Nausea, acid regurgitation, stomach pain? Five small ways to help you nourish and protect your stomach

Before, my dad also suffered from stomach problems due to traveling all year round. Bloating, nausea, acid regurgitation, stomach pain bothered my dad from time to time. I had a gastroscopy and it was found to be superficial gastritis.

Although the name has the word “shallow”, it is a terrible toss. The rice can’t be eaten hard anymore, and generally I can’t go to restaurants. After eating the rice there, my stomach felt like a stone was stuffed into my stomach. I felt uncomfortable for two days, so I could only cook “soft rice” by myself. As soon as my stomach caught cold, my stomach turned upside down, and the pain was incomparable. For such a strong man as my father, I broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.

After the diagnosis of superficial gastritis, my father paid special attention to his diet. He ate millet porridge, pasta, nourishing tea, and stomach-regulating recipes for a long time. , the effect is really there.

Small ways to nourish the stomach, please check it

Here are some ways to nourish the stomach, you can refer to it.

If you want to keep the gastric mucosa in three or five days, it is impossible, and you don’t need to look down.

1. You must pay attention to your diet

Eat on time, eat 70% full, and not violent Overeating, try to eat small and frequent meals as much as possible, do not leave the stomach empty, so as not to produce a large amount of gastric acid and cause damage to the gastric mucosa.

Don’t eat spicy and irritating food to avoid irritating the stomach, producing excess stomach acid and causing secondary damage.

Second, eat more food that nourishes the stomach

Pumpkin, yam, carrot, cabbage, sweet potato, etc., have a certain effect of warming the stomach and nourishing the stomach. Eat more in moderation to nourish the stomach.

Third, pay attention to cold and warm

As the saying goes, “ten stomach problems and nine colds”, this is true It’s the talk of experience. When the climate changes in the spring and autumn, patients with deficient cold and stomach pain should pay attention to keep warm to avoid cold; for those with spleen deficiency and diarrhea, a warm navel plaster can be applied to the navel. If you have a cold, you can take ginger tea in time.

Fourth, often drink nourishing tea

Prepare cloves, Hericium erinaceus, sea buckthorn, barley, hawthorn, orange peel, yam, gardenia , made into small tea bags, soaked in a thermos cup every day, nourishing the stomach without effort.

Cloves: It has a long history of medicinal use. The aroma of cloves can relieve abdominal bloating, increase gastric secretion, enhance digestion, reduce nausea and vomiting; fry cloves, it has inhibitory effects on staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli, etc. It has the effect of warming the middle and lowering the negative, invigorating the kidney and helping the yang. It is especially suitable for people with deficiency of the spleen and stomach.

Hericium erinaceus: It is a traditional and precious dish in my country, and is known as “mountain treasure Hericium erinaceus, seafood shark fin”. It is very nutritious and contains as many as 17 kinds of amino acids. It is a veritable high-protein, low-fat food. It is also rich in various vitamins and inorganic salts. It is also a good nourishing food, which has the effect of strengthening the stomach and nourishing deficiency.

Seabuckthorn: Possesses “longevity fruit”, “second ginseng”, “life energy”, “sacred fruit”, “sacred fruit”, “king of vitamin C”, etc. reputation.

It contains a variety of vitamins, fatty acids, trace elements, linolein, sea buckthorn flavonoids, superoxide and other active substances, as well as various amino acids needed by the human body. It can promote the biosynthesis of gastric acid, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and can digest food and eliminate stagnation, strengthen the spleen and stomach, soothe the liver and regulate qi.

Hawthorn: Sweet and sour, sour, relieve tiredness, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and aid digestion.

Orange peel: It can be used to treat symptoms such as stagnation of qi in the spleen and stomach, abdominal distention and pain, inability to eat, and vomiting.

Yam: Rich in dietary fiber, it promotes peristalsis of the stomach and can nourish and protect the stomach.

Barley: Promote gastrointestinal digestion, prevent constipation, relieve constipation.

The combination of these excellent ingredients makes this Hericium erinaceus clove sea buckthorn tea, a cup a day, not only helps intestinal digestion and relieves gastrointestinal discomfort< /strong>, it can also nourish the gastric mucosa, and can also relieve stubborn bad breath and body odor!

V. Exercise in moderation

As the saying goes, walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety Nine. But “after a meal” is by no means just after eating. You should start walking 20~30 minutes after a meal, which is conducive to the digestion of food.

You can also do some other physical exercises such as jogging, running, playing Taijiquan, and massage the stomach to promote blood circulation.Centering on the umbilicus, massage gently clockwise and counterclockwise 20 times each.