Menopausal women accelerate aging, three alkaline foods rich in estrogen, supplement estrogen

“1, 2, 3, follow me…”

Recently, Liu Genghong can be said to have driven a national fitness upsurge with “single effort”. He has also become a top anchor in the fitness area.

But when it comes to the number one bodybuilder in China, many people may not know her. She is Ma Hua, one of the earliest mass aerobics trainers in China. She was once popular because of CCTV.

She spared no effort in promoting aerobics and devoted her enthusiasm to national fitness. It is a pity that she was jealous of talents. In 2001, MCA was diagnosed with leukemia due to a “little cold”. He died less than a year after fighting cancer at the age of 41.

Ma Hua’s sudden death has made many people sad, and it is difficult for everyone to accept that a person who loves sports so much should die of cancer, always saying that exercise has thousands of benefits, is it wrong that exercise can fight cancer Is it right?

First, authoritative research: exercise for half an hour a day greatly improves anti-cancer ability

exercise performance There is no doubt about anti-cancer. In 2022, the International Journal of Cancer published a study on exercise and anti-cancer. The study recruited 16 male volunteers aged 50-80.

By comparing static state and post-exercise blood samples, it was found that when individuals adhere to weekly exercise (30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per day) for a long time, the body will release more Many anti-cancer molecules can promote DNA repair and slow the growth of cancer cells.

Exercise can exercise our body in all directions and help our health, not only fighting cancer, but also benefiting from head to toe as long as we move.

Second, What are the benefits of exercise?

1. Weight control

People who do not exercise for a long time, the body cannot consume excess calories, and these calories will be converted into fat accumulation In the body, increases the risk of obesity. Through exercise, you can burn more calories and lose weight, which is very helpful for people with heart disease and diabetes.

2. Strengthen bones

Exercise can activate muscles, strengthen muscles, and strengthen bones , Improve bone density, prevent bone weakening and damage.

3. Strengthen the heart

Muscles form part of the heart, and continuous exercise can strengthen the heart muscles and reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Strengthen the lungs

When exercising, a large amount of fast breathing can strengthen the lung function and help the body to quickly expel carbon dioxide and other wastes in vitro.

5. Control blood sugar and blood pressure

Exercise can help reduce sugar in the blood and effectively reduce the risk of diabetes; exercise can also release stress and help lower blood pressure .

Third, why can’t you survive cancer by exercising every day?

Exercise can help fight cancer. Some people question this, why athletes who exercise every day can’t escape the fate of cancer?

In this regard, Jiangsu Sports Research Institute expert Xu Hao said that the pathogenic factors of cancer can be divided into uncontrollable factors, namely age, gender, gene, family genetic history, etc.; Controllable factors, i.e. lifestyle and environment, etc. Exercise to prevent cancer means that under the same carcinogenic factors, people who exercise have a lower probability of developing cancer than people who do not exercise. It does not mean that people who exercise will not get cancer.

Other athletes who appear muscular may not necessarily be healthy.

In fact, looking strong and muscular is just an “external image”. Many athletes suffer from serious internal wear and tear due to excessive training, and their body functions cannot be repaired on their own. cause premature aging.

According to data disclosed by Science and Technology Daily, weightlifters have an overall prevalence of 78%, table tennis players waist Injuries account for one-third of all cases. Swimming will cause great pressure on the shoulders and waist. Divers have extensive injuries. Except for the most likely muscles and joints, the fundus injury rate strong> is also relatively high.

Fourth, moderate exercise is the most important! Each age group has different recommendations

Exercise is a double-edged sword. How to exercise scientifically and effectively, you may wish to refer to the options below.

Adolescents aged 1, 6-17:

Time: Moderate or vigorous intensity activity ≥ 60 minutes per day, weekly Do high-intensity activities for at least 3 days;

Exercise suggestions: For medium-intensity, you can choose bicycles, pulleys, etc.; for high-intensity, you can choose swimming, martial arts, running, skipping, etc. Muscle training can choose rock climbing, long jump, push-ups, etc.

2, Adults 18-64 years old:

Time: 150 minutes of moderate intensity per week, or 75 minutes per week Minutes of high-intensity aerobic physical activity, and more than 2 days of whole-body muscle-strengthening activities;

Exercise suggestions: For moderate-intensity, brisk walking, ballroom dancing, swimming, etc. can be selected. High-intensity You can choose running, aerobics, weight-bearing, etc. Muscle exercise can choose sit-ups, pull-ups and so on.

3. Elderly people over 65 years old:

Time: In principle, it is the same as that of people aged 18-64. If limited by chronic diseases, according to their own Situational selective exercise.

Exercise Suggestions: Moderate to high-intensity options include walking, dancing, golf, cycling, etc., and muscle training options such as Tai Chi, yoga, and more.

To be clear, exercise can prevent cancer, but it does not mean that the possibility of cancer is reduced to 0. Although there are many benefits of exercise, it should also be based on the premise of science and safety. Otherwise, the more you move, the more you will hurt the body, which will go against the original intention of the movement.


[1] “33-year-old basketball star, cancer is gone forever”. Guangming.2019-12-06

[2 ] “The benefits of exercise are so great, the premise is to master the method! Hurry up and see how the experts exercise! “. Jiangxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2017-11-01

[3] “Analysis: Which parts of the athletes are most vulnerable to injuries in Olympic sports”. Science and Technology Daily. 2016-08-16