Nearly 40% of cardiovascular deaths are caused by unhealthy diet! Healthy eating remember six points!

This article is transferred from: Health Times

Health Times

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As the saying goes: people take food as their heaven. However, for three meals a day, many people eat it wrong!

Cardiovascular disease is related to “eating”

In November 2021, scholars from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University conducted a study using global disease burden data. One analysis showed that unhealthy diets were responsible for 36.9% of cardiovascular deaths globally. In 2019, 6.9 million people died from cardiovascular disease, an increase of 34.3% from 1990. ①

Among 204 countries, the number of cardiovascular deaths caused by unhealthy diet in my country far exceeds that of other countries, with more than 1.8 million people, accounting for 26%.

In the past, it was believed that salt, sugar and and fat intake have a greater impact on cardiovascular disease, but the study found that the greatest impact on cardiovascular disease death is “five less and one more”:

Eating less whole grains (attributable score 19.2 %),

high salt (17.1%)

eat less fruit (13.5%)

eat less nuts and seeds (13%)

Eat less vegetables (9.7%)

Eat seafood with less omega-3 fatty acids (9.6%)

If you want to eat longevity, keep these 6 in mind point!

1. Strictly control salt

Strictly limit salt, and do not consume more than 5 grams of salt per person per day. Cook less salt and eat less pickled food.

In addition to salt in cooking, try to avoid foods that contain more invisible salt, such as soy sauce, sauce, monosodium glutamate and other condiments, canned food, dried shrimps, sausages, bacon, instant noodles, etc.

The official website of the Chinese Nutrition Society recommends the intake of salt, oil and sugar for different age groups.

Recommended intake of salt, cooking oil, added sugar and controlled intake of alcohol for different groups of people Amount (unit: g/day)

2. Vegetables are included in every meal

It is recommended in the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)”, There are vegetables in the meal, and it is guaranteed to consume no less than 300 grams of fresh vegetables every day, and dark vegetables should account for 1/2.

According to the depth of color, vegetables can be divided into dark vegetables and light vegetables. Dark vegetables refer to dark green, red, orange-red and purple-red vegetables, which have nutritional advantages, especially rich in beta-carotene, which is the main source of dietary vitamin A, and should pay attention to more choices.

In addition, choose and buy vegetables with more variety, at least 3 to 5 kinds a day. ②

3. Half a catty of fruit every day

“Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)” recommends to eat fruit every day, and ensure that 200-350 grams of fresh fruit is consumed every day, and fruit juice cannot replace fresh fruit.

Summer and autumn are the most abundant seasons of fruits. Different fruits have different sweetness and nutrient content. At least 1 or 2 kinds of fruits are used every day. Seasonal fruits are preferred. ②

Liu Dandan, director of the Nutrition Department of Beijing Changping District Hospital, published an article in Health Times in 2019 suggesting that different types and colors of fruits should be eaten together.

Most fruits are rich in B vitamins, vitamin C and dietary fiber. In addition, fruits also contain a lot of phytochemicals and organic acids, which can promote appetite and digestion of food. For example, berry fruits such as grapes and strawberries are characterized by high fiber; fresh dates and citrus are high in vitamin C; red and yellow fruits are high in carotene; tropical fruits are characterized by high sugar content. ③

4. A handful of beans a day

Chang Jing, a nutritionist and technical director of the GI Testing Center of Beijing Nutrition Source Research Institute, was healthy in 2020 Press articles pointed out that soybeans include soybeans, black beans and green beans. From the perspective of nutritional value, soybeans are mostly unsaturated fatty acids, which are ideal foods for patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis.

In addition, cooking with some red beans, soybeans, kidney beans, mung beans and other miscellaneous beans can also make the nutrition more balanced, reduce the glycemic index of the food, and delay the absorption of blood sugar. ④

5. Eat more whole grains

Jiang Xiaomin, a nutritionist in charge of the clinical nutrition department of Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, published in Health Times in 2019 The article points out that eating coarse grains in moderation can prevent diseases, because cellulose can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol, reduce hyperlipidemia, promote bowel movements, and prevent constipation. Coarse grains contain a large amount of B vitamins, especially vitamin B1, which can prevent beriberi.

It is usually recommended that coarse grains: fine grains = 1 serving: 3~4 servings. For example, when making second rice, millet should account for about 1/4 of the total, and corn wotou and cornmeal account for 1/4. Wait around. ⑤

6. Eat fish twice a week

“Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)” recommends that it is best to eat fish twice a week or 300 to 500 grams.

Aquaculture is a good source of dietary protein, fat, vitamin A, B vitamins and minerals. Increased fish intake reduces the risk of all-cause mortality and the risk of stroke. ⑥

More health information

This article is synthesized from:

①Dong C, Bu X, Liu J, et al. Cardiovascular disease burden attributable to dietary risk factors from 1990 to 2019: A systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2021 Nov 29:S0939-4753(21)00552-4.

②2022 -05-05 The official website of the Chinese Nutrition Society “Guidelines Three Eat more fruits and vegetables, milk, whole grains, and soybeans”

③2019-09-06 Health Times “Eat more fruits and change varieties”

④2020-05-05 Health Times “One Bean Eats a Lifetime”

⑤2019-11-01 Health Times “One BeanCoarse grains with three portions of refined grains”

⑥2022-05-05 The official website of the Chinese Nutrition Society “Criterion 4 Eat fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat in moderation

Editor: Wang Nan
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Reviewer: Yang Xiaoming