Morning Reading|[5.18 Vascular Health Day] Stop silently feeding blood clots! Blood vessels are blocked every day!

May 18 is Cardiovascular Health Day. 5.18 is derived from an index value: 5.18 mmol/L, which is the critical value of abnormal total cholesterol in normal blood. Formed by cholesterol depositionatherosclerotic plaqueis the most important factor threatening vascular health. Among every 5 deaths in China, 2 die from cardiovascular disease, and one cardiovascular patient dies about every 8.5 seconds, and the mortality rate is higher than that of tumors and other diseases! Protecting cardiovascular health starts with understanding that cholesterol is closely related to cardiovascular events!

The blood vessels are blocked and hardened, and the freezing three feet is not a day’s cold!

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Before 10s:

Healthy Blood Vessels

< span>①Tough: The blood vessels are elastic and flexible, like a rubber band

②Smooth: There is no substance deposition on the inner wall of the blood vessel, such as blood lipids, thrombus, heavy metals, etc.< /p>

After teenage years:

blood vessels begin to deposit

Beginning in the teens, cholesterol begins to deposit under the endothelium of arteries, forming fatty streaks.

But it will not cause arteriosclerosis to block blood vessels, myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.It may take more than 20 years to really happen. But doing these things as a teenager clogs the blood vessels:


Teenage children eat too much oil, plus Too many high-fat, high-sugar snacks, too much sugar and fat absorption, will lead to more and more fat in the blood vessels, and it is easy to block the blood vessels.

Eating too much sugar may increase blood sugar and insulin levels, which can lead to insulin resistance and chronic inflammation in the long run, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.

too little exercise

< span>Exercise can promote blood circulation and help the body to remove waste. Children who do not like sports not only have slow blood circulation, but also tend to accumulate more fat in the body, which is easy to increase the fat streaks in the blood vessels.


If you eat too much oil and too sweet, and don’t exercise enough, your child will easily become obese. Among obese students, the detection rate of hypertension, hyperglycemia, and dyslipidemia is also high, which are the reasons for accelerated arteriosclerosis and vascular blockage.

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If there is vascular plaque, don’t block the blood vessel

Beginning in 20s and 30s, many people already have atherosclerotic plaques Blocks are like “untimed” bombs planted in the blood vessels. Physical symptoms such as dizziness, palpitation, shortness of breath, etc. will occur only when 70% of the blood is blocked.

US studies in the 1990s showed atherosclerotic plaques starting at age 20 among donors who died unexpectedly and offered heart transplants The proportion of blocks is increasing rapidly. Doing these things in your 30s is like clogging up your blood vessels:

High oil, salt, and fat diet

A long-term high-fat, high-sugar, high-protein diet, unreasonable diet, It is easy to increase the blood lipid concentration in the blood vessels, increase the concentration of lipid substances cholesterol, and gradually form on the blood vessel wall.Small plaques that narrow blood vessel passages and block blood flow.

This three-high diet is also more likely to cause hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and accelerate the induction of atherosclerosis.

staying up late

Staying up late will disrupt the biological clock and cause the body to secrete too much epinephrine and norepinephrine, thereby constricting blood vessels, slowing blood flow, and increasing viscosity.

lack of movement

Many office workers sit more and move less. Long-term inactivity will lead to poor blood circulation, the waste in the blood vessels cannot be discharged, and gradually accumulate on the blood vessel walls, eventually causing blood vessels to block.

Smoke never leaves my hand

< span>The nicotine in cigarettes can promote the increase of low-density lipoprotein in atherosclerosis, reduce the high-density lipoprotein that protects arteries from atherosclerosis, and increase blood pressure and lead to atherosclerosis.

Drinking too much

Heavy drinking can not only reduce cerebral blood flow, but also damage the liver and affect lipid metabolism. Lipid metabolism affects plasma total cholesterol and triglycerides, and abnormal lipid metabolism is a recognized risk factor for atherosclerosis.

After age 40:

Plaque ruptures easily, causing blood vessel infarction

With the deposition of substances in blood vessels at a young age, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke increases rapidly in the 40s after middle age.


When people reach middle age, there are old people at the top and young people at the bottom, which is quite stressful. Men with more stressful jobs have an increased risk of arteriosclerosis, according to two 18-month surveys by Dr. James H. Dwyer of the University of Southern California. Factors such as stress are also more likely to cause plaque in blood vessels to rupture.

abdominal obesity

The abdomen is the concentration of important organs such as liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines. When the abdomen is obese, too much visceral fat enters the digestive system, which will damage the liver and affect lipid metabolism in the liver. At the same time, it will lead to metabolic disorders and block blood vessels more easily.

Wine never leaves my hands

< span>When people are middle-aged, they should not drink too much. Alcohol not only increases blood pressure, increases heart rate, increases myocardial oxygen consumption, but also promotes the rupture of arteriosclerotic soft plaques, resulting in thrombosis.

Keep blood vessels fresh< /p>

Several blood vessel “preservatives”

1No.1 Preservative Whole Grains

refined flour, rice and sugar, etc. The fiber content is very low, and the nutrients contained are very simple. It is best to choosewhole grains that have not been refined, such as brown rice, buckwheat, oats, red beans, etc.

These foods are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, and contain a lot of antioxidants substance. They help control postprandial blood sugar and blood cholesterol, thereby protecting blood vessels.

Brown Rice Oat Red Bean Porridge: Lowers Cholesterol

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Rich in water-soluble dietary fiber, can effectively Lower cholesterol, cleanse the stomach, regulate blood sugar, and smooth blood flow. p>2No. 2 preservative “salt removal” food: cleaning blood vessels of impurities

According to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in the United States, there are as many as 1.65 million deaths from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by excessive salt intake every year.

Therefore, in order to protect blood vessels, in addition to limiting salt, you should also eat in moderation. salt” food.

Soybeans, black beans, red beans, bananas, and almonds, oats, and brown rice that are high in potassium can help expel excess sodium ions from the body and reduce excess salt. damage to blood vessels.  

Black bean and black rice porridge: Activates brain cells


The iron and vitamin E of black bean and black rice porridge are prevent anemia, activate brain cells, eliminate vascular cholesterol, and clean blood vessels of impurities.

3Preservative No.3 “Sour” Fruit< /strong>

Sour dates, grapes, kiwi, hawthorn, lemons, black plums, oranges and other sour fruits often contain more vitamin C.

Vitamin C protects blood vessels, helpsprevent cell cancer and Cells age and increase body resistance. Several studies have shown that vitamin C in the body helpsprevent coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Hawthorn Lemonade: Dilates Arteries

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Lemon Hawthorn Sweet Water is rich in vitamin C, can expand Coronary blood vessels, increase coronary blood flow, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, etc., play the role of strengthening the heart and preventing angina pectoris.

Vascular Rehabilitation Side Dish Diet Recipe

Corn Yam Wheel Call the shots

kelp and celery salad

Four mushrooms and two eggplants can be mixed together

raw and cooked Eat with cucumber

a cup of tea after each meal< /p>

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