“my country’s Elderly Health Protection Initiative” released, the elderly and family members should do 10 things!

my country’s Elderly Health Protection Initiative Released

Our reporter Chu Chao

Recently, researchers from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College School of Medicine and Public Health, Peking University Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Fudan University Public Health An expert group composed of nearly 40 experts from the college and other institutions published the “my country’s Elderly Health Protection Initiative” online in the “Chinese Medical Journal”. The initiative is divided into two levels: family and individual, government and society.

For seniors and their family members,

The initiative makes the following 10 recommendations.


Establish the active health concept of “my health is my own choice”

Learn the health-related knowledge of the elderly through formal channels, understand the health rules of the elderly, master health protection skills, and strengthen and practice the concept of active health.


Practice good hygiene

Keep the living room clean and ventilated, and develop hygiene behaviors such as frequent hand washing and use of public chopsticks; try to avoid going out during extreme weather such as high temperature and cold wave; wear masks correctly and maintain social contact during the epidemic Keep distance and pay attention to hand hygiene.


Get enough nutrition through meals when possible

Maintain healthy dietary habits, ensure high-quality protein intake and adequate water intake, and strive to achieve food diversity; prevent nutritional deficiencies through nutritionally fortified foods or nutrient supplements as needed; maintain a healthy weight , Not too thin, not blindly lose weight.


Maintain regular, moderate physical activity

To achieve the daily amount of physical activity as much as possible, choose the appropriate activity mode, intensity and time according to the individual’s physical health and ability, and insist on balance and flexibility exercises.


Active participation and inclusion

To actively participate in community and community volunteer services, strengthen communication with relatives, friends and neighbors; to enrich cultural life, such as reading and newspapers, playing cards/mahjong and other leisure and cultural activities; Watch TV or tablet, but not for too long at a time.


Increase vaccination awareness

We must actively respond to the national call for vaccination against COVID-19; take the initiative to vaccinate against influenza, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and shingles; and vaccinate pets such as domestic cats and dogs against rabies. Get a rabies vaccine when you are injured.


Be aware of changes in health and bodily function

Have a health checkup every year to learn and master scientific medical information and methods; if you feel unwell, you should go to the hospital in time to ensure that health problems can be detected and treated as soon as possible; Perform functional recovery training under the guidance of a doctor.


Safe, reasonable and standardized medication

It is necessary to follow the doctor’s advice and use less and more precise medicine. It can be used for single-drug therapy without combined use, and do not self-medicate at will; the dosage of medication should be individualized, starting from a small dose and gradually reaching the best dose; family Members should assist in improving medication compliance and take medication on time and in prescribed doses.


Master first aid knowledge and skills

Elderly people and family members should learn first aid skills such as CPR, airway obstruction first aid, hemostasis, and fixed bandaging; be equipped with first aid medicines such as asthma and cardiovascular diseases, as well as daily emergency medicines such as Band-Aids and iodine. .


Family members to care and honor the elderly

Create conditions for the living, nutrition, medical care, etc. of the elderly, treat the elderly with limited functions such as “disability and dementia,”Conduct regular emotional communication to promote emotional well-being and mental health of the elderly.

The pictures in the text are from the Internet

Editor || Chu Chao Wan Tao

Director on duty || Fan Hongbo