Municipal Youth Sports School and Guanghua Hospital signed a medical security cooperation agreement

In order to deepen the “integration of sports and medicine”, improve the scientific and medical level of the city’s youth sports school, promote the treatment and rehabilitation of the city’s youth athletes, and help the development of competitive sports, on March 15, the city youth sports school and the Hua Hospital achieved strategic cooperation and successfully held the signing ceremony of the medical security cooperation agreement. Guo Wenjie, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports, and Yu Changlong, a specially hired Beijing sports medicine expert from Guanghua Hospital, witnessed the signing ceremony together, and discussed how to improve the youth sports injuries in our city. issues of treatment and prevention.

In this cooperation, the two parties will carry out multi-faceted and multi-level scientific and medical research cooperation, and rely on the professional medical team and medical equipment in the field of sports medicine of Guanghua Hospital to build a sports treatment and rehabilitation workstation in the Municipal Youth Sports School , implement two medical service guarantee measures of “on-site consultation” and “team medical treatment”, select 4 doctors to sit in the sports school workstation for 2 half-days a week, and provide medical support team services for more than 10 times a year, twice a year. Athlete biochemical test analysis, and regular sports medical rehabilitation lectures, to provide high-quality and efficient medical services for training and participating athletes. In addition, the two parties will jointly carry out research in the field of youth sports rehabilitation and special training and guidance for sports injuries and rehabilitation training for grass-roots physical education teachers in the city, effectively improving the scientific level of competitive training in Zhoushan City and accelerating the construction of a modern sports city.