Ministry of Science and Technology: The number of new Class I drugs approved in my country has increased to 75, and a batch of domestic high-end medical devices has been put into use

At 10:00 am today (February 25), the State Council Information Office held a press conference. Minister of Science and Technology Wang Zhigang introduced the progress of scientific and technological innovation.

Wang Zhigang said that facing the people’s life and health, insisting on the supremacy of the people and life, and taking the enhancement of the people’s health and well-being as an important orientation for scientific and technological research and development. Supporting epidemic prevention and control, testing methods are faster, more convenient and more accurate, breakthroughs have been made in drug research and development, vaccine research and development has actively adapted to new changes in the epidemic, and its effectiveness and safety have been continuously verified in practice. Accelerate the research and development of drugs and medical devices. Through the implementation of major special projects for new drug creation, my country has approved 75 class I new drugs from 5 before 2008, and a number of domestic high-end medical devices have been put into use.