National Liver Love Day: Eight questions that people with hepatitis B virus should know

March 18 is the 22nd National Liver Love Day. This year’s propaganda theme is “National Participation, Active Screening, Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment, and Hepatitis Cure”. In particular, knowledge on the prevention and treatment of chronic viral hepatitis, participation of the whole people, active screening, standardized diagnosis and treatment, and effective prevention and treatment of hepatitis and its complications.

In order to enhance everyone’s awareness of caring for the liver and protecting the liver, and popularizing the knowledge of liver disease prevention and treatment, Zhu Bing, deputy chief physician of the Department of Liver Disease Medicine of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, introduced eight major issues that people with hepatitis B virus should know about.

I. What is hepatitis B virus carrier?

About 70 million people in my country are currently infected with chronic hepatitis B virus, among which about 20-30 million are chronic hepatitis B patients, and most of them are in the state of hepatitis B virus carrier. The so-called hepatitis B virus carrier state refers to the chronic infection of hepatitis B virus in the human body, but the virus does not cause obvious damage to the liver, and the virus and the human body are in the stage of “peaceful coexistence”.

Second, does hepatitis B virus need to be treated?

Whether HBV carriers need treatment, the answer to this question is yes. Because carrying the virus is not a healthy state, the virus may aggravate the damage to the liver at any time. Due to the limitations of current antiviral therapy, when hepatitis B virus has not caused significant damage to the liver, hepatitis B virus carriers should be reviewed every six months. Once the virus is found to attack the liver, treatment should be started. For some special high-risk patients, if there is a family history of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, the use of immunosuppressive agents to treat other diseases, and the need for mother-infant blockade, antiviral therapy can be considered.

Third, is hepatitis B virus contagious?

Hepatitis B virus is contagious. The level of infectivity depends on the level of hepatitis B virus nucleic acid (HBV DNA). The higher the HBV DNA, the stronger the infectivity. Hepatitis B virus is mainly transmitted through mother-to-child, blood (including skin and mucous membrane minor trauma) and sexual transmission.

4. How does the condition of hepatitis B virus carriers develop?

If it is well maintained, most hepatitis B virus carriers may carry it for life. Except for the infection, the liver is not damaged and can live as normal people. Some patients have better immunity, the surface antigen HBsAg (Australian anti-antigen) disappears, and the carrier state ends. If the condition changes and the liver function is repeatedly abnormal, it will develop into chronic hepatitis B. If it is not treated in time, it may develop into liver cirrhosis or even liver cancer. During this period, if the liver inflammation is severe, liver failure may occur.

5. How to arrange childbirth for hepatitis B virus carriers?

People with hepatitis B virus can give birth normally, so there is no need to worry too much. For men, the chance of infecting their children is very low, so there is no need to worry too much. As long as the mother of the child is in a healthy state, childbirth can be arranged normally. If a woman carries the hepatitis B virus, a comprehensive examination is required before pregnancy to confirm that she is carrying the hepatitis B virus. During pregnancy, liver function and HBV DNA need to be reviewed regularly. If the HBV DNA is greater than 2×105IU/L at 24 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will usually arrange oral antiviral drug treatment to reduce the level of HBV DNA and achieve mother-to-child transmission interruption. If the level of HBV DNA is low, it should be treated as a healthy population, but the child born to the mother who is anti-Australian positive should be injected with high titer immune globulin in addition to the hepatitis B vaccine as a normal baby within 12 hours to prevent infection by the hepatitis B virus .

6. Does carrying hepatitis B virus affect employment?

Currently, the country has adopted relevant regulations to point out that hepatitis B virus carriers can normally engage in various occupations. Except for special circumstances (such as joining the army, blood donation, etc.) Obstacles are set up when applying for the certificate, so as long as the liver function is normal, you can participate in various jobs, but we still advocate regular review.

7. How to make friends with hepatitis B virus?

Hepatitis B virus carriers generally have psychological burdens due to the problem of making friends. General contacts will not spread hepatitis B, and they can meet normally, swim, hug, shake hands, etc. The partner of the hepatitis B virus carrier is recommended to check the hepatitis B surface antibody. If there is no protective hepatitis B surface antibody, the hepatitis B vaccine should be vaccinated in time. When having sex with a partner, do not kiss when both parties have oral mucosal ulceration, and take contraceptive measures when not planning to become pregnant.

VIII. How to carry out daily maintenance for hepatitis B virus carriers?

Hepatitis B virus carrying is a state that may break this “peaceful coexistence” situation due to overwork, sadness, drinking, etc., and develop into a hepatitis B state in which the virus prevails, or even Liver failure occurs, so it is recommended: 1. Regular review to monitor the state of the disease, generally half a year physical examination is appropriate; 2. Pay attention to maintaining a good immune state, do not overwork, drink alcohol, etc.; 3. Avoid taking liver-damaging drugs, etc.; 4. Pay attention to dietary hygiene and avoid other viral hepatitis such as hepatitis A and hepatitis E. (Organized by Han Zaoyuan)

Source: Xinhua News Agency PLA Branch