Monkeypox infection causes severe disfigurement! What should we pay attention to under the rapid surge of global cases?

When the UK’s new crown epidemic is heading in the right direction, Here comes the 2022 global monkeypox outbreak first, from May 7 So far, the number of confirmed monkeypox virus cases in the UK has exceeded 70more than 70 cases, mainly in England. Experts expect the number of cases to rise sharply in the coming weeks.

ends5month26UK monkeypox Virus Infection Map


span>77people, Scotland3people< /span>

What exactly is monkeypox virus? Why the panic? Is it really possible to heal without medication?

Where does monkeypox come from?

1958, in the Copenhagen, Denmarklab, virologist Marg Nas (Preben von Magnus) is studying polio vaccine, accidentally from crab-eating The world’s first monkeypox virus was isolated from monkeys.Clinical manifestations resembled smallpox. span>The incubation period is usually 6-13 days, but may be 5-21 days span>.

This is whyBelgium health authorities require monkeypox cases to be 21-day self-isolation ban. UKsome experts alsoadvise patients to self-isolate for 21 days .

In fact, monkeypox and monkeys are not directly related, including monkeys< span>Primatesare also just the middle of the monkeypox virushosts. Trace back to the source, or rodents represented by rodents, perhaps named Mousepox is more appropriate.

>The first human infection with monkeypox virus was in 1970in the Congo, then the outbreak of this virus is just stop in African countries, By 1986, 95%reported cases worldwide occurred< span>In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, because its symptoms are very similar to chickenpox, it is difficult to fully control and eliminate it in Africa, where medical conditions are relatively low.

until2003 , monkeypox outbreaks began to appear for the first time outside of AfricaUnited States, when it was mainly associated with Imported from Ghanapet marmots were infected.

There are two main types of monkeypox viruses in circulation, one is West African branch, one is Central African branch, where Central African branchin historical data case fatality rate was 10.6%, and the case fatality rate in the West African branch was approximately 3.6%. The virus in monkeypox patients found this year in Europe is a West African strain with symptoms lasting 2- About 4 weeks.

scar after crusting

monkeypoxappears after 1 to 3 days of fever Rash, starting as a maculopapular rash characterized by oval to annular red bumps that quickly develop into herpes, forming small pustules with local lymphadenopathy, needle-like Similar to chickenpox, monkeypox rashusually starts on the face and spreads to the extremities, and can also appear on the mouth, genitals, etc. . If the rash reaches the eye, it can lead toblindness or risk of retinal scarring.

Monkeypox rashes leave scars after macules, papules, herpes, pustules, and crusts. The main difference from smallpox is that monkeypox can cause swollen lymph nodes.

Aboutvirus Test kit, currentlyan automated test kit developed by researchers at the Russian “Vector” National Science Center for Virology and Biotechnology , lab testing completed successfully. This test kit can successfully detect the orthopox virus infected by the experimental animal samples, and can effectively detect the orthopox virus such as vaccinia virus, monkeypox virus and vaccinia virus.

Meanwhile, China Shengxiang Biotechnology The monkeypox virus nucleic acid detection kit (PCR-fluorescent probe method) has been reserved in scientific research products. The monkeypox virus has been quickly identified, and the overseas registration is also being actively promoted.

What are the sequelae of monkeypox? What are the effective drug treatments?

This question is a topic of concern to many people. The older generation knew that when infected smallpox, they would turn into a “pocky face”, and it was recorded in history that Emperor Kangxi had been infected with smallpox. facial state.

But the unavoidable fact is that whether smallpox or monkeys Acne, because the symptoms are rash, herpes, pustules, scabs, so after healing, there will definitely be some scars on the place where the rash has occurred.. Although the disfiguring effectof monkeypox is significantly lower than that of smallpox, it still leaves scars, which is one of the reasons why many people are afraid of this virus.

Although there is no definite therapeutic injection,Prophylactic injection, available in 2019, developed by the Danish company Bavarian Nordic, USA2019yearthe only FDA-approved vaccine to prevent monkeypox diseaseJYNNEOS (called Imvamune in Canada and Imvanex in the EU ), containing a modified Ankara vaccinia virus (MVA-BN), which is incapable of replicating in humans but capable of eliciting a robust immune response against smallpox and monkeypox. Two-dose vaccination protects against the virus within 4 days of exposure and reduces the severity of symptoms within 4-14 days of exposure.

BBC Chinese on 28 May 2022< span>A post aboutMonkeypox: 10reasons we probably don’t need to worry too much< span>The report also introduced a oral drug against monkeypox virustecavire span>Tecovirimat (ST-246), which was approved by EMA in January 2022 for the treatment of smallpox, monkey pox, cowpox. Human clinical trials have shown the drug to be safe and tolerable with few side effects. Can be used on adults and children weighing at least 13kg.

In test-tube and animal studies, and < strong>Cidofovir (Cidofovir) and Brincidofovir (Brincidofovir)The two drugs Brincidofovir is a potent inhibitor of DNApolymerase, which can deal with a variety of different double-stranded DNA< span> Viruses such as monkeypox virus.

UK responded positively and ordered an additional 20,000 injections

Doubts about monkeypox outbreak in the UK, as early as last year Matt Hancock, the former UK health secretary, revealed the risk of an outbreak. Although there are some data on the upward trend, it is too early to discuss the outbreak in the UK until there is firm data.

A breakdown of cases in the UK, First detected in 2018< /strong>, a Southern England man was diagnosed after returning from Kenya whenNHS nurses were also infected while changing sheets.

Apart from this year, the most recent one was 2021year6month, the British “Sun” once reported that two cases from North Wales were also He was diagnosed after returning from Kenya. Throughout these cases, without exception, they occurred in travelers from other countries.

In medicine, monkeypox is a self-limiting disease , meaning it heals on its own,even without any treatment, monkeypox patients generally heal on their own in about 2 to 6 weeks . However, due to the symptoms of rash during the illness, it gave people a lot of discomfort, and the lack of understanding of the virus caused many people to panic.

NHS spokesman said that although there is currently no targeted monkeypox virus vaccine available to the public, But for people who have been vaccinated against smallpox, the effective rate of prevention can reach about 85%.

Unvaccinated groups are generally susceptible to monkeypox, so they often come into contact with monkeypox virus-carrying animals population, vaccination is recommended. At present,the UK has responded actively, restarting the “ring vaccination” strategy previously used to protect against smallpox virus, and began to respond to potential close contact In addition to the 5,000 injections previously reserved by the British government, the British government also renewed 20,000 injections .

Monkeypox conspiracy theory spreads faster than virus

  • Monkeys from America

this year1Month21on, the Washington Post reported that a truck loaded 100 crab-eating macaquesTruck crashes in Pennsylvania, causing 4 monkeys in vehicle to escape< /span>. After the accident, the local government acted quickly and issued a warning, asking people not to try to touch or capture these monkeys, Finally, 3 monkeys were found for euthanasia, and 1 monkey was still alive Unaccounted for.

There are several suspicious points in the report, which have led many people to point their finger at the United States.It is believed that the United States is conducting monkeypox virus experiments, first, the escaped monkeys are exported from Mauritius to university laboratories and pharmaceutical companies in the United States for laboratory use Second, the military was dispatched to arrest them; third, a local woman in Pennsylvania had contact with these monkeys at the scene of the accident, and then she developed a cold and other conditions.

  • Assembly at Wuhan Institute of Virology

< span>

When someone guides public opinion to align with the United States, rumors are made The audience alsodon’t forget to wear an extra hat for Wuhan. The website titled “The national pulse directly refers to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for assembling the monkeypox virus on the grounds that the laboratory was conducting research tests to identify the virus before the outbreak. The series Wuhan conspiracy theory caused by the new crown virus has made everyone immunity, so netizens are very concerned about this The new continent is not very cold.

  • Bill·Gates at 2022< /span>year5month release monkeypox virus

This is a bit ridiculous, some time agoBill Gates circulated on social media The Foundation and the Munich Security Conference released a report on monkeypox in March 2021, stating that monkeypox will occur in 2022 May 15began to spread, infecting3.2 billion people and killing 270 million people.

But after an investigation by Al Jazeera, it was concluded that This alleged report is from a Washington-based foundation called the Nuclear Threat Initiative (Nuclear Threat Initiative), and Not the Bill·Gates Foundation. And the topic of the report is a workshop between the Nuclear Threat Initiative and the Munich Security Conference on reducing the serious consequences of biological threats. So don’t attack yourself.

people under the age of 40 are susceptible to smallpox virus And monkeypox virus is generally not resistant?

Recently, with the news thatsmallpox vaccine can be 85% effective in preventing monkeypox, it has begun to enter everyone’s field of vision

span>, a lot of people started talking about the worldpeople under 40 are not immune. This is mainly since 1980, when the World Health Organization announced the global eradication of smallpox, the world has Smallpox vaccine has not been universally vaccinated for 30 to 40 years.

UK and US Smallpox vaccinations were completed in 1971 and 1972, eradicating all of the smallpox virus, and then ended the vaccination.

China since 1981 Stop vaccination, but the time to stop vaccination is slightly different in different regions, such as Beijing< /span>In order to consolidate the effect, it was vaccinated for 3 years. After in 1984, all of China is no longer vaccinated.

Afterwards, most humans in Africa were injected with the smallpox vaccine, making the smallpox virus nowhere to go It can escape and disappear completely, and only some samples are kept in the laboratory of the United States and the Soviet Union.

From the time point, we can see that when people discovered the first case of monkeypox virus infection in humans, Coinciding with the peak period of smallpox vaccine injection, all human beings in the world have immunity, so this virus died before it started, and there was no outbreak, so it was not paid attention to.


However, unlike smallpox, where humans are the only host, Monkeypox can not only infect humans, but also monkeys, so monkeypox virus also Survival and latent in groups of monkeys, so the general lack of resistance to variola virus and monkeypox virus in multinationals without continuous vaccination is understandable, but it is not Absolutely.

And to answer the doubts of some young friends,Post-90s, post-00s, and even some post-80s, when you see the small flower mark on your arm, you will think that you have also planted smallpox when you were a child, but you can tell everyone responsibly, If you were born after the 1980s and have only one vaccine mark on your arm, it is very likely to be a “scar”, which is a tuberculosis vaccination Vaccines BCGtraces.

The time when BCG entered China’s comprehensive immunization program was1978, and since then BCG has been vaccinated after birth The “first shot” is to be vaccinated within 24 hours of birth.The wave of people born in the late 1970s and early 1980s may have received both vaccines, there are two flowers on the arm, due to the different inoculation methods, the card scar is in the shape of a tic-tac-toe or other.

There are also friends who have had chickenpox, don’t be careless. At this stage, there is no data to show that chickenpox immunity can protect the body, because chickenpox is closely related to its The blood relationship between his big acne brothers is really far away, and it can’t give you a gold medal for body care. Monkeypox, or other pox, is not immune to chickenpox.

NHS: UK infection risk low span>

On the official website of NHS, in the risk warning about monkeypox virus infection, it is given that ——The risk is very low, so the public does not need to panic. , as long as the precautionary rules are followed.

for the public to reduce monkeypox virus infection NHS gives two golden rules and five don’ts:

  • Wash your hands frequently, preferably soap, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer strong>

  • Only eat well-done meat

  • Keep away from wild and stray animals, including dead animals


  • Do not approach any animals that appear unwell

  • Do not eat or touch wild animal meat(game) strong>

  • Do not share bedding or towels with someone who is unwell or may have monkeypox

  • Do not come into close contact with people who are unwell and who may have monkeypox< /strong>

and In the meantime, if have developed rashes and blisters, or have traveled to central and western Africa in the last six weeks, please contact your personal doctor or call 111 to report< /span>.

strong >On May 24th, the NHS in the UK will give notice to those who like

meat eaters< /span>Friend warns of monkeypox virus

Finally, on the issue of epidemic discrimination, the contest of interests of all parties in the world will always become more and more prominent during the pandemic. With the spread of the virus, many suspicions, rumors, and chasing shadows have begun to ferment in the corners of the world. But in the final analysis, the effective medicine to fight against the common enemy of mankind is to abandon suspicion and go all out. As the old saying goes, “Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself.” There is a long way to go to build an ecologically healthy environment for international trust relations.

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—The End—


Article reference < /span>CNN, BBC, NHS, Sky, Twitter

The National Pulse, Datawrapper, , etc.

< p>The picture comes from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author

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