Neuropathic Headache Symptoms and Treatment

Neuropathic headache is a disease of modern society. Mental stress, anger, bad living habits, neurological disorders or vasoconstriction dysfunction can induce the disease, causing the fascia or muscles of the scalp to contract, which may lead to neuropathic headaches. Patients often experience a “tight cuff”, like wearing a hat, that manifests as an uncomfortable feeling on the scalp…

Common symptoms:

Persistent dull head pain, tightness, tinnitus, restlessness, palpitation, shortness of breath and other symptoms are the most common symptoms of neuropathic headaches. Persistent dull pain in the head: the opposite of stabbing, knife-like pain, less sharp pain; tightness: like wearing a hat; ringing in the ears; restlessness; palpitation and shortness of breath. Neuropathic headaches persist with the headache and may cause insomnia, restlessness, and even depression. Common complications include: insomnia, restlessness, depression, etc.

  • Commonness: prevalence of neuropathic headaches in men It is 19%-84%, and the lifetime incidence rate in women is 40%-91%, which may be related to women’s menstrual cycle and women’s mentality.
  • Complications: Neuropathic headaches that continue with the headache can lead to insomnia, restlessness, and even depression. Common complications include: Insomnia. Restless. depression.

  • Neuropathic headaches are mostly caused by mental Tension, anger, irregular life, excessive smoking and drinking, lack of sleep, etc., will cause persistent head pain, oppression, and heaviness on the top of the patient’s head, sides, and back occiput. Affecting life and work, then how to cure neuropathic headache?

Common recipes:

Neuropathic headaches are mostly caused by mental stress, anger, irregular life, excessive smoking and drinking, and lack of sleep. Persistent head pain, oppression, and heaviness in the body and other parts, affecting life and work, how to cure neuropathic headache?

Commonly used prescriptions: Chuanxiong, Angelica, Asarum, Qianghuo, Duhuo, Fangfeng, Atractylodes, Scutellaria, Chrysanthemum, Angelica, Ophiopogon, Gaoben, Vitex, Centipede, Shuijianbi strong>

Xinyi, Chuanxiong, Asarum, Angelica, Vitex, decocted in water, one dose per day. For those with swollen head and red eyes, add Shuanghook, Gentiancao, and Shi Cassia; for those with qi deficiency and fatigue, add Shengqi and Codonopsis; for those with insomnia and more dreams, add fried jujube kernels, Yejiaoteng, and Shenglongmu; for long-term pain If the blood stasis is blocked, add leeches, centipedes, and whole worms; for cold vomiting, add Pinellia, Evodia, ginger; for hot vomiting, add ochre and bamboo rut.

The above are prescriptions for regulating neuropathic headaches, so patients can use them, and they have very good therapeutic effects, allowing patients to recover. Patients should also pay more attention to rest, eat less spicy food, drink less coffee, maintain a good mood, and avoid excessive mental stress. Serious patients should go to the hospital in time.