Moderate to heavy rain + heavy rain! A new round of large-scale rainfall is coming, be careful of strong convection!

Familiar heat is back on line

TodayMost of the province is above 33°C< /p>

High temperature plus a lot of humidity

“steaming and boiling” It feels more obvious

heatstroke risk forecasts Hebei Provincial Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Environmental Meteorological Center released the weather risk level forecast for heat stroke at 11:00 on July 24, 2022: < span>This afternoon, the weather risk level of heatstroke in some areas of the plains of our province is level IV and above, and heatstroke may occur. Among them, the meteorological risk level of heatstroke in southern Baoding, the central and eastern part of Shijiazhuang, and the northern part of Xingtai is level III, which is more prone to heatstroke. Please note guard against.

Great Summer Festival >Our province has also entered the main flood season(late July to early August)< /strong>Precipitation begins to force< span>Affected by low vortex and subtropical highAt present, several rounds of rain are on the wayThe rain will start in the next week Frequent punch mode26-28,Our province will experience a province-wide rainfall processmoderate to heavy rain in the north central yellow wind warning signalHebei Meteorological Observatory on July 24, 2022 at 15:08 A strong yellow warning signal is issued: It is expected that in the next 6 hours, due to thunderstorms, there will be short-term strong winds in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, and northwest Baoding, with gusts of 8-9 levels, local Up to level 10 or above, accompanied by hail and short-term heavy precipitation, please prepare for the relevant units and personnel.

specific forecast for the next three days

this evening to night, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, west of Baoding Partly cloudy with Thundershowers or showers, thunderstorms Strong convective weather such as heavy precipitation and hail from time to time, and partly cloudy in other areas. The lowest temperature, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, northwest Baoding 16 ~ 21 ℃, other areas 22 ~ 25 ℃.

daytime tomorrow strong>, cloudy to overcast in Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Baoding, Xiong’an New District, Shijiazhuang, western Xingtai, and western HandanThundershowers or showers, moderate to heavy rain locally,There are heavy rains in individual locations, and local thunderstorms are accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term strong winds, short-term heavy precipitation, and hail strong>, other areas are sunny and cloudy. The highest temperature is 28-31 ℃ in the north of Zhangjiakou, northern Chengde and northwest Baoding, and 32-34 ℃ in other areas.

Tomorrow night to the 26th, overcast in the whole province, most areas have < /span>Thunderstorms or showers, local moderate to heavy rains, heavy rains in individual locations, local strong convective weather such as short-term strong winds and short-term heavy precipitation during thunderstorms strong>.

from the night of the 26th to the 27th, the whole province is overcast, and the central and northern regions have Moderate to heavy rain, otherwise Thundershowers or showers< span>.

Frequent thunderstorms in summer pay attention to prevent 3 diseases

strong span>1. Prevention of asthma

Researchers from the Ottawa Health Research Institute in Canada found that after 6 years of observation, asthma patients in thunderstorms The frequency of hospitals will increase by 15%. Therefore, asthma patients should try to reduce outdoor activities as much as possible before a thunderstorm. When it rains, the doors and windows should not be closed, because the natural wind and rain can drive allergens away from the home. If the sun is exposed to the sun and the temperature rises after the rain, you may wish to wear a mask when going out to prevent allergens.

2. Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

The temperature during thunderstorms will drop than usual, and people with poor spleen and stomach are prone to cold stomachs. Rainy and humid conditions are also very suitable for the growth of intestinal bacteria and molds, so it is easy to induce acute intestinal infectious diseases and food poisoning in summer, such as dysentery and diarrhea.

Therefore, for people with weak stomachs, firstly, they should avoid getting cold, and secondly, they can eat some dehumidifying foods, such as Barley, lentils, and winter melon can be used to make porridge or soup. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine says that “dampness in summer”, eating bamboo leaves, lotus leaves, watermelon green clothes, etc. can relieve summer heat and dampness; “bitterness can dry dampness”, eating bitter food such as bitter gourd, bitter vegetables, lettuce, celery, etc. is also very good good.

3. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Before a thunderstorm it is sultry, the air pressure is relatively low, the air humidity is high, and it is easy to be hypoxic; after the rain, people who are exposed to the sun, the weather changes greatly, the cardiovascular regulation function is not good, or those who have heart disease themselves will feel that the symptoms are aggravated. Blood pressure is also easy to fluctuate, which may induce angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and heart failure. Some people are irritable and sweat a lot when they are stuffy. The water in the human body evaporates with sweat, and the viscosity of the blood is high, which is prone to high viscosity, thrombosis, and ischemic diseases.

Therefore, people with heart disease or coronary heart disease should check their blood pressure frequently, measure their pulse frequently, and keep nitroglycerin available. There are three things to pay attention to in life. First, drink more water in hot weather, and people with low blood pressure can drink some light salt water. The diet should be light and easy to digest, avoiding high oil and high fat. Second, the air conditioner should be properly blown, and the windows should be kept open for ventilation in the home. Try to avoid going out in the sun after the rain, try to go out early in the morning and one night. Third, exercise in moderation, as long as you sweat a little and get a little breathless after the activity, that’s fine.

specific forecast for each city

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Source|Hebei Weather, China The Weather Network[edit|Zhao Xiaobo]Hebei Daily” data-pluginname=”mpprofile” srcignature Light up, let more people see ↓↓↓