Milk has such a long shelf life, is it because of the addition of a lot of preservatives? 2 kinds of “fake milk” to drink less

My relatives came to visit last weekend and bought two boxes of children’s milk. They said they would bring it to Ms. Sun’s children. Ms. Sun said thank you, but she thought this milk Not safe, there must be a lot of preservatives added in it, otherwise why is the shelf life so long? However, in front of her relatives, Ms. Sun did not reveal it. She secretly planned to dispose of the milk after her relatives left. She believed that it was safe to drink the fresh milk she ordered at the milk station.

There are several types of milk shelf life. Generally, milk ordered from a milk station has a shelf life of only 3 days, while the transparent bag bought from the supermarket has a shelf life of only 3 days. Milk has a shelf life of 21 days and 45 days, and boxed milk and milk powder have a longer shelf life, ranging from half a year to a year and a half.

Some people are worried about this kind of milk with a long shelf life. They feel that preservatives are added in it, and they are worried that long-term drinking will cause cancer. This statement is true Is it right?

From pasture to people’s table, what happens to a glass of milk? Does it really contain preservatives? once published relevant articles, telling people how milk came from and how it entered people’s dining table. First of all, the cows do not live on the blue sky grassland, bathing in the sun and eating green grass every day, but living in modern pastures, eating professional food every day When the feed arrives, it will be queued up on the turntable and the mechanical milking will be turned on.

Yes, you read that right, milking is not by hand, so you don’t have to worry about how many bacteria there are on workers’ hands. Cows are so used to daily mechanical milking that they stand in front of the milking equipment in an orderly manner, waiting to be milked as if they knew their tasks Milk ends. From milk to equipment, every link will be sterilized, which not only saves labor costs, but also speeds up work efficiency and avoids milk source contamination.

Milk’s life is very comfortable, the environment is good, the diet is good, and there are professionals to test their health status to ensure the production of high-quality milk. Milk is processed and sterilized in a closed environment. There is no risk of contamination by manual contact during the process. Finally, it is packaged and transported and sold to supermarkets. , retail stores, milk stations.

Why is the shelf life of milk so long?

In fact, as long as milk does not come into contact with bacteria, its shelf life can be very long. For dairy companies, a sterilization process can solve the problem, so why increase the cost Use preservatives?

The reason why the milk can be stored for dozens of days or even months is because it has been sterilized at high temperature and there is no bacterial life, so it can naturally be stored for a long time. .

Two sterilization methods:


More nutrients are preserved and the taste is good, but it needs cold chain transportation, purchase Refrigerate when you get home, high price


The sterilization is more thorough and the risk of bacterial infection is reduced. It is a milk that accounts for a large proportion in the market in China, so don’t worry about it soon Deterioration, the nutrition and taste of milk will not be affected too much.

Now everyone should know that it isthanks to the sterilization method< /strong>, we can drink milk with a long shelf life. However, some netizens also pointed out that the ingredients list of the purchased yogurt is very complicated, which contains food flavors, pectin, acesulfame potassium, etc. The ingredients, some of which have very long names, don’t look healthy.

Some pure milk and yogurt do use additives in order to make the taste better and more mellow, but you should not be disgusted by seeing them. Because additives are very common in the food industry, and there are many types, they are the product of the progress of the food industry and have no effect on the human body.

Furthermore, it can be sold in supermarkets, and it is a well-known brand. Generally, it will not be added in excess, because the country has strict supervision on the dairy industry. Once something other than the law allows, the regulatory department will not tolerate it.

2 kinds of “fake milk” should be drunk less, many people Love it

Breakfast milk

< span>Children’s milk

These two kinds of milk give people the illusion that they are especially suitable for breakfast. Red dates or strawberry jams are sweet to drink, and it is best not to drink them for middle-aged and elderly people, because they are high in sugarIt is easy to affect blood sugar. If you really like walnut milk and red dates, you might as well buy plain milk, then chop up walnuts and red dates and add them to it, the nutrition is more pure.

Children’s milk seems to be specially designed for children, but if you look closely at the formula, there is still a lot of sugar and flavor. bad for teeth, and too much sugar will Contributes to obesity risk. In addition, sweet milk will also make children mistakenly think that they are drinking, and drink milk as water, and they will not be willing to drink boiled water at that time.

Long-term milk drinkers and those who don’t like milk, after the age of 60 How is the body different?

Once the elderly encounter unexpected conditions, they are prone to fractures, not only because they are older, but also related to bone metabolism, lack of exercise, and uneven diet. When the bone is like rotten wood, it can be broken with a little force, so the elderly must pay attention to calcium supplementation.

And when it comes to calcium supplementation, we need to talk about drinking milk. Some people think that milk is a kind of liquid. It doesn’t matter if you drink it or not. Drinking boiled water or beverages is the same, but the ingredients of milk and water are not.Milk contains a lot of calcium and protein, which can supplement calcium and maintain bone hardness, which is good for the intestines and skin of the elderly. There are also benefits. If you insist on drinking milk from the age of 40, it will not be easy to fracture after the age of 60.

Although drinking milk cannot completely prevent bone degeneration, it can reduce bone loss and protect joint health. If the elderly do not like to drink milk, If you don’t pay attention to calcium supplementation, the risk of fracture will increase when you get old. After a fracture, the elderly have limited mobility, which will affect both the body and the mind.

In short, milk is a healthy drink. It is recommended that you drink one or two cups a day. Plain milk is healthier than flavored milk. Of course, This is not to say that flavored milk cannot be drunk, but to drink less and avoid too much sugar.


[1]Encyclopedia of milk: all pure What is the difference between milk, UHT milk and pasteurized milk?·China Net.2019-08-27

[2] Is the long shelf life of milk more preservatives? 2019-02-27

[3]What quality and safety checks does a carton of milk go through from pasture to table?·Jintai Information.2020-08-13