Miao Jing visited and expressed condolences to the frontline medical staff in Anhui’s anti-epidemic aid to Shanghai

From April 15th to 16th, Miao Jing, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, and Li Jun, deputy secretary of the district party committee, came to the hotels where the Anhui Aid Shanghai Medical Team was stationed to visit and offer condolences to the fight against the epidemic. Front-line medical team representatives.

Miao Jing carefully understood the work and life of the medical team and the service guarantee of the resident hotel, and expressed sincere thanks and high respect to everyone on behalf of the district party committee and government. He said that at the most arduous juncture of epidemic prevention and control, the vast number of medical staff dressed in white, unafraid of danger, rushed to Shanghai as soon as possible, and fought on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, which made us feel warm and encouraged. Over the past few days, everyone has fought continuously and worked hard, which fully demonstrates the great love of medical staff to “respect lives, save the dying, have the courage to take responsibility, and share weal and woe”.

Miao Jing said that the current epidemic prevention and control work is still at a very critical and critical stage. He hoped that the majority of medical staff will stick to their posts and invest with a more tenacious style. In the fight against the epidemic, I believe that under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, with the strong support and joint efforts of all parties, the epidemic will be overcome at an early date. He urged the medical staff to pay attention to the combination of work and rest and take care of their health.

Miao Jing requested that the relevant departments should do a good job of docking, and the resident hotel should try its best to provide the service guarantee of the medical team to ensure that Medical staff are healthy in mind and body, and hotels should also strengthen health and safety management, and strictly implement various prevention and control measures.

The Anhui Medical Team for Shanghai Aid stated that “Shanghai and Anhui are one family, and the anti-epidemic is integrated”. The personnel worked closely together to fight the epidemic, and devoted themselves to the fight against the epidemic with fuller spirit and fighting spirit, and completely won the tough battle of epidemic prevention and control.

Reporter: Zhang Yongchang; Photographer: Wu Male

Editor: Gu Xiaoyi