Myocardial infarction, why is it approaching young people?

Bad news

August 2016, Director Cheng Cheng, Institute of Massage, Shanghai Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Professor Yingwu died of myocardial infarction while working in the outpatient clinic at the age of 49;In less than 2 months, on the evening of October 5, 2016, Mr. Zhang Rui, the founder of Chunyu Doctor, suffered a sudden myocardial infarction. Passed away at the age of 44;

All are industry leaders, all are in their prime, and are on the road to the pinnacle of value creation. Their departure is Huge losses to families, units and industries.

According to relevant data, cardiovascular disease has become the main cause of death in my country, while the morbidity and mortality of acute myocardial infarction continue to rise. A total of 550,000 people die of sudden cardiac death in my country every year. In other words, at least 1,000 people die suddenly every day. There are many causes of sudden death, such as coronary heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary embolism, etc., but the proportion of sudden cardiac death is the largest, accounting for 80% of non-accident sudden deaths, and 80% of them are due to myocardial infarction! In my impression, myocardial infarction occurs in the elderly, but the recent series of tragedies have made everyone tremble with fear, and myocardial infarction is more and more occurring in young and middle-aged people !

Myocardial infarction (MI) is an irreversible myocardial necrosis caused by persistent hypoxia-ischemia .

Heart disease in young people is different from long-term coronary artery stasis in the elderly. The majority of young deaths from heart disease are usually associated with the followinglethal habits:< /span>

staying up late for a long time,excessive stress

Excessive worry,Excessive fatigue

Sedentary, not exercising

Irregular diet, smoking and drinking

In the experiment of isolated frog hearts, British Sedani found that using normal saline without calcium and potassium Frog hearts were perfused, and their contractions could not be maintained; when perfused with normal saline containing a small amount of calcium and potassium, the frog hearts could continue to beat for several hours. It can be seen that without calcium, the heart cannot maintain contraction and beating at all. The human heart relies on calcium to beat. Before each heartbeat, calcium ions flood into the heart muscle cells, and then a special protein forms a channel in the cells, allowing these calcium ions to be released from the cells, causing the heart to contract.

When the human body is fatigued, all aspects of the body’s functions will decline, so the human body will use adrenaline, which is actually a strong maintenance Heartbeat, its principle: Adrenaline acts directly on cardiac calcium ion channels, all calcium ion channels are opened, and a large amount of calcium ions influx triggers strong contraction of the heart muscle, thereby maintaining the heartbeat and maintaining the energy required by the body. However, if you are fatigued for a long time, such as staying up late for a long time, you are in a state of overworked overwork for a long time, and the human body uses adrenaline for a long time. With the continuous influx of calcium ions, more and more calcium enters the cytoplasm of cardiac muscle cells. Pump calcium back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasmic calcium concentration cannot be reduced, and the ventricular muscle is in a tonic contraction state, that is, a spastic state, which will lead to myocardial ischemia and myocardial cell death.

These bad and deadly habits, in addition to long-term use of adrenaline to damage health, will also make people sympathetic Nerves and parasympathetic nerves are in a dysfunctional state; irregular eating and resting will cause low sugar and low potassium, electrolyte disturbances, and lead to arrhythmias and premature heart beats. Staying up late for a long time can cause blood clots to form and block blood vessels. People who lack exercise and smoke are at three times the risk of myocardial infarction, which can increase the heart rate and blood pressure, which is the trigger for a heart attack. Long-term drinking can also lead to diseases such as heart failure. Depression and anxiety also accelerate the formation of cardiovascular disease, which is an independent threat factor for cardiovascular disease, especially myocardial infarction.

The cases of countless bloody forests tell us that young people’s long-term wrong living habits and work and rest patterns will make Death is coming too soon! Don’t think it’s an alarmist, life cannot withstand wanton trampling.


Myocardial infarction warning?

Answer:Myocardial infarction has warning signs a few days before the onset, but ST Segment elevation myocardial infarction can occur without warning. Common precursor symptoms include fatigue, chest discomfort, and restlessness.


What are the typical chest pain manifestations of acute myocardial infarction?

A: Severe and persistent pain up to 30-60 minutes; pain behind the breastbone, radiating to the neck, shoulders and jaw, ulnar side of the left arm; tightness under the breastbone, Pressure, substernal pain, heartburn; some patients experience epigastric bloating


How about acute myocardial infarction for help?

Answer:Don’t wait, send your family to the hospital emergency department or call 120 immediately!


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