Ningxia comprehensively deepens the reform of the salary system of public hospitals: the total salary can be allocated independently

Recently, Ningxia issued the “Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Salary System of Public Hospitals”, actively implementing “allowing medical and health institutions to break through the current salary regulation level of public institutions, allowing medical service income to deduct costs and withdraw funds according to regulations. To meet the requirements of “personnel reward”, establish a public hospital salary system suitable for the characteristics of the medical industry, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of hospitals and medical staff, continuously improve the quality and level of medical services, and comprehensively start and deepen the reform of the public hospital salary system.

The “Implementation Opinions” comprehensively considers factors such as economic development in our region, the characteristics of the medical industry, functional orientation, and public welfare attributes. Reasonably determine and dynamically adjust the salary level of public hospitals, and reasonably determine the total salary on the premise of ensuring the balance of income and expenditure, so that the proportion of personnel expenditure in the business expenditure of public hospitals is controlled at 35% to 50%. Appropriate preference should be given to public hospitals that gather high-level medical talents, need key development, and have excellent performance appraisal results, as well as traditional Chinese medicine hospitals with outstanding traditional Chinese medicine characteristics and advantages.

“Implementation Opinions” clarifies that public hospitals can independently determine a more effective distribution model within the approved total amount of performance pay, and independently set up to reflect the characteristics of the medical industry, labor characteristics and positions according to the requirements of different job responsibilities The value of the salary project, determine the responsibilities according to the post, determine the salary according to the position, the responsibility and salary are appropriate, and the assessment will be fulfilled. Fully reflect the differences in positions of medicine, nursing, medicine, technology, management, etc., and favor key and urgent positions, high-risk and high-intensity positions, high-level talents, business backbones, and medical personnel who have made outstanding achievements. Implement internal distribution autonomy, fully reflect the value of knowledge, technology, management and other elements, break the profit-seeking mechanism, and strictly prohibit issuing income-generating indicators to departments or medical staff, and medical staff’s salaries must not be linked to business income such as drugs, health materials, inspections, and laboratory tests. . The remuneration plan formulated by the public hospital shall fully promote democracy, listen to opinions widely, and shall be collectively researched by the leading group of the unit and reported to the competent business department at the same level for the record after the unit’s announcement.

The competent department of public hospitals shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, reasonably determine the main hospitals of public hospitals based on factors such as local economic and social development, performance evaluation results of public hospitals, individual performance of duties, employee satisfaction, and professional and technical work. The salary level of the person in charge, in principle, shall not exceed three times the average salary level of the employees of the unit. The competent department shall conduct regular assessments of the principals in charge, and the results of the assessments shall be linked to personal remuneration.

According to the “Implementation Opinions”, all regions in our region should improve the public welfare-oriented assessment and evaluation mechanism in accordance with the “Implementation Plan for the Performance Assessment of Public Hospitals in the Autonomous Region” and the performance assessment and evaluation requirements of public hospitals. The actual assessment and evaluation system of public hospitals in various regions conducts annual assessments of public hospitals’ performance of duties, workload, service quality, cost control, operational performance, cost control, long-term debt, and implementation of medical insurance policies. quantity hook. (Ningxia Daily reporter Ma Zhaogang)