New anti-cancer drug has made another breakthrough! It has been proven to treat a variety of cancers, and domestic clinical trials have begun

Everyone talks about cancer. According to the latest statistics from the National Cancer Center, there were 828,000 new lung cancer cases and 657,000 deaths in China in 2016. Lung cancer is the malignant tumor with the largest number of deaths in China. More than 1,800 people died of lung cancer. Just 30 seconds after you read a paragraph, one person was killed by lung cancer.

How to develop new anti-cancer drugs with better efficacy and higher cost-effectiveness is an urgent and top priority. A recent new drug, Ribotinib, may bring new hope to cancer patients.

1. Ribotinib: The tumor has completely disappeared, and the new anti-cancer drug has a gratifying effect

< p>Ribotinib is a new multi-targeted drug, a new-generation kinase inhibitor targeting non-small cell lung cancer, advanced solid tumor ROS1 and NTRK oncogenic factors.

2021, Ribotinib sets extraordinary record at World Oncology Congress ,The treatment effect of ROS1-positive non-small cell lung cancer patients is remarkable, and the objective response rate in the second stage can reach 93%, and one patient has a complete response in the middle (all target tumor lesions disappeared, no new lesions appeared, and tumor markers remained normal for at least 4 weeks).

On April 28 this year, the effect of rebotinib in Chinese patients was reported for the first time. Announcing,positive top-line results were achieved in all four patient cohorts treated. For example, in the cohort of newly treated ROS1-positive patients, a total of 71 patients with non-small cell lung cancer participated, and the overall objective response rate reached 79%.< span>There are 11 patients from China, and the objective response rate is 91%!

Such a high response rate is exciting for the medical community, and the good news about rebotinib doesn’t stop there, it’s not just for lung cancer Treatment can also have a therapeutic effect on some other tumors.

Second, not only effective for lung cancer, Ribotinib can kill a variety of tumors

1, broad-spectrum, kills a variety of tumors Oncology

Ribotinib has received FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation forthe treatment of advanced entities with NTRK gene fusions , this year was granted breakthrough therapy by the China Medical Products Administration for the treatment of ROS1-positive non-small cells who have not received TKI therapy Lung cancer. That is to say, patients with advanced solid tumors clinically carrying NTRK and ROS1 gene fusions can theoretically be treated with rebotinib.

2. Good tolerance and mild adverse reactions

Ribotinib is well tolerated, and the major adverse events that occur are mostly grade 1-2, and the common ones include Dizziness, fatigue, constipation, dyspnea and dyspepsia, etc., no serious adverse events of grade 4-5 have been found during the treatment.

3. Excellent resistance to drug resistance

For some patients who have not received ROS1 inhibitors The overall response rate of patients receiving one or more ROS1 inhibitors can reach 40-86%.

In the past, clinical trials of Ribotinib were carried out abroad, and many patients in my country did not have the opportunity to get the drug. But since last year, my country has also started clinical trials of Ribotinib.

III. Domestic clinical trials have started, and patients can apply for free medication

On May 10, 2021, the clinical trial study of Ribotinib in China At the start, a total of 31 test centers in the mainland participated in the research. The subjects recruited for the trial are patients with non-small cell lung cancer and solid tumors carrying ROS1 and NTRK1/2/3 rearrangements.

As of now, the recruitment is still in progress. As long as the patients meet the criteria and are successfully selected, not only the drug check is completely free, but also the professional medical team will check the medicine during the treatment process. Follow up and guide medication.

It is worth noting that NTRK, The probability of ROS1 fusion is small, and there are not many patients who may meet the conditions.

NTRK fusion mutations account for less than 1% of most solid tumor types1% , the proportion of NTRK fusions in lung cancer patients is only3.5%, ROS1 fusion is only about 1%, and the proportion of NTRK fusion in colon cancer is even lower, only 1.5%.

Solid tumors with the highest NTRK fusions were fibrosarcoma congenitaland < /span>Congenital mesodermal renal cancer, etc., the proportion can reach more than 90%, but these cancers themselves are clinically significant Rarely.

On the whole, only a few people can really benefit from Ribotinib. This makes it difficult for many cancer patients to accept. There is such a good magic medicine but not people use it? What is the reason for this?

Fourth, the effect of targeted drugs is remarkable, why can’t everyone use them?

1. Targeted drugs can only be used if they have a target.

Rebotinib is a targeted drug. One, no matter what the targeted drug is, in order to play its role, there needs to be a major premise that the patient has a target in the body. Each targeted drug can only target one or a few targets, these targets are actually mutations in tumor cells gene. There are no corresponding drugs for the mutated genes in many tumor patients, that is, there is no target, and targeted drugs cannot be used for treatment.

2. Some people become resistant after eating, and eventually There is no cure.

Cancer cells are very “cunning”, they will continue to change themselves with the drug, and after a period of treatment, its mutation type will change. A transformation may occur, and at this time, the original drug treatment will be very unsatisfactory, because the cancer cells have developed resistance to such drugs. If you want to inhibit the development of cancer cells, you can only “find another way” and choose other drugs.

3. Do not need to take it in the early stage of cancer

Most early stage lung cancer patients can pass Surgery achieves the purpose of clinical cure, and these patients do not need targeted drugs. If targeted drugs are used blindly, it is easy for patients to fall into the dilemma of no cure when the disease recurs.

The emergence of new drugs will undoubtedly bring new hope to many cancer patients, but we still need to have a correct attitude and not blindly follow. #Number Weekly#


[1] “Targeted drugs are not suitable for all lung cancer patients, and they should be disabled in the early stage of lung cancer! ”. Health News. 2015.11.12

[2] “Can the Newly Marketed Miracle Drug in the U.S. Treat 17 Types of Cancer? Don’t get excited too early”. Southern Metropolis Weekly.2018.11.29

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