No matter how delicate a woman is, she has no dignity in the delivery room…

Zhimei has recently been cast by many sisters in a Korean drama – “Postpartum Conditioning Home”.

After watching it, we all exclaimed in unison: “My God, did the screenwriter put a camera on me!”

The reason why I have the same strong feeling is that this drama uses ingenious shots to tell the sadness and difficulty of women’s childbirth and postpartum.

No matter how beautiful or sassy you are before giving birth, be like a mistress:

As soon as I enter the delivery room, I am forced to deprive my self-esteem and shame.

(Source: Internet)

For example, the enema before childbirth allows the goddess in my husband’s heart to let out loud farts…

Also, batch after wave of male doctors conduct internal examinations on puerperae, and the ward becomes a teaching scene in seconds…

And, being defeated by waves of prenatal pain, it hurts to the point of doubting life.

It is said that giving birth to a child is “a walk before the gate closes”. Whether you choose a natural birth or a cesarean section, you will encounter all kinds of embarrassing situations beyond your imagination.

For example, the delivery by a male doctor, the internal examination, and the hysterical pain of the mother during uterine contractions, and even many mothers cry after entering the delivery room that they do not want to give birth, because of the following Embarrassing situation[1]:

Painful contractions

Not to mention the pain of childbirth. Childbirth pain is the most severe pain most women experience in their lifetime. This pain is sharp, severe, and continuous… About 80% of women think that the pain of labor contractions is unbearable, and they will give themselves have serious psychological effects [2].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo


When the fetus enters the birth canal, pressure is applied to the rectum as it slowly emerges from the birth canal, causing the feces inside to be pushed out. Involuntary passing of stool during labor is also common.

Nude Production

When a mother is pushed into the operating room, she needs to cooperate with the doctor to take off her clothes, including all accessories. A naked mother faces a room of doctors and nurses, more or less. Feel embarrassed.

Public breastfeeding

Many postpartum mothers said that when they were breastfeeding, they were always surrounded by family members. Although they understood that everyone was curious about how their babies were breastfeeding, they inevitably felt that they were like animals in a zoo at the moment. being watched.

And anyone can open her clothes at will, “take a look” and “check it”, the doctors and nurses can accept it, but the seven aunts and eight aunts do not shy away from “getting started” ‘, which made it very uncomfortable.

(Source: Variety Show “Newborn Diary”)

In addition to the above, there are also vomiting in labor, catheter intubation for caesarean section, postpartum constipation, uterine prolapse, stretch marks, lochia for up to one month after childbirth, breast tenderness, etc. pain. People who haven’t experienced it can’t really feel it.

The pain and embarrassment of childbirth is a huge challenge for all expectant mothers, but why some women have short labor and no strong pain, while others can last for two days Two nights, dead or alive?

In fact, there are skills to follow in childbirth. If you can do these little things, you can not only speed up the labor process, but also save the expectant mother from suffering.

1. Painless childbirth

“Painless childbirth” originated abroad and has a history of more than 100 years. It has been widely used abroad and is a safe and mature technology.

However, painless childbirth is not completely without feeling at all, because of individual differences, each mother’s experience of pain is different. But what is certain is that painless labor must be much more enjoyable than your normal labor [3].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

2. Ramaze Breathing

Many maternity hospitals will open maternity schools, and one of the most important lessons is learning the Ramaze breathing method. Expectant mothers must study hard. When contractions come, the correct breathing method will help the mother to reduce pain and discomfort and speed up the process of childbirth.

Zhimei herself is the beneficiary. When tortured to death by contractions, some mothers will panic and enter a state of hysteria, consuming a lot of physical strength for no reason. Zhimei used this method to relieve the fear and pain caused by a lot of uterine contractions, and the delivery process was much smoother.

3. Encouragement from healthcare workers

Health care workers should anticipate the various unexpected situations of the mother in advance, and be able to understand their fear of the labor process and the constant shouting that they cannot bear the pain of labor. Take care of the mother’s emotions and help them relax.

Put away the cold expressions and hurtful words, say more heart-warming words, and give them more comfort and encouragement. Every time the medical staff is more kind, the mothers will be in the production process. There is more consolation in the middle [4].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

4. Husband’s loving companionship

Whether mothers get the dignity they deserve in the delivery room depends in large part on the attitude of the husband. Only the respect, care, distress, and care of the husband from the bottom of his heart can make the mother feel the love.


Having a baby is a real crowd spree, a loneliness.

Everyone verbally affirms the sacrifice and greatness of the mother, but few truly care about her vulnerability. Being a mother is a great thing, but motherhood should not be a filter to glorify a woman’s motherhood. Not only encouragement and courage, mothers also need a little more care and respect.

Reviewer: Yuan Bo| Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University


[1] Yu Xiumei. Causes of maternal anxiety and depression and nursing intervention [J]. China Maternal and Child Health, 2007(07):858-859.

[2] Huang Yeli, Wang`. Research progress of painless childbirth [J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing, 2006(06):62-64.

[3] Wang Liqing. Research on the application of painless childbirth nursing intervention in puerperae and its influence on labor process [J]. Chinese Medicine Guide, 2019, 17(15): 232-233.

[4] Wang Yuqin, Qiu Yan. The application of humanized nursing in natural childbirth [J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Neurological Diseases, 2009,12(20):66.

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