@Neighbors pay attention to adding clothes! The cold air will arrive tonight, and the lowest tomorrow in Guangzhou will be 16°C! The sun will be “online” until the →

After a week of rain

neighbors are not dry yet

“A Leng” it again and againcomes to sneak attack

expected in the next two days

Most of Guangdong Province has weakened the rainfall

but there are still heavy rains in coastal cities and counties and some heavy rains

< p>High risk of geological disasters

Still pay attention to prevention and be more careful!

The cold air has arrived today

< Affected by cold air

Today the average daily temperature in the province drops by 3℃~5℃

And with the rain

Neighbors remember to add clothes

The weather is unstable, pay attention to the warning information

Remember to bring an umbrella when you go out!

@Guangzhou Street, Going to work on Monday

The minimum temperature is only “1 prefix” 16℃

Long-sleeved shirts and trousers will “reappear”

Remember to turn out the clothes that have been washed and put away before

< p>I didn’t expect to wear long sleeves in mid-May

This time in previous years, the air conditioner has been launched

What is this for?

Many netizens said that it is amazing that it is not 30℃ in late May< /p>Cold Knowledge

According to the National Climate Center, strong>The recent large fluctuations of cold and warm temperatures in central and eastern my country are mainly affected by the periodic fluctuations of atmospheric circulation and tropical SST anomalies. There is also the continuous influence of the La Niña event. Under the La Niña background, the Eurasian mid-high latitude circulation has a large meridional dimension and obvious periodic fluctuations, which provides a favorable climatic background condition for the frequent impact of cold air on my country.

In a word:

Use the onion dressing rules! So, the question is coming again

When can I wash and dry it?

Occasional sunshine from Tuesday

It is recommended to wash and dry thick quilts and thick clothes


< strong>Weather spoiler

16th, affected by cold air , there is still rain in Guangdong, you will feel cool and pay attention to adding clothes. Cities and counties in the central and southern parts of the country are cloudy to overcast with showers, while the rest of the cities and counties are cloudy (sunshine is expected) with scattered showers.

17-18, the province is mainly cloudy to sunny, sunshine + north wind, suitable for washing and drying.

Geological disasters have a hysteresis, and precautions should still be taken after heavy precipitation.

< /p>Guangzhou weather forecast

Next Monday, the maximum temperature will drop to around 17℃, and the body will feel cool. Clothes to prevent colds.

Guangzhou weather forecast for the next 5 days↑

Lixia has passed

Recent weather comparison Repeated

It is cold, hot and humid

Health advice at this time:

Do a good job of “San Yang” and “Drink San Soup”

Nourishing the mind, regulating the stomach qi, and protecting the spleen span>

Nurture the mind:Hot weather can easily cause emotional anxiety, It can lead to excessive heart fire and cause various diseases. It is necessary to “stop irritability and anger”, soothe your body and mind, keep your inner quiet and open your mind, so as to reduce the fire of the heart.

Stomach Qi:The hot and dry climate can easily lead to loss of appetite, which is due to the damp heat In the accumulation, the stomach lacks the reaction of movement and chemical power. It is more conducive to the digestion and absorption of food by nourishing the stomach. Drink some rice or barley porridge in the morning and evening. People with weak constitution can also add some red dates or ginger.

Protect the temper:In addition to not eating too much cold food, sour food Helps to enhance the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, and has the effect of strengthening the spleen. When you sweat too much in summer, it is easy to lose body fluids. You often eat some slightly sour fruits such as tomatoes, hawthorn, kiwi fruit, etc., which can absorb sweat and remove dampness, help to produce body fluid and quench thirst, strengthen the spleen and eliminate food.

1. Lean meat soup with lotus leaf and barley

raw materials: >Lotus leaf, barley, lean meat, lotus seeds, lentils, dried yam.

Efficacy:Stomach and dampness, yang qi, improve fatigue , eliminate fatigue.

2. Sandou mahi fish soup for strengthening the spleen and removing dampness

raw materials: 5 ​​slices of ginger, loach, red bean, black bean, red bean, Shaoxing wine, and appropriate amount of salt.

Efficacy: the effect of clearing heat and dampness, strengthening the spleen and kidney.

3. Poria bone soup

Ingredients:Pork bones, citrullus, barley, tuckahoe.

Efficacy:Dehumidify and detoxify, relieve joints, prevent arthritis and rheumatism Pain etc.

Tomorrow’s TV broadcast preview

Please watch Guangdong Public [Most Important Health]

Source: Guangdong Weather, Yuewei Platform, Guangdong TV Pearl River Channel; Source: Photo Network. If there is any infringement, please contact this official account.

Editor | Li Linxiao

Health Extension:

Common cancers with a 5-year survival rate of less than 15%, Is it preventable?

Stunned! You can tell your body from the color of your lips! Be careful with these manifestations

Healthy living tips|Eat more of these 5 kinds of food, the effect is better than cosmetics

A daily soup|【Five fingers peach pig tail soup】Spleen and lungs , relax muscles!

Kang Kang has something to say

The temperature is repeated, and the guide to healthy soup is here ! Hurry up and learn about it with Kangkang! dotsFollow  get more health booksRetweet+Watching Add chicken thighs to the editor< img class="content_title" height="300" layout="responsive" sizes="(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw" src="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/6iaEEibtg5qk2icQEMuNlxmxVEnIUbBBsLKoU6jUxbt8xxpYwCspDe5pNg67XRQJbBiblge0wCwogwW4KYBiblge0wCwogwW4KYBiblge0wCwogwW4KYBiblge0wCwogwW4KYBiblge0wCwogwW4KYBiblge0wCwogwW4width" ="600">Guangdong Public Channel [Most Important Health]

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