National Health and Health Commission: Effectively increase the supply of nursing services in the fields of elderly, women and children, rehabilitation, and traditional Chinese medicine during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 9 (Reporters Li Heng, Xu Penghang) Reporters learned from the National Health and Medical Commission on the 9th that in order to adapt to the urgent needs of nursing services in the new situation such as the deepening of the aging degree, “the 14th Five-Year Plan” “During the period, my country will effectively increase the supply of nursing services in the fields of elderly, women and children, rehabilitation, and traditional Chinese medicine.

The “14th Five-Year Plan” period to comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China has put forward new requirements for the development of nursing. The National Health and Health Commission recently issued the “National Nursing Development Plan (2021-2025)” to make new adjustments to meet the new requirements. .

The plan requires that by 2025, the total number of nurses in the country will reach 5.5 million, and the number of registered nurses per 1,000 population will reach 3.8. The number of nurses will continue to increase, the structure will be further optimized, the quality and service capabilities will be significantly improved, and nursing services will be closer to the masses. and social needs.

The plan proposes to adhere to the four basic principles of people-centered, high-quality development, complementing weak points, and reform, innovation and development. Putting the protection of people’s health in the strategic position of priority development, taking meeting the diverse nursing needs of the people as the starting point and end point, and taking improving the quality and level of nursing services as the core task.

In addition, the plan clearly defines the main tasks: first, to improve the nursing service system, optimize the layout of nursing resources, and increase the supply of nursing services; second, to strengthen the construction of the nurse team; third, to promote the high-quality development of nursing and continue to deepen high-quality nursing; Check out the shortcomings and weaknesses of nursing, speed up the development of geriatric medical care, improve the capacity of primary care services, and speed up the development of palliative care; Fifth, strengthen the construction of nursing informatization, and make full use of cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, blockchain and mobile Internet, etc. Information technology, combined with the development of smart hospitals and “Internet + medical health” and other requirements, focus on strengthening the construction of nursing information; sixth, promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine nursing, and promote the further expansion of traditional Chinese medicine nursing to the grassroots and families, and to the fields of elderly care and chronic disease care. The seventh is to strengthen nursing exchanges and cooperation.

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, my country’s nursing career developed rapidly. By the end of 2020, there were more than 4.7 million registered nurses nationwide, an increase of 45% over 2015. More than 70% of nurses have a college degree or above, and the educational quality of the nurse team has been further improved. All localities have basically achieved full coverage of high-quality nursing services in second-level and above medical institutions, and the public’s sense of gain from seeing a doctor has been further enhanced.