No injections and no medicine to treat “three highs”? Expert: Beware of being deceived

Original title: No injections and no medicine to treat “three highs”? Expert: “Wonderful operation” may delay the disease

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, March 15 (Reporter Shuaicai) In recent years, the number of “three high” patients with hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia has increased. Some institutions are targeting the “three highs” crowd, under the banner of “everyone”, “big name” and “big background”, and propaganda that “no medicine and no injections” can subdue the “three highs”, and many “exotic operations” delay treatment, It even led to a tragedy. Some misguided patients and their families complained, and elderly patients and adolescents and children became the key groups targeted by businesses.

The reporter’s investigation found that many non-governmental organizations claim that diabetes can be completely cured without using insulin, and they also publicize well-treated cases, and some organizations claim that they can introduce “factors” into human acupuncture points, which can be combined with therapeutic warehouses. The resulting light wave changes the pH of the body’s body fluids, so that insulin secretion returns to normal, achieving the so-called cure, which can target and repair cells, and has curative effects on cancer, stroke, etc. In fact, these products do not treat diabetes at all.

Liu Liang, Director of the People’s Hospital of Ningxiang City, Hunan Province, introduced that the hospital has treated children with diabetes without insulin, but with the so-called “enhancing repair factor” combined with physiotherapy “treatment” Diabetes, and ultimately delayed treatment.

The reporter learned from the Hunan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau that Hunan has investigated and dealt with many health care product cases. Among them, unscrupulous merchants poured corn starch into capsules, claiming that it is a magic medicine for curing hypertension, and selling them to the elderly Some people lied to consumers by claiming that their ancestral recipe could reverse diabetes, and then law enforcement officers discovered that the so-called “magic medicine” was just some ordinary herbal medicine.

Li Xuejun, a professor of neurosurgery at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, introduced that some businesses take advantage of the “three highs” patients’ desire for health to conduct online marketing, and hire various online writers to concoct various kinds of products on WeChat and Weibo. Soft articles that exaggerate propaganda and cure diseases, induce patients to take the bait. There are still many elderly people whose demand for health is not equal to the supply of scientific health information, and it is difficult to resist the “warm offensive” of salesmen to buy various “magic medicines” and “special medicines”.

Some elderly people like to take health care products at the same time as taking medicine, thinking that this is for health preservation, but they do not know that they increase the risk of taking medicine. Some elderly patients with diabetes and hypertension need to take a variety of medicines, and they also like to take medicines while taking various health care products, which increases the burden on the liver and kidneys, and may also cause drug interactions.

Professor Liu Youshuo, Chief Physician of the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University and Director of the Institute of Aging and Geriatric Diseases of Central South University, pointed out that any health products with magical curative effects in the name of treating diseases are suspected of false propaganda. “Three highs” people must not believe that there is a “universal prescription” for reversing and curing diseases.

Experts call for a surge in patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Due to the lack of health concepts and the guidance of health experts, these chronic patients were not paid attention to in the early stage of their illness, and some patients had already reached the indication for hospitalization but delayed for some reason , leading to complications of chronic diseases and even serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as “three highs” must move forward, and at the same time improve the health literacy of the people, so that people get sick less and later.

Source: Xinhua News Agency