Neglected infectious diseases! Why do middle-aged and elderly people need to be vaccinated against these three types of vaccines? A set of data makes it clear!

Currently, the epidemic in my country has shown a “rebound” trend since March. The cumulative number of infected people in Shanghai has exceeded 500,000, which means that there is 1 new crown infection for every 50 people. As the situation of epidemic prevention and control becomes severe again, continuing to do a good job in personal protection and actively vaccinating against the new crown virus is still the biggest driving force for overcoming the new crown virus pandemic, especially the promotion of vaccination of the elderly.

Vaccines are recognized as the first achievement in the field of public health in the 20th century. Practice has proved that vaccination is the best way to prevent and control infectious diseases. With the intensification of the aging society in our country, the “Health Protection Initiative for the Elderly in my country” released in 2022 pointed out that it is necessary to actively respond to the national call for vaccination against the new crown, and take the initiative to inoculate the influenza vaccine, Streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine and shingles vaccine, etc., to prevent Infectious diseases are common among middle-aged and elderly people.

On the occasion of the 36th “National Vaccination Day”, in order to further respond to the theme of “Timely Vaccination to Protect Life and Health”, on April 24th, by the China Elderly Health Care Under the guidance of the association, Southern Weekend and GSK China jointly initiated and announced the first “Initiatives for Prevention of Common Infectious Diseases in Middle-aged and Elderly in China and Results of Cognitive Survey” (hereinafter referred to as “initiatives” or “surveys”). This survey A total of 4379 participants, what is the public’s attitude towards vaccination? How to prevent common infectious diseases? Let’s look at the data from this survey.

Low vaccination rates, most middle-aged and elderly people underestimate the risk and harm of common infectious diseases

Vaccines are recognized as extremely important and effective tools for preventing infectious diseases. In the past, great progress and achievements have been made in immunization of children, but it is the immunization of the elderly that needs special attention. Meng Dengke, Deputy General Manager of Southern Weekend, Vice President and Secretary General of Southern Weekend Research Institute, made a major introduction to the survey results.

Data from this survey show that middle-aged and elderly people aged 50 and above underestimate their risk of common infectious diseases(influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia, Shingles)risks and hazards, and awareness of disease prevention needs to be improved. For example, 84% did not believe or were not sure that they had the varicella-zoster virus in their body. However, studies have shown that about 99.5% of adults aged 50 and older have latent varicella-zoster virus, the virus that causes shingles.

In addition, the awareness rate, willingness rate and action rate of vaccination among middle-aged and elderly people are decreasing. Over 70% of middle-aged and elderly people believe that vaccination against herpes zoster, influenza, and pneumococcal pneumonia can prevent related infectious diseases. The above indicated that they would be vaccinated, however, only 37% were actually vaccinated.

It is worth noting that among the middle-aged and elderly population, more than 50% of the population has received influenza vaccine, followed by pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine, and some 33% have not received any one of herpes zoster vaccine, influenza vaccine and pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. At present, there is still much room for improvement in the vaccination rate of common infectious diseases in middle-aged and elderly people. p>

Feng Zijian, vice president and secretary general of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, said, “With the increase of age, the body’s immunity gradually declines, and it is often combined with one or more chronic diseases. The risk increases significantly, and once infected, it tends to be more severe and increases the risk of death. Therefore, the middle-aged and elderly population should also become the key population for preventive protection, especially for infectious diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, and herpes zoster, vaccines are safe and effective means of prevention. The middle-aged and the elderly should be vaccinated as soon as possible to prevent common infectious diseases, and by preventing infection, the progression of chronic diseases or the risk of death in the elderly can be slowed down. “

“Healthy China 2030 points out that we should adhere to the principle of prevention and reduce the incidence of diseases. With the emergence of the aging trend in my country, the state issued the “14th Five-Year Plan for Healthy Aging”, which emphasizes the quality of life and the use of medical care to prevent diseases in advance. Infectious diseases have high morbidity and mortality among the elderly, which seriously affect the quality of life of the elderly and cause a heavy economic burden. Therefore, we need to increase the awareness, urgency and action of the people on the prevention of common infectious diseases among middle-aged and elderly people as soon as possible. “Yu Hua, Vice President and Secretary General of the China Association for Elderly Health Care, pointed out.

Having experienced the pain, over 60% of middle-aged and elderly people are willing to “rewind” Vaccinations

Some “intriguing” data were also found in this survey. Among the triggers for preventive action on vaccination, Compared with active prevention in advance, over 60% of middle-aged and elderly people who have experienced illness and pain are willing to take the initiative to get vaccinated before the disease occurs, but over 30% are still uncertain. In addition, over 80% of the respondents choose a good lifestyle (strengthening health, Balanced diet, combination of work and rest, etc.) is the first choice for disease prevention, followed by vaccination.

Take “pain” as an example, herpes zoster A common infectious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus re-challenge in the spinal dorsal root ganglia or intracranial nerves. The incidence of the disease increases significantly with age, starting at age 50. Herpes zoster In addition to causing skin damage, neuropathic pain is often associated.Du Xueping, president of the General Practitioners Branch of the Medical Association, emphasized that “herpes zoster-related pain can run through the disease, and 30%-50% of patients with postherpetic neuralgia have pain for more than 1 year, and some up to 10 years.”

Among the middle-aged and elderly people, this survey shows that the awareness rate of herpes zoster is very low. Among people aged 50 and above, 84% do not think or are not sure about the existence of chickenpox in their body- herpes zoster virus. At present, herpes zoster can be treated with drugs and other methods, but there are still many patients with poor treatment effect. So, with shingles, prevention is better than cure. Global clinical studies have shown that vaccines are effective in preventing shingles. The shingles vaccine was 97.2% and 91.3% effective in protecting against shingles in adults 50 years and older and 70 years and older, respectively. In 2022, the “Expert Consensus on the Application of Vaccines for Common Infectious Diseases in Community Elderly People” recommends that the main prevention method is shingles vaccine.

Du Xueping, President of the General Practitioner Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, suggested that in addition to regular work and rest, balanced nutrition, and scientific exercise, middle-aged and elderly people should also take active preventive vaccinations to reduce infectious diseases and other diseases. Risk of associated complications, slowing progression of chronic disease in older adults by preventing infection.

advocacy for early action prevention, 40% of middle-aged and elderly people trust professionals

With the intensification of the aging situation in our country, the 14th Five-Year Plan for Healthy Aging also clearly emphasizes the need to improve the quality of life of the elderly through various preventive measures. In the past, the whole society paid more attention to the basic diseases and chronic diseases of the elderly, but relatively little attention was paid to the prevention and control of infectious diseases of the elderly.

In the survey of factors affecting active vaccination among middle-aged and elderly people, they trust the advice of medical professionals (40%), their own knowledge of the disease (31%), and those around them. Impact (30%) ranks in the top three. In addition, compared with other cities, first- and second-tier cities have higher awareness and accessibility of vaccination against common infectious diseases, and the average proportion of first- and second-tier cities who have been vaccinated against influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia and herpes zoster is 67% , while the proportion of cities below second-tier is only 33%.


“The promotion of disease prevention awareness among middle-aged and elderly people is inseparable from the popular science propaganda of medical professionals. Include the vaccines of Chinese people in the medical insurance, the new rural cooperative medical system, etc., reduce their economic burden, and gradually improve the fairness of vaccination services for middle-aged and elderly people in China, mainly from the perspective of reducing their economic burden. From the perspective that we promote policies to promote the accessibility of institutional services and promote the fairness of vaccination services, the whole is the action proposal we put forward this time.” Deputy General Manager of Southern Weekend, Deputy President and Secretary of Southern Weekly Research Institute Chang Meng Dengke stressed.

As one of the co-sponsors, Feng Bixia, vice president of GlaxoSmithKline and head of China’s vaccine business, said, “As the world’s leading vaccine company, GSK has more than 20 companies worldwide. The vaccine has benefited more than 160 countries around the world. In China, GSK has always practiced its long-term commitment of ‘based on China, working with China, and serving China’, and has always been committed to bringing innovative products to everyone, expanding vaccine portfolios, and striving to improve vaccination. It is reported that GSK China has participated in the National Vaccination Day for three consecutive years to witness disease prevention. And vaccine awareness popularization and education activities, step by step support to promote the prevention of common infectious diseases, from sinking communities across the country, from awareness to action, and contribute to the realization of the ‘Healthy China 2030’ strategy.


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