my country sends TCM anti-epidemic expert team to Cambodia to help fight the epidemic

On the 15th, the State Aid Cambodian Traditional Chinese Medicine Anti-epidemic Expert Group held an expedition ceremony. 10 medical backbones from the Department of Pulmonology, Cardiovascular, Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences will go to Cambodia to join the early arrivals of the expert group, relying on the Chinese-aided Cosma China-Cambodia Friendship Hospital to carry out foreign medical assistance , to introduce China’s experience in promoting the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic to the Cambodian side, use traditional Chinese medicine organizations to carry out treatment work, help Cambodia fight the epidemic, deepen the anti-epidemic cooperation between the two countries, and carry out clinical diagnosis and treatment of TCM dominant diseases, promote TCM technology, improve Cambodian health care level. (Reporter Tian Xiaohang)

Source: Xinhua News Agency