms are eliminated.

Although Wuji San can eliminate Wuji, it is still dominated by cold and dampness, because dried ginger, cinnamon, and ephedra are used in the recipe. The more acrid and hot medicinal materials are mainly aimed at cold; dampness indicates that there is a problem with the spleen and stomach, and food accumulation and qi stagnation are the most common causes of spleen and stomach problems. Cold condensation and qi stagnation can also lead to blood stasis, so these diseases are all It is a series of problems, as long as the syndrome of cold and dampness is met, the formula of Wuji San can be used.< /p>

In addition, Wuji San also has a good effect on weight loss, which is worth studying. The weight loss effect is very good and not easy to rebound. Moreover, during this treatment, there is no need to deliberately control the diet. Just strengthen the exercise and sweat slightly, and pay attention to limiting water, avoiding wind and cold, and avoiding cold food.

How to take Wuji San?

First, you can make the above herbs into powder, take 9 grams each time, three times a day.

Second, it can be used as a decoction. The above is one dose, one dose a day. After boiling it, drink it three times.

A course of treatment is usually seven days. Take one course of treatment first, and if your body responds well, you can take another two courses of treatment. Can be used once a year.

Detoxification is only periodic, once a year is enough, usually depends on maintenance, not decoction.

Dry boiled water with Huai Yam can be used to strengthen the righteousness. After all, detoxification requires a certain amount of righteousness.

Special attention: patients with heat heavier than dampness, strong heat and polydipsia, and yellow and greasy tongue coating should not use it, nor should pregnant women and lactating women Recommended to use.

#Health Science Contest#