Mianzhu: Building a strong fortress of life and health and boosting the revitalization of Ganluo countryside

Rural revitalization, health first. In order to help the Yi compatriots to hold up the “protective umbrella” of health, Mianzhu City has been closely focusing on the goal of making Ganluo people “affordable, good, and less sick”, and has combined “blood transfusion” with “hematopoiesis”. The combination will promote the comprehensive pairing and precise policy implementation of the medical systems of the two sides, and help Ganluo County to comprehensively improve the level of medical and health services.

Strengthen the foundation of health and enhance the sense of happiness of the masses

Recently, Ganluo County People’s Hospital admitted a Yi child with laryngeal obstruction due to acute infectious laryngitis. The child was at stake and his life was on the line. Zhang Heng, a doctor from Mianzhu Aid Yi, immediately led the local pediatrician to rescue the child and successfully pulled the child back from the death line. “Doctor Mianzhu, thank you for saving him and saving our family.” Knowing that her grandson had turned the corner, the patient’s grandmother didn’t have time to wipe the tears off her face, so she kept bowing to Zhang Heng and thanking him.

In December 2018, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Ganluo County People’s Hospital was officially established with the help of Mianzhu. Chen Yan and other 4 experts from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Mianzhu City People’s Hospital were stationed in the department for a long time. Provide comprehensive assistance and guidance for personnel training, new technology development, and community services.

“People in Ganluo have a one-sided understanding of the concept of rehabilitation. We are committed to retaining people and professional skills, creating a professional team that cannot be taken away, and effectively addressing the rehabilitation needs of local people.” Mianzhu City Zhang Shaojun, a rehabilitation therapist at the People’s Hospital, said that in order to solve the problems of shortage of talents, shortage of equipment, and relatively backward technology in the department, the medical staff of the People’s Hospital of Mianzhu not only helped the rehabilitation medicine department of the hospital to carry out the new bedside rehabilitation treatment work. It has also successively cooperated with the Department of Neurology, the Department of Critical Care Medicine, the Department of Respiratory Medicine, the Department of General Surgery, and the Department of Orthopaedics to provide patients with early bedside rehabilitation medical services. At present, the Rehabilitation Department of Ganluo County People’s Hospital has 15 medical staff, 7 beds and 20 open beds.

“The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Ganluo County People’s Hospital has basically met the rehabilitation treatment requirements of the people in the county, escorting the lives of patients, and the life safety of the people in Yi District has been greatly guaranteed.” Ganluo County People’s Hospital Dean Mose Oy said. In December last year, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Ganluo County People’s Hospital was successfully established as a key specialized hospital in Liangshan Prefecture.

Support wisdom and ambition, inject talents into the rural revitalization of Ganluo

Healthy poverty alleviation, improving technology and intellectual assistance are the keys. Lack of medical talents is a common problem in Yi District. Mianzhu City gave full play to the advantages of abundant human resources and sent 130 medical technical backbones to Ganluo County to carry out health assistance work through the method of “sending out and sending in”. At the same time, 51 staff members of medical and health institutions in Ganluo County were accepted to study in Mianzhu City, providing strong talent support and intellectual guarantee for the development of Ganluo County’s health and health undertakings.

In 2018, Wang Yujuan from Ganluo County Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Service Center came to the Medical Imaging Department of Mianzhu Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Service Center for a 6-month advanced study, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology ultrasound. After completing her advanced studies, she played a leading role in the Medical Imaging Department of Ganluo County Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Service Center, and carried out new projects such as vaginal ultrasound and four-dimensional ultrasound, which were well received by the local people.

In 2020, Dr. Xiang Heng from Mianzhu Aid Yi of the Central Health Center in Xinshiba Town, Ganluo County not only gave orthopaedic academic lectures in order to help local medical staff Li Zheng and Amubusha to better master the knowledge and skills of orthopedic diagnosis and treatment During the training, they also taught them the techniques of bone-setting and acupuncture, so that they could quickly grasp the essentials. With its own medical staff, the current Xinshiba Town Center Health Center can handle many common problems, so that patients can enjoy caring medical services at the “doorstep”.

Zeng Rui, Deputy Mayor of Mianzhu City and Commander of the Frontline Headquarters of Ganluo County, said that over five years of counterpart assistance in Mianzhu, the medical level of Ganluo County has been greatly improved, and it has greatly improved the medical level of Ganluo County. It is of great significance to promote the development of medical and health services in Ganluo County. (Li Luping)