Milk contains a lot of hormones, can cause precocious puberty and cancer? I’ll tell you the truth today

“Milk hormones explode, can cause cancer?”

“Is precocious puberty caused by the hormones in milk, drinking too much?”


Milk has been controversial as a star product. So are precocious puberty, cancer and other factors related to milk? Xiaojiu tells you the exact answer.

I. Is precocious puberty caused by drinking milk?

In general, milk is low in hormones. Since 2008, the state-approved method for the detection of hormone residues in animal-derived foods is liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), which is included in the technical specifications of the European Union.

It can be said that my country’s animal food hormone residue detection methods do not lag behind international standards .

The Ministry of Health announced at a press conference on August 15, 2010 that the endogenous estrogen and progesterone contained in milk are in line with the general standards reported in domestic and foreign literature. According to the content standard, the levels of estradiol and estriol are in line with the level of human milk, and are generally lower than those of bovine blood. In addition, the milk does not contain banned exogenous hormones, such as diethylstilbestrol and medroxyprogesterone acetate.

Based on current research evidence,precocious puberty is not associated with drinking milk.

andprecocious puberty Mostly associated with childhood obesity due to overnutrition. For example, excessive intake of high-calorie food, chicken embryos, bird’s nest and other supplements, unreasonable diet structure (excessive intake of meat), sugar-sweetened beverages and health products are also one of the risk factors for precocious puberty in children.

Second, do the hormones in milk cause cancer?

The so-called milk hormone is actually a bovine growth hormone, called bovine somatotropin (bGH for short). It can be injected into cows to increase milk production, but the extraction cost is high. Later, people controlled the culture to synthesize “recombinant bovine growth hormone” (rbGH for short).

Both rbGH and bGH are proteins, which are generally digested into amino acids and absorbed by the human body after eating, and will not affect the body.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has conducted high-dose, short-term animal studies . For 28 consecutive days, rats were fed rbGH at a dose 100 times higher than the dose injected in cows. As a result, no abnormality was observed in the rats, and it was considered that growth The use of hormones has no effect on the human body.

However, Canadian studies suggest that rbGH is associated with an insulin-like growth factor I (IGF- 1) There is a relationship, because there are studies showing that IGF-1 is associated with cancers such as prostate cancer. Therefore, the use of rbGH can increase the content of IGF-1 in milk, which has potential health risks.

In this regard, the FDA explained: First of all, there is no evidence that IGF-1 can cause cancer, and the increase in IGF-1 caused by rbGH is small, which is within the safe range. The human body itself contains IGF-1, and the IGF-1 ingested through milk is simply insignificant. Finally, IGF-1 will lose its biological activity after digestion and absorption, so the milk hormone in milk will not cause harm to the human body.

In conclusion,no evidence that milk causes cancer, according to the recommended milk by the Dietary Guidelines Intake (300g per day), does not increase cancer risk.

Third, drinking milk on an empty stomach is a waste?

In daily life, we often hear such rumors: “If you drink milk on an empty stomach in the morning, the milk as a liquid will quickly pass through the intestines, and the milk may also be rapidly transformed It is consumed for heat energy, resulting in a lot of waste.” In fact, this statement is unscientific.

According toHe Yingxi, an intermediate nutritionist in the Department of Clinical Nutrition, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Explain that 80%~90% of pure milk is water, 3%~4% protein, 4%~5% lactose, and 3%~5% fat, so milk is not all liquid.

And most of the nutrients in milk will be absorbed, even if the stomach is very motile or has low levels of digestive enzymes /span>, no waste.

Secondly, the human body first consumes lactose, fat and other substances and converts them into heat, and then converts protein into heat, so there is no need to worry about drinking milk on an empty stomach and converting it into heat first Use up.

Fourth, these drinking methods are equivalent to “white drinking”

< p>Milk is rich in a variety of beneficial elements and is a good helper for the human body to supplement nutrients. To get the most out of milk, you need to avoid the following wrong drinking methods.

1. Boil the milk and drink it

Many people like hot drinks, and drinking milk is also Will habitually boil it. In fact, doing so turns sol-state proteins into a gel state, reducing the nutritional value of milk.

It is recommended that people who like hot drinks warm up the bagged milk in hot water, and do not put the bagged milk directly into the microwave oven. If you need to use a gas stove to heat, don’t wait until it boils before turning off the heat. The temperature can be between 60°C and 80°C, and keep stirring during the heating process.

2. Drink milk as water

The 2016 edition of the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” recommends that the daily intake of milk and other dairy products is 300 grams, which is equivalent to 200-300 ml of milk per day for adults. If intake too much milk, it is easy to increase the excretion of calcium in the urine, causing calcium to be lost. milk. Therefore, it is best not to drink milk as water, otherwise it will outweigh the gains.

3. Choose only concentrated milk

Many people think that concentrated milk is more nutritious, so choose only concentrated milk.

In fact, the “thickness” of milk is that some merchants add substances such as thickeners, flavors and stabilizers in order to make the milk taste richer and more fragrant. Secondly, some parents deliberately put less water and more milk powder during the preparation process in order to prepare milk with less water and higher nutrient concentration.

4. Feeding medicine with milk

Many people have the habit of feeding medicine with milk , this practice not only makes the medicine less effective, it may also be harmful to the body. Because the drug easily reacts chemically with the mineral ions calcium and magnesium in the milk, so that a covering film is formed on the surface of the drug. Therefore, it is recommended not to feed the medicine with milk or not to drink milk within 1 to 2 hours before and after taking the medicine.

The claims that milk causes cancer and precocious puberty are mostly based on falsehoods, please do not Blindly following the trend will only increase the troubles and miss the food that is beneficial to the body.


[1] “[Health Tips] Does drinking milk every day really cause precocious puberty? Four Ways to Choose High-Quality Milk”. Tianjin Third Central Hospital. 2015-06-29

[2] “Can I drink milk on an empty stomach? Listen to what nutrition experts have to say”. Guangdong TV Pearl River Channel. 2019-01-25

[3] “Drinking milk like this is equivalent to “free drinking”, and all nutrients are wasted! 4 Common Mistakes and Habits, Many People Are Making”. CCTV Going Home for Dinner

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