Nantong, Jiangsu Province suspends sales of four types of drugs: antipyretic, cough, antiviral, and antibiotics, March 30. According to the official WeChat news of “Nantong Release”, the Office of the Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province issued a notice on the 30th, in order to further strictly control the epidemic situation. After research, it was decided to suspend the sale of four categories of drugs such as antipyretic, antitussive, antiviral and antibiotics (hereinafter referred to as “four categories” drugs):

From the date of the announcement, all retail pharmacies in Nantong will suspend sales “Four categories” of drugs, related drugs will be removed from the shelves.

From the date of the announcement, all retail pharmacies in Nantong will immediately stop selling drugs on self-service vending machines, Internet platforms (including Tmall, Jingdong, Meituan, and other third-party platforms and self-built websites, Small programs, etc.) to sell “four categories” of drugs.

For retail pharmacies that continue to sell “four categories” of drugs, the market supervision and management department shall order them to suspend business for rectification; if the violations are serious and cause harmful consequences, they shall be promptly and severely punished, and the market supervision and management department shall order them to close their business. Joint public security, medical insurance and other departments to carry out joint punishment, until the relevant licenses are revoked, the medical insurance service agreement is terminated, and the responsibilities are investigated according to law.

Citizens with symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc., please visit the fever clinic of a nearby medical institution in time. For the sales of “four categories” of drugs and other violations of laws and regulations, the general public can report by calling the 12315 hotline.