Miss the faint smell on your body… The reason for falling in love is to like the smell of ta? !

|Planning/Editing: Xiaoya Editor in Charge: Fanny&cici Reviewer: Li Yun

First, do three small surveys:

How many girls like to smell men’s body?

How many boys like to smell girls?

How many couples are together because they like to smell each other?

Welcome to share your experience in the message area~

After completing these three surveys, I believe that many couples can’t hold back and start to recall those years… Like TA’s body The faint fragrance, Cigarette, grass, milk, rose, sweat, or a unique taste that is inexplicable.

So, a lot of love may start from liking the smell of TA, so a word called “smell love” was born. This is probably the often said “smells like, attracting each other”. (Single dog said: This is why I haven’t found a partner yet)

Want to know why scent love occurs? Why is everyone’s body odor unique and not the same? Today, Benhong will bring you together to learn about the mystery of 【Body Smell】.

The origin of body odor

Body odor is a specific smell emanating from the body. It may be a favored scent, or it may be an unwelcome odor or pungent smell.

The same is body odor, why are some people “body odor” and others “body odor”?

Many body odor comes from the largest organ of the human body – the skin. The skin contains two types of glands: sebaceous glands and sweat glands. According to the different secretions of sweat glands, it is divided into apocrine glands and eccrine sweat glands.

Eccrine glands are widely distributed throughout the body, except in areas such as lip balm and nails. The secretions excreted by the eccrine glands are mainly water, inorganic salts and a small amount of metabolic wastes such as uric acid and urea. Generally, the secretions are thin perspiration and no special smell.

And apocrine glands are mainly distributed in the armpit, areola, umbilical fossa, vulva, anus, etc. The substances it secretes contain various proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids Other substances, after being decomposed by human epidermis bacteria, will cause the reproduction and fermentation of bacteria, which will easily produce irritating odor.

That’s why the stench that people “smell” comes from. Therefore, body odor is almost inseparable from the apocrine glands. For example, the occurrence of body odor is inseparably related to the secretion of sweat from the apocrine glands.

In fact, there are many factors that affect the 【Body Odor】, such as:


It’s genetics in the first place. Secondly, when your chromosomal allele expression types are GG and GA, the apocrine glands secrete special molecules and organic acids, which are decomposed under the action of bacteria, resulting in an unpleasant smell.

Food, Medication Intake

For example, the smell produced by eating leeks, garlic, onions, or taking medicines will also produce body odor after it is emitted from the respiratory tract, sweat, and urine.


Taste from a metabolic disorder (eg, phenylketonuria, trimethylaminuria) or a systemic disorder, such as a rotten smell from a person with a tyrosine disorder The smell of cabbage, the breath of diabetics has the smell of rotten apples.

Outside “Smudge”

Smell like everyday necessities, cosmetics, or clothes.

Do different people smell different?


You think there are two main sources of masculinity. One is perspirant fragrance; the other is sexual fragrance.

● Perspiration

The secretions originate from the sweat glands on the surface of the body. The secretions have no taste by themselves, but after contact with the skin, they are added with bacterial “brewing” ”, the smell comes out. The main odorant contained in sweat is butyrate, in addition to lysine, lactic acid, urea, etc.

Once the skin hygiene is poor, bacteria feed on the oil secreted by the skin. It becomes unpleasant, and of course the smell of sweat becomes the smell of sweat.

(Source: References)


“Smell love” is related to substances such as sexual incense. It is also commonly referred to as [pheromone], which is a pheromone secreted by the human body and also [pheromones]. >called pheromones.

These pheromones are “brewed” by exocrine glands in the armpits, head, face, chest, and genitals, and then by the olfactory organs of other individuals Awareness, thereby invisibly affecting changes in people’s basic behavior (emotional, psychological or physiological mechanisms).

For example, the other person’s scent attracts you, or you can smell the [pheromones] from the man’s body >While he and others can’t smell it, This is probably the smell of love!


I believe that many boys will have such an experience, when girls pass by you, they can always smell a faint fragrance. There are three kinds of theories about girls’ “body fragrance”.

The Doctrine of Sweat

Girls, like boys, also emit sweat, and there are also substances such as sweat secretions (butyrate, lactic acid, urea, etc.).

But Ben Hong believes that most girls are still very particular about bathing and even taking care of them, so that bacteria will not have the opportunity to grow and multiply on the body surface. After all, what girl doesn’t like to smell good!

Theory of Sexual Fragrance

It is also due to substances such as [pheromones], which are excreted with sweat or sebum in women’s armpits, perineum, breasts, etc. And appearing, this personal physiological smell containing hormones, the opposite sex may be attracted to each other by this tiny smell.

Exotic aroma theory

If a boy smells neither the sweaty scent of skin secretions nor the sex hormonesScent, there’s a humorous way of saying “salted in makeup”.

The various shampoos, skin care products, perfumes, cosmetics, etc. that girls come into contact with every day, contain various fragrance additives, which can be used for a long time Fragrance-containing things residue on clothing or skin and creates the “same fragrance”.


You can always smell a milky fragrance on the child, and parents can’t help love smelling and hugging, which may be related to these points.

● The smell of the residue: While the baby is still in the mother’s womb, a white waxy substance called “prenatal fat” is wrapped around the baby’s body and waits until the baby is born Amniotic fluid residueand fetal fatcoat on the baby’s skin and smell like a >Milk-like flavor.

Caused by milk smell:Babies are breastfed until 6 months, and they can’t eat other foods except breast milk, so they have Willhave a natural milky scent. However, after 6 months, the baby will be paired with complementary food. As the baby’s intake of complementary food increases, the milk flavor on the body will gradually disappear.

Undeveloped sweat glands:The reason why babies smell like milk is also related to their underdeveloped sweat glands, even if they sometimes It’s sweat, but babies also smell like milk, so it won’t smell like an adult’s sweat.

The taste of elders

Sometimes when you approach or get close to the elderly, you will smell a kind of elder smell, which is related to aging and slow metabolism.

The older the elderly, the slower the metabolism and the less antioxidant substances in the skin. Coupled with hormone changes, more free fatty acids are oxidized, so It produces a substance called 2-nonenal, which gives off a special smell.

In fact, this “elderly smell” is not unpleasant, but it may be that hygiene and cleaning are not done properly, and eventually it will gradually accumulate into a pungent smell.

In addition, the smell on the elders may also be caused by some diseases. As people age, skin resistance decreases, more susceptible to infection, skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, ulcers, bedsores, etc. appear, resulting in odor.

After introducing the little knowledge points about different body odors, I would like to talk about what everyone wants to know, how can I make my body odor more pleasant ?

Tips for fragrance

1. Body odor has a lot to do with cleanliness. If you want to become a sweet boy or girl, you can’t be lazy, bath frequently, change clothes frequently, and wash clothes frequently.

2. Make full use of some small items to create a “scent of fragrance”, such as choosing a suitable perfume, aromatherapy, antiperspirant , Deodorant, especially for some people who have peculiar smell or sweat a lot. Or use some scented detergents when washing clothes, so that the clothes leave a light fragrance when they are worn.

3. Try to eat less odorous food and eat more fresh breath food. If you really don’t want to give up your ” taste preference”, then carry a small package of mouthwash or chewing gum with you for emergencies.

4.Wear loose, breathable clothes to help evaporate sweat.

Everyone has body odor, but everyone is different. Friends, have you ever experienced a social death moment or warm and interesting about body odor. strong> thing? Chat with Ben Hong in the comment area~


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