No bamboo makes people vulgar, no meat makes people thin? Why is the umami of spring better than thousands?

With the spring sun and light, a fresh food has stirred the stomachs of countless Chinese people.

As one of the oldest and most Chinese-style ingredients, bamboo shoots have long been a Chinese delicacy. The ancestor of the Chinese dictionary, Erya, recorded: “Bamboo shoots, Bamboo shoots can also be used for dishes.”

And this bamboo sprout is a bamboo shoot.

The deliciousness of bamboo shoots also made Su Dongpo, who was dubbed “foodie”, write an inscription in a poem—-“No bamboo makes people vulgar, no meat makes people thin; Not skinny, eat bamboo shoots and boiled meat.”

Why are bamboo shoots so delicious?

The most fundamental thing is that bamboo shoots contain the sober simplicity of the mountains and forests.

Why is it so delicious? Mainly, the freshness of bamboo shoots comes from free amino acids, such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid, etc.

At the same time, although bamboo shoots are very fresh, they also know how to set off the deliciousness of other ingredients. They can revitalize all the treasures and at the same time, they can also enhance the delicacy of the world.

What are the health benefits of bamboo shoots?

Bamboo shoots contain a lot of nutrients such as vitamin a, vitamin d, carotene, amino acids, fat, protein, and Bamboo shoots have a very good taste and can increase appetite.

At the same time, the content of insoluble dietary fiber in bamboo shoots is also outstanding in the vegetable world, about twice that of ordinary vegetables, and higher than that of high-fiber celery (per 100 grams) with 2.2 grams of dietary fiber) was 27% higher.

The most important thing is that although people say it is delicious, it is very low in calories and has a strong sense of satiety. It’s “scraping oil”.

What are the benefits of eating bamboo shoots for pregnant women?

For expectant mothers during pregnancy, it is recommended to eat more bamboo shoots in spring, for the following reasons:

First, prevent constipation during pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience significant constipation.

In addition to the changes in hormones in the body, it is also closely related to the lack of activity and improper diet of pregnant women. Then pregnant women can eat some bamboo shoots properly.

Bamboo shoots contain a lot of crude fiber. After this substance enters the body of pregnant women, it will stimulate the intestinal mucosa and make the intestinal tract

Second, increase appetite

The nitrogenous substances in bamboo shoots give bamboo shoots a unique fragrance.

Especially for pregnant women, oil sickness, nausea, and vomiting are prone to occur. Eating some bamboo shoots properly can relieve these uncomfortable symptoms, and can also improve the gastrointestinal digestive function of pregnant women and achieve the effect of increasing appetite.

Third, boost immune function

Bamboo shoots contain a lot of amino acids, which are essential amino acids in the human body, such as threonine, lysine and so on.

These amino acid components can promote the body’s role in protein synthesis and metabolism, maintain the effect of various protease activities, and enhance the immunity of pregnant women.

In addition, bamboo shoots are high in vitamins, cellulose and other components, which can not only have a laxative effect, but also absorb some wastes in the intestines and promote the effect of excretion.

How can I keep the freshness of bamboo shoots?

Because the bamboo shoots are reported to be covered with a thick skin, in order to retain the fragrance of the bamboo shoots, it is recommended not to rush to peel them off after buying them, but to peel them off before cooking.

In addition, it is best to cover the bamboo shoots tightly to avoid exposing them to the sun. It is recommended to store them in a cool and dry place or refrigerate, so that they can be stored for a month, especially spring bamboo shoots.

However, when some people buy bamboo shoots, they will find that there are white spots or white powder on the surface of the bamboo shoots, but this is not mildew or lime, but the decomposition of the protein contained in the bamboo shoots- —Amino acids.

And this substance, as mentioned earlier, is precisely the “secret recipe” for bamboo shoots to maintain their unique fragrance, so don’t worry too much.

Instead of worrying about this, worry about how to make the bamboo shoots better.

After all, there are really too many ways to eat bamboo shoots—–winter bamboo shoots can be used to make fried bacon with winter bamboo shoots, fried shrimp with winter bamboo shoots, stewed pork ribs with winter bamboo shoots, etc. The classic ways to eat spring bamboo shoots include braised spring bamboo shoots in oil, pickled fresh bamboo shoots, etc.