New “women’s cancer” exposure: This incident is killing millions of women..

Author | Cush Source| Small Ten Points (ID: sdikid)

Ending song: I’m very happy – by Liu Xijun

Two days ago, I saw a Weibo and it was liked by many netizens.

Weibo wrote: “I have grown up and am a mature woman who has been cut with a large fibroid.

It is already in the corridor on the third floor of the inpatient department of the Huangpu District of the Red House. A woman.

I figured it out. Now I will smile a little when I face the unhappiness that anyone brings me:

You don’t deserve my breast enlargement.”

Under Weibo, there is a highly praised message that is even more heartbreaking:

“tolerate breast hyperplasia for a while, and take a step back from ovarian cysts; Thyroid nodule;

swearing at myocardial infarction, making a little endocrine disorder…”

< p>

It is true that anger can have a great impact on a person’s health.

There was a book called “Deadly Emotions”, which listed a large number of diseases that may be induced by various negative emotions.

all diseases, regardless of gender.

But anger hurts women even more.

On the one hand, because of female organ structure and physiological reasons;


On the other hand, women have always been asked to forbear.

So, in addition to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, digestive system diseases, respiratory system, immune system, etc., there are diseases caused by anger in both men and women;< /span>

Some other diseases caused by anger, only women suffer alone.


When a woman gets angry

what happens to the body?

Under that Weibo, many netizens shared their experiences one after another:

“I have had fibroids twice, I really can’t get angry and can’t be depressed”;

” My hyperthyroidism is caused by constant anger. Hyperthyroidism leads to hypokalemia, and I was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Now I have been taking saizhi for more than a year, and it is good for my body to be less angry”;

“I have cut a 5cm breast cyst and a 9cm uterine fibroids over the years. If I look down on it, if I lose my temper, I’m irresponsible to myself”;

“When the doctor took out the small medicine bottle, it was full of a bunch of breast fibrous tissue, and the weight made me think it was mixed with blood left over from surgery. .

When I took the pathology report, it was written that there was a pile of tissue more than 5cm in it, and the anger I have been angry over the years is all here.”< /span>

It is true that negative emotions such as anger can lead to breast hyperplasia and breast hyperplasia Fibroadenomas, breast nodules and other breast diseases;

ovarian cysts, endocrine disorders, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial Gynecological diseases such as polyps.

There have been epidemiological survey results showing that——

Women’s anxiety, depression, family conflicts, dissatisfaction with sexual life, life and work pressure and other negative emotions:

All may increase the incidence of gynecological diseases in women and above.

The emotional reason of “tolerating temporary breast hyperplasia, etc.” is not without reason.

Although the above gynecological diseases are basically benign, the malignant transformation rate is low.

But it is not without the possibility of malignant transformation.

So for many Chinese women, the most common and most important gynecological diseases:

It’s actually anger, a variety of negative emotions that are forbearance.


The emotion of a wife is the best feng shui for a family;

A mother’s good mood determines a child’s life.

It seems that as wives and mothers, they must be gentle as water and strong as mothers.

It seems that once they have bad moods and bad tempers, they are not qualified good wives and good mothers.

It is true that there are many happy moments in parenting, running a marriage, and the family itself.

But they were emotionally kidnapped by labels such as “motherhood”, “forbearance”, “good wife and good mother”: strong>

I often endure “suffering” from time to time, even all the year round.

As Gu Jia said in “Thirty Only”: “After becoming a mother, the biggest feeling is suffocation. , suffocated in the title of mother.

Gu Jia is dead, and it is Xu Ziyan’s mother who survives.”

Under that Weibo, I saw a female imitating the blogger’s words:

“I’ve also grown up. I’m a mature woman who has had four follow-up visits for anxiety and still needs tranquilizers every day to fall asleep.


It is already a woman who has been found to have breast hyperplasia that is distributed like a spider web. The doctor said that there is no need to cut it anyway, and it is not clean. The abnormal period was found to be a woman with uterine polyps.< /p>

Now I smile at anyone who makes me unhappy:

You are not worth my breast hyperplasia and uterine fibroids.”

On the one hand, you can be so awake like a blogger After all, women are in the minority.

On the other hand, the body has experienced such a “serious injury” before being forced to wake up. Sad.

More women need to realize earlier that negative emotions such as anger can harm the body.


Many women

have a “cancer personality” without knowing it

There is a kind of person who, because of the habit of swallowing his breath, holds himself back from being sick.

This kind of personality is known in psychology as: Cancer personality .

Xi Yingjun, director of the Psychological Crisis Intervention and Stress Management Center of Beijing Anding Hospital, once said:

“People with cancer characteristics, endocrine The function is easily disordered, and the organ function activity is easily disordered.

With the decline of the body’s immunity, it is more likely to develop cancer.< /p>

The incidence of tumors is more than 3 times higher than the average person.”

< span>Many women, especially mothers, often suffer from cancer without realizing it.

A person with a cancer character is accustomed to swallowing his voice.

It is difficult to maintain one’s own feelings, and it is impossible to reject and fight back against external aggression and demands.

Two days ago, in the variety show “Between Marriage and Divorce”, a female guest had a “cancer character”.

She is a stay-at-home mother. Her husband is very short-tempered.

She has been forbearing, and was even forced to get used to her husband’s bossiness.

In the eyes of the husband, the wife should accept and tolerate him unconditionally;

Speaking unkindly is also because, “Will you listen if I only get angry? You will listen only if I scold you.”

< span>But in the eyes of my wife, she has always had a voice in her heart: “I should also be tolerated, why are you ignoring me?

Is it difficult not to scold people and say that you have worked hard?”

And these grievances cannot be told, and if they are held in their hearts for a long time, they will form emotional internal friction ;

Let oneself in the chronic suicide of bad mood, accumulate serious illness little by little.

Source: Douyin@kxyls99

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The other major characteristic of people with cancer personality is that they turn to attack themselves and get angry with themselves.

I saw a heart-wrenching video two days ago.

A wife, busy taking care of her children, told her husband to hang out the laundry in the washing machine.

The husband verbally agreed while playing with his mobile phone.

But after the wife coaxed the child out, she found that her husband was still sitting on the sofa and didn’t move.

She held back her temper and asked again: “Have you dried your clothes?”

The husband continued to perfunctory: “Wait for a while.”

You can wait for her to finish the housework, After finishing everything, I looked up at the hangers on the balcony, which were still empty.

She asked her husband who was squatting in the bathroom: “Are you still drying your clothes?”

Unexpectedly, the husband said at this moment: “Isn’t it just drying clothes, can’t you dry them easily?”

< p>She was aggrieved, but said nothing, turned around to dry her clothes, and went back to her room to sit alone for a long time.

After chatting with my girlfriend about this, my girlfriend said, “Why are you so used to him? If you want me, let his clothes be in the washing machine. Cover the stink.”

But she felt that it was because she was useless and not good enough that her husband disliked and loved him more and more. Own.

So cancerous people are often born It is “sulking”, suppressing one’s emotions.

Don’t dare to express and defend your own feelings, and turn the attacks that cannot be vented to the outside world to self-attacks.


Cancer Personality

really kills strong>

“Cancer personality” is not a disease caused by negative emotions such as alarmism and anger:

The chance of developing cancer is small, but not nonexistent.

Singer Yao Beina, who died of breast cancer, said:


“My illness was acquired during my extremely depressed period.

During your particularly depressed period It will definitely find a source at some point.

There is either a physical problem or a mental problem, so people must think about it.”< /span>

I have seen an experiment: injecting a carcinogen that can cause breast cancer into two groups of mice.

After 13 months, only 7% of the emotionally stable mice were cancerous;


The mice that were left in a stressful environment were 60% cancer-causing.

Therefore, emotional stress will make cancer more likely to occur, and at the same time, it is also easy to spread from the disease site to the whole body.

So female friends, don’t say goodbye to the emotional inertia of sulking.

Learn to be healthy and not suppress yourself.

I saw a friend say that every time my husband lets him If you do something, you don’t have long hands. Do your own business. I’ve already “fighted” with him.

Although we don’t advocate “fighting between husband and wife”, this kind of mentality of not grieving oneself is worth learning from us women.

As mothers and as wives, we are tired enough.

It’s impossible not to be angry.

We have the right to have bad temper and bad mood, and have the right to not hold back, vent and release it properly.

Don’t feel sorry for the negative emotion, it is asking for help and needs to be seen;

Don’t hide negative emotions, we have the right not to hold back.

If you hold back for a long time, you will get sick, and when you hold back, no one will take care of you. In the end, you have to be yourself by.

As one netizen said: “Every time you are angry, ask yourself:

< /p>

Is this matter, this person worth being a tumor in my breast?”

Woody Allen once said:

“The world The most beautiful language in the world is not that I love you, but that your tumor is benign.”

Health first, can It is not anyone who will accompany us all our lives, but this body.

I want every woman to realize that there is nothing to be unhappy about.

You are the most important person in your life, so be selfish.

Maintaining good health and good mood is our number one priority in loving ourselves.

dots “Watching”, wishing every woman a healthy body and mind.

Author : Cush, the source of this article is small ten points (ID: sdikid), professional and practical parenting dry goods, bedtime stories, parent-child reading, beautiful mother improvement, selected good things. At ten o’clock, I care about my children and my mother more.

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