Morning is the golden period for lipid-lowering, reminder: eat more of these three kinds of breakfast, blood lipids may slowly drop

Hyperlipidemia is one of the three highs. I believe everyone is very familiar with it. It is a very common chronic disease. Compared with high blood sugar and high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia will not bring too obvious to the body in the early stage of the disease. Abnormal, so it is easily ignored by people, which is also the main reason for the frequent occurrence of hyperlipidemia.

Hyperlipidemia is mainly caused by improper diet. Frequently eating foods with high lipid content can easily lead to the body being unable to consume too much fat, which is continuously accumulated in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to control the daily diet, and breakfast in the three meals is particularly important. If the breakfast is not eaten properly, it is easy to cause fluctuations in blood lipid levels, which is not conducive to controlling the disease.

Doctor reminds: these 3 kinds of breakfast will increase blood lipids, damage blood vessels, eat as little as possible

1. Pickles

Pickles are very popular, they are refreshing and delicious, and they are often used for breakfast. However, this type of food is not only deficient in nutrition, but also not conducive to controlling blood lipid levels, because pickled pickles will put a lot of salt in the production process. Excessive intake of salt by the human body will cause damage to the lining of blood vessels and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. chance of disease.

2. Youtiao

Soybean milk fritters seem to have become a standard breakfast for people, with crispy taste and satiety, but fritters belong to Fried foods contain a lot of fat. If people with high blood lipids consume too much, not only will the blood lipid level rise sharply, but also the blood viscosity will increase, blood vessels will be blocked, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will be easily caused.

3. Duck eggs

Duck eggs are a favorite food, especially salted duck eggs, which are full of oil in one bite , It tastes very delicious, but it is not suitable for people with high blood lipids. The cholesterol content of duck eggs is very high, about 1522 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams. Excessive intake will not only lead to increased blood lipids, but also accelerate cardiovascular hardening and aging.

Morning is the “golden period” for lipid-lowering. Reminder: eat more of these 3 kinds of breakfast, and blood lipids may be “lowered”

1: Eggs

Some people think that the yolk of eggs contains a lot of cholesterol, which is not suitable for people with high blood lipids, but in fact, eggs are very nutritious, and the lecithin contained in them can prevent The lipids in the blood are precipitated, which has the effect of lowering blood lipids. However, for people with high blood lipids, eggs cannot be eaten more, and one egg a day can meet the demand.

Two: Celery

Celery is a vegetable with extremely high nutritional value, which contains a lot of dietary fiber. To reduce blood lipid levels, for people with high blood lipids, celery can often be used for breakfast, which can not only supplement nutrition, but also play an auxiliary role in lowering blood lipids.

Three: Milk

Milk is rich in hydroxyl and glutaric acid, which can reduce blood cholesterol and inhibit blood lipids rise. In addition, the orotic acid contained in milk can improve fat metabolism and reduce cholesterol absorption, which is very suitable for people with high blood lipids to drink.

Warm Tip:

Now more and more young people do not pay attention to the health of life and diet, which also leads to the high incidence of diseases such as hyperlipidemia. It is recommended that whether it is the elderly or the young, insist on doing a physical examination every year, which will help to grasp the health status of the body, so that timely response measures can be taken. # Daily health tips#


[1] The incidence of hyperlipidemia in Lou Yanmei, Han Ping and Ping Zhao health examinations Discussion on Health Management Models of Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine, 2011, 20102~ 104

[2] 25-year review and prospect of epidemiological studies on blood lipids in Chinese populations by Li Peng, Li Yong and Guo Zhigang Advances in Vascular Diseases, 2007, 28(05):776~80

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