Moisture does not eliminate all diseases! A classic recipe for dehumidification through the ages to completely expel the moisture from the body

The dog days are the most humid and hot 40 days of the year. In addition to being related to the climate, preferring iced drinks, taking cold showers, staying in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, sitting in wetlands for a long time, etc., allow dampness and heat to enter the body, causing a series of problems and even diseases. Don’t panic in the face of this situation, recommend a classic formula for dehumidification through the ages, which can completely remove the moisture in the body.

What are the hazards of damp heat?

The accumulation of damp heat in the body will induce a variety of diseases. The damp heat will radiate outward, block the skin pores, and cause skin problems such as acne and pimples; Weekly eczema and eczema, etc.; the continued downward movement of damp heat can induce athlete’s foot, mainly manifested as foot ulceration, severe itching and foot odor.

How to self-check for damp heat?

1. Look at the state of waking up

Under normal circumstances, after a night of adequate sleep, you will be refreshed in the morning , as if hit with chicken blood. If you wake up in the morning and feel dizzy and without any energy, you always feel that you are not getting enough sleep, you feel tired all over your body, as if you are wearing clothes, and you have a headache and weight.

2. Observe the tongue

The tongue is the external manifestation of the internal organs, especially the heart, spleen and stomach. The tongue quality and tongue coating are mainly observed. Generally speaking, people with heavy humidity have thick and greasy tongue coating; people with damp heat have more tongue coating, yellow and greasy tongue coating.

3. Observe the urine and urine

When there is damp heat in the body, the spleen and stomach can be affected, so You can know whether there is damp heat in the body through the properties of the stool. If the defecation is not smooth, the feces stick to the toilet, the anus cannot be cleaned with several toilet papers, and the defecation is incomplete, etc., it means that there is damp heat.

4. Watch food

Generally, people with damp heat will experience loss of appetite and nausea. Moisture intrusion can damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in loss of appetite and indigestion. At the same time, there will be the characteristics of strong stomach and weak spleen, mainly manifested as nausea when eating and feeling that the food eaten is upward.

5. Look at the whole

Damp and hot people have dull and dull complexion, oily skin, face It is prone to acne, along with red nose, enlarged pores and bad breath. In addition, people with hot and humid temperament are more impatient, often exposed because of small things, upset and difficult to control their temper.

How to remove damp heat?

Er Miao Pills is composed of two traditional Chinese medicines, Huangbai and Atractylodes. Damp heat is characterized by sinking and moisture going down, so it is necessary to be good at going down the Jiao, and choose medicines with medicinal properties that go down, which can clear away heat and remove dampness.

The medicinal properties of Cork Phellodendri are always downward, which can remove dampness and heat. Cortex Phellodendri is bitter and cold, and has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, and clearing away heat and dampness. The source of dampness and heat is the spleen and stomach. Poor spleen and stomach function will continue to produce dampness. Therefore, we should focus on strengthening the spleen and stomach, and transporting and transforming water and dampness. Atractylodes macrocephala has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the combination of the two can remove dampness and heat.

Message from the doctor

Also drink more winter melon Barley Decoction has the functions of clearing heat, dispelling phlegm, diverting water and reducing swelling; you can also drink five-flower tea, which is composed of kapok, chrysanthemum, sophora japonica, frangipani and honeysuckle. . In addition to diet, you should also maintain moderate exercise during dog days, choose moderate sports, such as jogging, skipping, swimming or cycling, etc., and reasonably add water before and after exercise, and do not blindly pursue sweating.

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