National Health Commission: Encourage qualified areas to gradually carry out free HPV vaccination for school-age girls

Cover reporter Shao Meng

On April 9, the cover reporter learned from the National Health and Health Commission that in order to promote the construction of a healthy China and improve the health of women and children, the National Health and Health Commission recently issued the “National Health and Health Commission”. The National Health Commission’s Implementation Plan for Implementing the 2021-2030 Outline for the Development of Chinese Women and Children (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) proposes that by 2030, the screening rate for cervical cancer among women of appropriate age should reach more than 70%. Popularize women’s “two cancers” prevention and control knowledge, and encourage areas where conditions permit to gradually carry out free HPV vaccination for school-age girls.

Infographic. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Cheng

The “Plan” mentioned that since the adjustment of the fertility policy, the proportion of advanced age and multiparous mothers has increased, the risk of pregnancy complications, complications and birth defects has increased, and the needs for newborn safety and child health care have increased. Increase, maternal and child health work faces new challenges.

To this end, the “Program” clarifies 12 major goals for women’s and children’s health. It is required that by 2030, the national maternal mortality rate will drop below 12/100,000, and the national neonatal, infant, and child mortality rates will drop below 3.0‰, 5.0‰, and 6.0‰, respectively; and the rate of premarital medical examinations will reach 70%. The coverage rate of the target population for pre-pregnancy eugenics health examinations has remained above 80%, the prenatal screening rate has reached 90%, and the screening rates of newborns with genetic metabolic diseases and newborn hearing impairment have reached 98% and 90%, respectively.

The “Plan” also requires that by 2030, the screening rate of cervical cancer population of school-age women will reach more than 70%, and the screening rate of breast cancer population will gradually increase; The coverage rate of eye care and vision examination for children aged 0-6 is over 90%, and the caries rate of children aged 12 is controlled within 25%.

How can the above goals be achieved? The “Plan” proposes to continuously ensure the safety of mothers and babies, strengthen comprehensive prevention and control of birth defects, strengthen children’s health services and management, strengthen comprehensive prevention and control of children’s diseases, prevent and control children’s injuries, establish and improve the health management model of women’s whole life cycle, and prevent and control women’s major diseases. 8 main tasks including disease, support for family and women’s all-round development.

Among them, in the prevention and treatment of major diseases for women, the “Program” clearly states that it is necessary to promote the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer and breast cancer in women. Popularize women’s “two cancers” prevention and control knowledge, encourage areas where conditions permit to gradually carry out free HPV vaccination for school-age girls, and continuously increase the HPV vaccination rate. Continuously expand the scope of implementation of the “two cancers” screening project and strengthen the quality of screening.

In terms of supporting the all-round development of the family and women, the “Plan” points out that family policies that promote equality between men and women and the all-round development of women should be formulated. Improve the laws, regulations and policies related to population fertility, coordinate relevant departments to study and introduce active fertility support measures, and promote the implementation of fertility policies. Establish and improve family development policies, including reproductive support, child rearing, youth development, elderly care, and care for the sick and disabled, to enhance family development capabilities. Support the pilot projects of parental leave in places where conditions permit, and explore the establishment of a parental leave system for only children.

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