Millet porridge is called “substitute ginseng soup”, and its mineral content is about 2.5%

Millet, also known as millet, or millet in the north, is one of the oldest cultivated crops in the world and the main food crop in ancient my country. Commonly known as “millet has five colors”, there are various colors such as white, red, yellow, black, orange, purple, etc., and there are also sticky ones.

Good ingredients for improving physical fitness

Millet is a traditional grain that Chinese people like , its golden color, rich in nutrition, easy to digest and absorb, is a good ingredient for children, the elderly, and pregnant women to improve their physique. Using millet to cook porridge should be the most supplementary way to eat, so it is also called “substitute ginseng soup” , the content of minerals is about 2.5% to 3.5%, such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron is an excellent iron from plant sources, which can improve the hemoglobin status of children. Yams are commonly used medicinal materials and ingredients It has the functions of strengthening the spleen, nourishing the lung, nourishing the stomach and nourishing the kidney, etc. It contains mucin, amylase, free amino acids and other substances. Regular consumption can strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, help the digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, and can be used to treat spleen and stomach weakness, diarrhea and other diseases .

Different varieties have different effects< /span>

Different yam varieties have different effects. It is recommended to cook this kind of stomach-nourishing porridge. Iron stick yam is the best. The taste is soft and glutinous. Simply not too suitable, millet yam porridge, ingredient list: 100 grams of millet, 200 grams of yam, 9 Hetian jade dates, 800 grams of water, appropriate amount of wolfberry, brown sugar, cooking steps, first wash the red dates, soak in water for 30 minutes, yam Wash it, peel it and cut it into slices. Because it will not be used temporarily, soak it in water for a while to avoid oxidation, wash the rice, and prepare the wolfberry and brown sugar separately.

Reduce to low heat and cook about half Hours

The millet is soaked in water for about 10 minutes, and then rinsed with water. The wolfberry is also simply washed with water, and then we Prepare the casserole, put the washed rice into the pot, then add the yam, and add the water that has not been used for the ingredients. It is best to add enough water at one time. Add water, if you like to drink a little thicker, you can add a little less. This is determined according to your own taste. When the time is up, put the brown sugar and wolfberry in it and continue to cook for two minutes. Cook the brown sugar until it melts. Method 2, materials; 40 grams of yam, 50 grams of millet, wash and mash or slice the yam, set aside, put the yam and millet into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil with high heat first, turn to low heat and cook for about approx. Half an hour, until the porridge is thick and soft.

Millet porridge is healthy food span>

Millet porridge is a healthy food, it can be boiled alone, or you can add jujube, red bean, sweet potato, lotus seed, lily, yam, etc. to make it into different flavors The nutritious porridge, yam contains saponins, mucus, has lubricating and moisturizing effects, so it can benefit lung qi, nourish lung yin, and treat lung deficiency and phlegm cough and chronic cough. Therefore, this porridge is also very suitable for chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer.

Xiaomi is rich in VB1, VB2 and niacin, it is recommended not to buy it Rub it vigorously with your hands, and don’t soak it for a long time. It can be controlled within 10 minutes.