Methylcobalamin not only repairs nerves, but can also be used for these 5 common diseases, learn more about it in case of emergency

Nerves are the most difficult to repair of all human tissues and organs, and the period required for repair is also the longest.

To repair nerves, first remove the cause of nerve damage, and then take comprehensive treatment measures to promote the recovery of nerve function , mainly using drug therapy, the following drugs are commonly used:

B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, then vitamin B12 is also known as methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin, B vitamins are the raw materials for the formation of nerve myelin during neural development .

What is Methylcobalamin?

Methylcobalamin is a drug that nourishes nerves and helps nerve repair. It is mainly used for Injury to the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Methylcobalamin can participate in the one-carbon unit cycle to synthesize carbonic acid transmethylation from homocysteine It plays a very important role in the reaction process. Methylcobalamin is easier to enter into neuron cells and can participate in the synthesis of thymidine in brain cells and peripheral nerve cells in the spinal cord.

And promote the utilization of folic acid and nucleic acid metabolism, promote the transport function of axons, help axon regeneration, for a variety of reasons The neuropathy caused by it has an inhibitory effect and at the same time can increase the excitability of nerve fibers.

Methylcobalamin is a necessary ingredient to provide nerve repair, not that it can repair nerves by itself .

For nerve repair, each type of injury is actually different. Of course, the sooner the incentives are removed, the sooner , the more timely the use of drugs, the faster the nerve repair.

But it is usually very slow for nerve and peripheral nerve regeneration and repair, and may only be repaired every day Two millimeters, so the most important thing is to carry out corresponding treatment according to the cause.

For example, for a patient with facial neuritis, it takes about a month for him to perform this length of time. nerve repair.

For some serious nerve damage, such as vasculitic peripheral neuropathy or chronic toxic peripheral Neuropathy may take longer, but if the treatment is delayed for more than a year, the effect will be poor.

Methylcobalamin not only repairs nerves, but can also be used for these 5 common diseases, learn more to prepare for emergencies

Type 1: Relief of Retinopathy

If there is neuropathy in the retina, it is possible that diabetes continues to develop. During the process of continuous increase in blood sugar, It is easy to affect the function of blood vessels and nerves, and neuropathy occurs in the eye area.

If the blood cannot be supplied to the eyes in time, it is easy to cause severe retinopathy and even nerve atrophy. Neuritis and other problems, this time can be relieved by taking methylcobalamin to relieve eye lesions.

Second: for megaloblastic anemia

is used for red blood cell anemia, mainly manifested as physical fatigue, paleness, dizziness and other problems. Most are caused by a lack of folic acid or a lack of vitamin B12 in the body.

Methylcobalamin, as a coenzyme-type vitamin B12, can promote the maturation, division and production of red blood cells, thereby improving the state of human anemia.

When megaloblastic anemia occurs, doctors usually prescribe drugs such as methylcobalamin.

Third: Neurodermatitis

< span>Neurodermatitis is a common skin disease. Itching symptoms may occur when neurodermatitis is severe. Neurodermatitis is medically called lichen simplex chronicus.

The pathogenesis of neurodermatitis is closely related to neuropsychiatric factors, and neurodermatitis will be very itchy, so taking mecobalamin can play a role in the treatment of neurodermatitis.< /span>

Fourth: Improvement of Endocrine Diseases

Many people who have diabetes will cause peripheral neuropathy, which is related to their own endocrine disorders. Methylcobalamin is a nutritional nerve of course, it can also be used for neuropathy and endocrine problems caused by diabetes.

This is also the current medical Recognized effective drugs, in the process of treating diabetic neuropathy, can also be combined with drugs to improve treatment.

Fifth: Facial Muscle Atrophy

Facial muscle atrophy can be relieved by taking methylcobalamin tablets.

Symptoms such as facial muscle atrophy are generally difficult to cure, and patients can relax their mood to relieve symptoms.

Keeping an optimistic and happy mood is conducive to the treatment of muscle atrophy, while the more intense long-term or repeated mental Emotional changes such as tension and pessimism can affect the regulation of excitation and inhibition of the cerebral cortex, aggravate muscle jumps, and develop muscle atrophy. Therefore, psychotherapy for patients is very important.

Read More: The Difference Between Methylcobalamin and Vitamin B1

Methylcobalamin and vitamin B1 are both B vitamins, which can nourish the nerves.

But methylcobalamin is a vitamin B12 drug, active vitamin B12, ordinary B12 It is called cyanocobalamin.

Methylcobalamin can be used to treat megaloblastic anemia caused by peripheral neuropathy or vitamin B12 deficiency, hyperhomogenous Cysteinemia, subacute combined degeneration and other diseases.

Vitamin B1 is mainly used to treat vitamin B1 deficiency diseases, such as Wernicke’s encephalopathy. B1 to treat.

Be aware of adverse effects of methylcobalamin and vitamin B1< /p>

Although the adverse reactions of vitamin B1 are few, the use of large doses will still cause intolerance, if adverse reactions occur during taking the medicine.

Be sure to contact your doctor in time to improve your health and the environment by adjusting the dose or stopping the drug.

The most common adverse reactions of taking vitamin B1 are numbness of hands and feet and hyperactivity, followed by a small number of patients who will experience vitamin B1 Allergies, rashes, itching and other discomforts, and some patients will experience unpleasant reactions such as tachycardia, but most of them can be relieved after stopping the drug.

In addition, taking large doses of methylcobalamin for a long time will lead to the accumulation of drugs and cause toxic reactions. Common manifestations include: Digestive discomfort, such as bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Secondly, overdose of methylcobalamin can cause extrapyramidal reactions, resulting in tremors of the hands and feet and unsteady walking. , dizziness, headache, etc., but in most cases can be relieved after stopping the drug.