Mother’s Day Special | Please be kind to “menopausal” moms

HAPPYMOTHER’S DAYThanksgiving Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming span>

Wish mothers all over the world

not only happy holidays

but also healthy< /span>

Good mood

Topics related to menopause

Always seems unfriendly

For example

“It burns at one point, are you menopause? “

Such as the famous quiz “How scary are menopausal women?” ”

(In fact, men also have menopause, and there are many problems~)

I. What is menopause?


Menopause, medically known as “perimenopause”.Speaking of perimenopause, let’s look first See what is menopause. The ovaries are the key to maintaining fertility in women Important organs, changes in female physiology are dependent on the hormone secretion in the ovary and the process of egg growth and discharge. Ovaries maintain a woman’s menstrual cycle, and the essence of menopause is the exhaustion of ovarian function. Of course, the depletion of ovarian function is not abrupt, and will go through a stage. During this stage, women will experience a series of endocrine, biological and clinical changes due to Over time, until the ovarian function is completely exhausted, menstruation stops, and the state of menopause is reached.

The period is the period from a woman’s premenopause to one year after menopause. The length of this time is not fixed and varies from person to person, ranging from 2-3 years to as long as ten years. In the 2018 edition of the Chinese Guidelines for Menopause Management and Menopause Hormone Therapy, reproductive aging was staged using the STRAW+10 (Seminar Staging of Reproductive Aging) system, from the following chart , we can clearly see the life of womenHormonal changes and staging standards at different stages, the blue part of the picture is perimenopause.

in women’s perimenopause, ovarian The function gradually declines until it is completely exhausted, and the level of estrogen secreted by the ovary also gradually declines, resulting in a series of manifestations caused by decreased hormone levels. Therefore, these clinical symptoms of perimenopause are a series of manifestations caused by the decrease of estrogen.

What are the symptoms of menopause syndrome?

①Menstrual disorders and amenorrhea

Irregular menstrual cycles, prolonged periods, increased or decreased menstrual flow, and eventual cessation.

< >②Psychiatric and nervous system symptoms

Autonomous emotion, irritability, impatience, anxiety, depression, paranoia, memory loss, insomnia, tinnitus, etc. Symptoms of neurological disorders.

③Urinary symptoms

Vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, recurrent vaginal infections, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria and other symptoms of urogenital atrophy.

recurrent paroxysmal flushing of the face and neck, fever, palpitation, chest tightness, menopausal pseudoangina, menopausal hypertension, etc.

⑤Musculoskeletal symptoms

Osteoporosis, muscle and joint pain (mainly shoulder, neck and waist muscle and joint pain).

Third, how to deal with menopausal syndrome?

Since it is essential, we take it calmly. It is the key to look at this normal life course with a normal mind and deal with it with a healthy lifestyle.< /span>

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

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A healthy lifestyle is very important at any time, and it becomes even more important when our mothers enter the perimenopause period. A regular life, perseverance in physical exercise as much as possible, Ensuring adequate protein and calcium intake and increasing sun exposure are all manifestations of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Give adequate psychological support

Hormonal changes affect the lives of menopausal women, not only changing their physical status, but also changing their character and temperament. For their change, being a child requires full understanding, patience and tolerance. At this stage, we can support mothers to develop a wide range of interests and hobbies, so that they can have a spiritual sustenance, and help them develop a cheerful and optimistic attitude towards life, and treat those around them with tolerance and patience. people and things. Of course, at this time, bring your father and join in the plan of caring for mother, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

3. Don’t endure it, seek medical attention in time

Various clinical symptoms of perimenopausal women are caused by the depletion of ovarian function. The “culprit” of these series is the lack of estrogen in the body. Based on the principle of supplementing what is lacking and supplementing what we eat, we can carry out appropriate hormone supplementation under the guidance of a doctor when appropriate.

Don’t talk about hormone discoloration, just under the guidance of professional doctors, according to individual Make a medication plan and choose the lowest effective dose of natural hormones, hormone therapy is safe and reliable.

strong face with different symptoms What to do?

01 Changes in menstrual flow, irregular cycles

Understand that this is a common phenomenon in menopause, don’t panic. Pay attention to menstrual hygiene and care. A comprehensive gynecological examination is recommended every year.


Non-menstrual bleeding, even a small amount of spotting;

Vaginal bleeding or pain after sex;


Significantly increased menstrual flow or prolonged bleeding time;

Vaginal bleeding after menopause; p>

Abnormal vaginal discharge.

It is recommended to seek medical attention in time to determine whether these conditions are caused by the fluctuation of menopausal hormone secretion.

Consider hormone replacement therapy. However, it needs to be treated as required after the professional evaluation and guidance of a doctor, and hormone therapy should not be used blindly.

02Hot flashes and sweating

are also caused by changes in estrogen levels in the body.

Avoid alcohol and coffee and tea before bed. Light exercise such as walking, stretching, and yoga can relax your mind and body and help improve symptoms. Some medications can relieve hot flashes and improve menopausal sleep disturbances.

Hormonal replacement therapy also has a significant effect on improving this symptom. But as I have emphasized before, don’t eat it by yourself, and use it rationally under the guidance of a doctor.

Summer is coming, the symptoms of hot flashes may be more serious. Sweat-wicking clothing, the use of air-conditioning fans, and keeping your living environment ventilated and reasonably humid will make you feel better.

03 Vaginal dryness, decreased sexual interest

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Keep the private parts clean, just scrub the vulva with water, and do not advocate washing the vagina. Wear sweat-absorbing underwear and change underwear frequently. Don’t be ashamed to share your feelings with your other half, it’s good for yourself and respect for him.

Vaginal moisturizers and lubricants are over-the-counter products that can be used to relieve vaginal dryness and pain during sex. It can usually be used every 2 to 3 days, or according to the instructions of the medicine.

If necessary, hormone replacement therapy can be performed under the guidance of a doctor.

04 Osteoporosis, joints Soreness

Calcium and mineral supplementation can combat osteoporosis caused by calcium loss and relieve menopausal women Common symptoms of joint pain and inability to move.

It works better when combined with proper exercise and a balanced diet. Get more sun, but pay attention to sun protection (such as umbrellas, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc.).

05 Chest tightness, suffocation, palpitation

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The fluctuation of hormones will cause changes in vasodilatation and palpitation in the chest.

Appropriate exercise, regular check-ups, and control of blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar. Estrogen can protect the cardiovascular system and reduce blood lipid levels. Hormone replacement therapy can be performed under the guidance of a doctor.

06 Mood swings, irritability and anxiety span>

You don’t have to deliberately change your past living habits, don’t worry too much, try to accept the changes in your body. In addition to maintaining a normal diet and regular work and rest, you can also read books, newspapers or TV every day, and participate in exercises such as square dancing. If you are too bored at home, you can go out more, such as traveling with your sisters, and you can learn some new technologies to keep your material and spiritual worlds in a stable state.

multivitamin minerals (such as calcium, vitamin D) Supplementation not only contributes to physical health, but also helps to regulate autonomic nervous function, which can effectively control fluctuations in mental and emotional aspects.

Perimenopause is but a necessary stage in the female life cycle. What is needed is to get through this relatively special period smoothly. Therefore,Perimenopause Syndrome is not a “disease” and we don’t need to talk about”With the help of family, friends and doctors, the days of perimenopause will also become a very precious experience in life.< /span>If you really reach the level of the disease, please seek help from a professional doctor as soon as possible to receive professional guidance. The sooner you intervene, the less damage. I wish every mother a healthy and beautiful

Image source: Internet, TuCong Creative, Zhanku Hailuo

Source: Foshan Women and Children Health care center subscription account, Ping An Health, Wuhan Union Hospital

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