More than 400 cases reported worldwide? A picture to understand: Unexplained hepatitis in children, what is going on?

One ​​wave has not settled, another wave has arisen.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world, unexplained childhood hepatitis threatens the health of many children.

According to local time on the 20th, officials from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that a child in the United States died due to unexplained childhood hepatitis, which is the sixth case of unexplained childhood acute hepatitis. And death.

As of May 18, a total of 180 cases of acute hepatitis of unknown cause in children have been reported across the United States.

Acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children, what exactly is it?

WHO said on May 17 that since the first reported cases of unexplained childhood hepatitis in the United Kingdom on April 5, there have been more than 400 cases of unexplained hepatitis in children worldwide.

In these children, symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever and muscle pain will appear in various degrees. Symptoms such as jaundice may occur.

Vaccine side effects? The variability of the new coronavirus? Sorry, I don’t have the right number

For this case of acute hepatitis of unknown cause, hepatitis virus infection such as A, B, B, and B has been ruled out. At the same time, through investigation and tracking, these children have not been vaccinated with the new crown mRNA vaccine, so the side effects of the vaccine argument does not hold.

Some researchers have found a human adenovirus type 41 in serum samples of some children through molecular biological testing, but previous understanding of this type of virus , At present, human adenovirus is not so powerful, can cause acute hepatitis.

At the same time, human adenovirus usually invades the respiratory tract, and can even cause gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, and even more rare cases of liver failure.

Could it be a new mutant strain of the new coronavirus?

As to these claims, it has not yet been determined whether the unexplained childhood hepatitis in various countries is caused by the same cause.

From previous literature studies, it has been shown that the new coronavirus can directly attack liver cells, and at the same time, the virus will also appear bloodstream spread, retrograde infection of the biliary tract, etc., which will induce hepatitis.

And in May 2022, the authoritative medical journal “The Lancet” published an article that unexplained childhood hepatitis may be related to superantigens caused by the new coronavirus.

In addition, autoimmune hepatitis can be induced by the new coronavirus infection and vaccination.

However, whether the increase in this type of hepatitis infection is caused by increased susceptibility in the isolation environment, new coronavirus infection or immune regulation, further and more rigorous pathological evidence, immune Mechanistic and virological research support.

So far, my country has not reported similar acute hepatitis of unknown cause in children, but due to the uncertain etiology and high severity rate of this type of disease, it needs special attention.

What are the symptoms of this unexplained acute hepatitis in children? How can we do preventive work?

Don’t worry, a picture tells: