Natural “sleeping pills” have been found, not bananas, milk, eat a little before bed, sleep till dawn

Do you sleep? Is it always insomnia, sleep very light and easy to wake up? According to the latest China Sleep Research Report, over the past decade, the average Chinese fell asleep two hours later. The average sleep duration has been shortened from 8.5 hours in 2012 to 7 hours in 2021, and the sleep duration has decreased by 1.5 hours. Only 35% of Chinese people can sleep enough for eight hours.

What harm will there be if you don’t get enough sleep for a long time?

Short-term insomnia generally does not have much impact on the body. If the degree of insomnia is severe and the time is long, if it is not improved, it may cause some harm to the body. What dangers come?

First, the temper becomes irritable, and the attention to something is interrupted, which will produce some negative emotions.

Secondly, lack of sleep can lead to disturbance of hormone levels in the body, resulting in irregular diets, overeating, and soaring weight gain.

Third, decreased vision and long-term sleep time reduction lead to this visual deviation, poor visual field, unclear vision, and even some hallucinations.

Fourth, slow response, lack of rest, slow response to external things, inability to concentrate.

Fifth, accelerated aging, this kind of aging is not only on the skin, but also includes the aging of multiple organs.

In short, we must try our best to maintain enough sleep time to provide ourselves with a better physical quality and a better mental state.

So what should we do to save our sleep?

First, the environment is very important

To create a bedroom suitable for sleep, the environment is quiet and dark, and the room temperature is about 20 degrees, and blackout curtains must be used. Because people sleep, there must be the secretion of melatonin, and light will cause the secretion of melatonin to decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of your sleep.

Second, do something relaxing an hour before going to bed

For example, take a bath, read a book, etc., but never play with electronic products, modern people It’s normal to play mobile phones and play all night long. Where can you get efficient sleep?

Third, keep a regular biological clock every day

Sleep at a fixed time every day, the body will slow down Slowly adapt to this time, don’t sleep late on weekends, and usually get up very early to go to work, the biological clock is disturbed, and insomnia is difficult to cure.

Fourth, don’t eat dinner too late

After eating, blood sugar will rise, people will be more excited and less likely to fall asleep. If you are hungry before going to bed, don’t eat anything high in sugar, you can drink some hot milk.

Fifth, keep exercising every day

Insist on moderate exercise to help sleep, but Do not exercise before bed, try to exercise three hours before going to bed.

Sixth, the first thing to wake up in the morning is to open the curtains

This can create fluctuations in melatonin and let the body know that there is light during the day Don’t sleep, sleep well at night.

Seventh, if you really can’t fall asleep lying down, you can get up and do other things

You can try meditation and mindfulness to get rid of those cluttered thoughts , but don’t swipe your phone.

What should I do if I have been insomnia for a long time? Might as well take diet therapy

Natural “sleeping pills” have been found, not bananas, milk, drink a cup before going to bed, and wake up naturally

Many people mention it When it comes to sleep aids, the first thing that comes to mind is sleeping pills, but artificially manufactured sleeping pills have great side effects and should not be taken for a long time. So what are the natural “sleeping pills”?

At this point, many people think of bananas and hot milk, because bananas are rich in magnesium, which relaxes muscles and promotes sleep. And hot milk contains calming tryptophan, which can improve sleep.

But these are just a single food after all. If you want to help sleep better, you might as well drink a cup of tea before going to bed-Suanzaoren Lily Poria Tea. Among them, Suanzaoren is known as the “Oriental Sleeping Fruit”, which is a natural sleeping pill for insomniacs. Lily has the effect of soothing the nerves and moistening the lungs, Poria has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach.

The above three ingredients are combined with lotus seeds, wolfberry, licorice, and combined in proportion to make suanzaoren lily and tuckahoe tea, there are A good sleep aid to calm the nerves and improve sleep quality.

In addition, soaking your feet with wormwood before going to bed can also help promote blood circulation and improve sleep depth.