Mingquan community carried out the activity of “Learn from Lei Feng, create a new wind, love to preach and send health”


On March 9, Jingmen High-tech Zone·Daodao District Mingquan Community, Dodaoshi Street, and Diaodao People’s Hospital jointly launched the “Learn from Lei Feng, Trees New Breeze, Love Preaching and Delivering Health” ” activity, inviting medical staff to deliver health to community residents and practice Lei Feng’s spirit with practical actions.

The medical staff used years of work experience combined with PPT to explain the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common gynecological diseases and clinical symptoms with pictures and texts, and explained in detail the importance of annual routine gynecological examinations for middle-aged women, as well as the usual gynecological examinations in life. The development of hygiene habits. In addition, the medical staff also explained the curative effects and effects of traditional Chinese medicine and external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine to the treatment methods such as scraping, acupuncture, and massage, explained the residents in simple terms, and provided on-site diagnosis and treatment for the residents.

This activity involves gynecology and traditional Chinese medicine health knowledge. Residents’ health knowledge and establish a healthy life concept. (Text/Photo by Zhong Yongqin, correspondent of Jingmen Evening News)

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Xinhuanet, Beijing, March 9 (Reporter Xia Ke) According to the official website of the Center for Drug Evaluation of the State Drug Administration, it was independently developed by Beijing Tide Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The first-class innovative drug TDI01 suspension was officially approved by the State Drug Administration of China recently,…

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Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference with high incidence of depression in adolescents Vic: Building a mental health education security system

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Special Treatment for Special Patients

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Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital’s obstetric special needs outpatient clinic provides one-stop warm service for pregnant mothers

Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital's obstetrics outpatient clinic for special needs, providing one-stop warm service for pregnant mothers
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National People’s Congress: Free nucleic acid testing is recommended

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JAMA Sub-issue: Minoxidil vs Dutasteride, Finasteride,

Family of three infected: I fought the epidemic overseas for 21 days< /a>

Family of three infected: I fought the epidemic overseas for 21 days

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