Nine primary medical institutions in Decheng District were closed for rectification without implementing normalized measures for epidemic prevention and control

In order to continue to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in Decheng and effectively play the role of grassroots “sentinels”, recently, Decheng District Health Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade Special supervision and inspection of epidemic prevention and control were carried out on medical institutions in the whole district, and it was found that some medical institutions had problems such as unauthorized admission of patients with new coronary pneumonia-related symptoms, delayed registration of pre-examination and triage registration forms and incomplete contents, and use of expired 84 disinfectant. , The units with problems were closed on-site.

The following are 9 medical institutions in Decheng District that have not implemented the normalization measures for epidemic prevention and control and have been closed for rectification:

1. Decheng Lianzhang Western Medicine Clinic

There are problems: the use of expired 84 disinfectant; the registration of the pre-check triage registration form is not timely.

2. Decheng Jirui Clinic

There is a problem: it takes patients with symptoms related to new coronary pneumonia without authorization.

3. Decheng Lishen Western Medicine Clinic

There is a problem: it takes patients with symptoms related to new coronary pneumonia without authorization.

4. Decheng Liyong Western Medicine Clinic

There is a problem: Receive patients with symptoms related to new coronary pneumonia without authorization.

5. Zhang Lili Clinic, Chen Gong Community, Xinhua Sub-district Office, Decheng District

There is a problem: receiving patients with symptoms related to new coronary pneumonia without authorization.

6. Decheng Rongmei Medical Beauty Clinic

There is a problem: many customers in the on-site clinic are not registered for pre-examination and triage .

7. Decheng Lianwen Western Medicine Clinic

There are problems: unauthorized admission of patients with symptoms related to new coronary pneumonia; patients without masks; hand disinfection There is no expiration date for medicine, and no expiration date for medical alcohol.

8. Luozhuang Community Health Service Station, Tianqu Sub-district Office, Decheng District

Existing problems: no epidemiological investigation was conducted on the patients; The patient did not fill in the pre-examination and triage registration in time; the forehead thermometer could not be used normally; the hand sanitizer was not marked with an expiration date.

9. Decheng Xinming Internal Medicine Clinic

Existing problems: no epidemiological investigation was carried out on the patients; Clinic registration.

(Correspondent Gao Haixing)