Mistaken colon cancer as hemorrhoids, how many lives have been wasted! These 3 changes in stool should be suspected of colon cancer

Adults always have some unspeakable secrets, and the most reluctant disease to talk about is hemorrhoids. As the pace of life is getting faster and faster, the incidence of hemorrhoids is also getting higher and higher, which can be described as“ten people and nine hemorrhoids”.

According to the survey statistics of China Anorectal Association, the incidence of anorectal diseases The incidence rate of hemorrhoids was 59%, and the incidence of hemorrhoids was the highest, accounting for 87.25% of the total incidence.

Many people are puzzled, why do they become people with “hemorrhoids” what?

3 Habits That Make Hemorrhoids Come to Your Door span>

During the gradual evolution of human beings to walk upright, a valve is formed in the heart blood vessels, which is like a door, allowing the blood to go in one direction, so it is not easy Backflow occurs.

The blood vessels in the anus do not have this gate, but are also the intersection of arteries and veins, so when the abdominal pressure increases, Such as forced defecation, lifting heavy objects, pregnancy, etc., are prone to varicose veins and cause hemorrhoids.

Region overwhelmed:

01 Take a mobile phone to the toilet

The causal relationship between prolonged use of the toilet and hemorrhoids has been clinically confirmed, even in the absence of In the case of constipation, the bad defecation habits caused by playing mobile phones and reading newspapers while squatting on the toilet can also lead to the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Research shows that longer than 10 bowel movements Minutes, the incidence of hemorrhoids can reach more than 70%, it is recommended to use the toilet for no more than 5 minutes.

02 Sedentary, standing and squatting for a long time

Data from the Epidemiological Survey of Common Anorectal Diseases in Chinese Adults: span>The prevalence of anorectal disease was 56.67% among those who maintained poor posture (such as standing and sitting for a long time) for more than 4 hours a day, The proportion of people who maintained poor posture for less than 1 hour was only 44.95%.

03 Alcohol and meat

In addition to spicy and stimulating food, alcohol and meat are also factors that affect hemorrhoids. Alcohol has the effect of accelerating the blood circulation of the human body. Excessive drinking is not only an incentive for hemorrhoids, but also one of the factors that aggravate the symptoms.

Excessive consumption of barbecued, grilled skewers, fried foods and other meats with low water content can easily lead to dry stools, perianal vasodilation, rupture, etc. .

What should I do if I have a hemorrhoid attack?

In most cases, humans and hemorrhoids can coexist peacefully, the emphasis is on reducing symptoms.

1. For milder symptoms, use < span>Potassium permanganate tablets warm water sitz bath, improve local blood circulation, sterilize and reduce inflammation, and treat each other gently.

2. Use some oils or Suppositories to relieve discomfort in the chrysanthemum.

3. When there is a lot of bleeding, use Oral drug therapy to stop bleeding and reduce swelling.

4.If the hemorrhoids are severe, you can follow the doctor’s advice and surgery to remove the hemorrhoids .


Pregnant women are also at high risk of hemorrhoids. As the fetus grows, the intra-abdominal pressure of pregnant women increases, which can lead to obstruction of rectal venous return; In addition to the increase in progesterone secretion, It is easy to cause high hemorrhoidal varicose veins. Hemorrhoids appear. But that’s why some people have hemorrhoids that go away naturally after giving birth.

Bowel cancer disguised as hemorrhoids

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According to relevant data, about 80% of rectal cancers with blood in the stool for the first time will be misdiagnosed or mistaken for hemorrhoids. The reasons are roughly as follows:

1The location of both hemorrhoids and rectal cancer Similar

The early symptoms of rectal cancer are atypical, similar to the clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids, such as blood in the stool, difficulty in defecation, and exfoliation. Therefore, it is easy to be confused if you are not careful.

2The public lacks public health knowledge and lacks awareness of rectal cancer

As the saying goes, ” “Nine hemorrhoids in ten people”, which makes many people think that hemorrhoids are a common disease with a very “popular basis”. Once blood in the stool occurs, most of them think that they are suffering from “hemorrhoids”, coupled with bad living habits, occupational factors, etc., The symptoms of blood in the stool are easier to justify. Without knowing the reason, privately press the “hemorrhoid” treatment or not pay attention.

3Some medical staff have limited medical level or clinical experience

lack of awareness of rectal cancer, lack of vigilance, and narrow thinking , Considering limitations, ignoring patients with diarrhea and blood in the stool, excluding the possibility of rectal cancer, and paying little attention to clinical examinations, especially digital rectal examination.

4Patients think they have hemorrhoids

Some patients go to the doctor and say I got hemorrhoids by myself, plus some symptoms, it is easy for some careless doctors to treat it as “hemorrhoids”, and there is no detailed further differential diagnosis.

5Insufficient attention to young patients

Although rectal cancer mostly occurs in people over 50 years of age However, cases under the age of 30 in my country also account for 10% to 20%, and the trend continues to rise. Therefore, when young people have blood in the stool, the investigation of rectal cancer cannot be ignored.

6Hemorrhoids and bowel cancer co-exist

Although hemorrhoids are not cancerous, they may At the same time as bowel cancer, often only hemorrhoids are noticed at this time, but bowel cancer is ignored!

How to distinguish rectal cancer from hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids vs. Rectal Cancer /p>

Some people may not take hemorrhoids seriously, often leading to serious illness before going to the hospital for examination.After examination, it is found that they are not hemorrhoids at all , but rectal cancer.

Because of late discovery, the best treatment period was delayed, so can we, in the early stage of blood in the stool, Can you tell if it’s hemorrhoids or rectal cancer?

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Bleeding from hemorrhoids is caused by feces rubbing against dilated blood vessels, The color is mostly bright red, the amount of bleeding will be relatively large, and some even spray-like , but not confused with feces, often attached to the surface of feces;

The bleeding of rectal cancer is mainly caused by the fragile texture of the cancer tissue, which is mostly old, mostly dark red or jam-colored, Often sticks to feces and may be accompanied by pus.

>change in bowel habits p>

The frequency of bowel movements is different between hemorrhoids and bowel cancer patients, because there are tumors in the bowels of colorectal cancer patients, and the tumors can compress the bowel.< strong>There will be a lot more bowel movements than before, and there is always a feeling that the bowel movement can’t be finished. Hemorrhoids have a normal bowel movement, but the bowel movement is painful.

If the bowel movements were regular in the past, and the bowel movements were abnormal recently, sometimes bleeding constipation, sometimes diarrhea, and sometimes alternating constipation and diarrhea At this time, you should be alert to bowel cancer, and it is recommended to seek medical attention in time.

>feeling of pain

The discomfort of hemorrhoids and bleeding from anal fissures can be felt as perianal pain,hemorrhoid pain is intermittent strong>, it is not persistent, usually there will be pain before defecation, and the pain will be relieved by washing after defecation.

The pain of rectal cancer is persistent, the pain of cancer is the compression of nerves, all many cancer patients need to hit Du on time Lengding (pain reliever).

span>Master 5 tips to say goodbye to the “Chrysanthemum Problem”

Control risk factors

General preventive measures for hemorrhoids are controlling risk factors, including cessation of smoking and limiting alcohol, Exercise regularly to keep your mood comfortable. Avoid prolonged sitting, and for those who need to sit for a long time every day, use a breathable cushion to reduce local pressure.

Adjusting your eating habits

Eat less hot pot and less skewers, avoid spicy food and eat more fruits and vegetables. On the one hand, good eating habits can keep the bowel movements smooth, and on the other hand, it can reduce the varicose veins of hemorrhoids.

Change bad bowel habits

According to the statistics of the “Epidemiological Survey of Common Anorectal Diseases in Chinese Adults”,Defecation time more than 30 minutes, the prevalence of anorectal diseases is higher than the normal level Up nearly 20% to 68.52%. And if the defecation time can be controlled within 5 minutes, this figure will fall back to 44.41%.

Stop using your phone and reading while on the toilet, because prolonged defecation posture or excessive force, it is easy to increase the pressure of the local blood vessels around the anus and lead to the expansion of blood stasis.

Pay attention to keeping the perianal clean

stool AfterwardsWipe the anus gently from front to back, if it is difficult to wipe clean, you can use a wet tissue (not recommended to use alcohol), and use a shower when choosing a bathtub or squatting position The nozzle flushes the anus.

Do more levator exercises every day< phm_fix="359:335">Relax your whole body, inhale, and lift your anus up; exhale, relax your anus. One time in the morning and one in the evening, 30 reps each time. If you stick to it for a long time, it will improve the hemorrhoids.

If you have blood in your stool, don’t take it lightly< span>, be sure to find a specialist for examination to rule out the possibility of rectal cancer. After all, more than 80% of rectal cancers are misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids on their first visit!

Doctor’s recommendationAt the age of 40, he received his first colonoscopy in his life. Check back every 5-10 years. every Perform a fecal occult blood test and an rectal test once a year for two consecutive days. positive Treats constipation and enteritis.

Even if the doctor has made it clear that hemorrhoids are bleeding, if there is still blood in the stool after taking medicine for a period of time, more attention should be paid to further examinations, to prevent “cancer bleeding” from being “bleeding from hemorrhoids” Covered up and delayed treatment time.

Source: Health Physician Says, Top Three Fax, Gastroenterology

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