Men with sufficient yang qi usually have these 4 manifestations in the body. In comparison, how many do you have?

As the saying goes, “sufficient yang qi can eliminate all diseases”, and yang qi is often said to be righteous qi. Traditional Chinese medicine often says that “righteousness is stored in the body, and evil cannot do it”, which means that if the righteousness is sufficient, then the evil will not interfere with the human body, and the person will not get sick. So if a man is full of yang, what will he do? Below I will give you a detailed introduction.

Men with sufficient yang qi usually have these 4 manifestations in the body. How many do you have?

First, the limbs are warm

A man has enough yang qi, the qi and blood will be filled, the hands and feet will be warm and rosy, and the limbs will not be cold The phenomenon.

Second, dense hair

The strong body hair of a man is not only related to the level of androgen in the body, but also to the health of the body and the flow of qi and blood Smoothness has a certain relationship.

Third, normal sleep

not only means being able to sleep for eight hours a day to ensure adequate sleep The quality of sleep also refers to being able to fall asleep early at night, and to be able to sleep well and sleep soundly.

Fourth, good immunity, not easy to get sick

Men with sufficient yang qi have strong immunity and can prevent most viruses and diseases block out of the body.

Compare the above performances to see if you are all in line? If not, it is recommended that you replenish the yang energy in time.

How to replenish Yang Qi?

Because qi belongs to yang and blood belongs to yin, we usually say that supplementing yang qi can prevent all kinds of diseases, especially in spring, the wind is relatively strong, and in summer, the heat and humidity are relatively heavy, and it is easy to invade the human body . When you have enough yang energy, you can resist these external evils.

1. People with insufficient yang qi need to supplement both yin and yang. A person with insufficient yang qi is a little troubled, so he will first runny nose, sneeze, cough and pant, but everyone around him is fine, just him.

This type of man needs to replenish yang qi. At the same time as tonifying yang qi, we should pay attention to it. There is a saying in Chinese medicine that “those who are good at tonifying yang must seek yang from yin”, which means that To replenish yang, we must first nourish yin, that is, after we have a material basis, we can promote yang to exert its functions. For example, if qi and blood are weak, how to make up for it? Remember to replenish blood and qi, that is, to replenish both yin and yang.

Secondly, when the yang qi is insufficient, we usually show chills and cold limbs, fatigue and backache. Whether male or female, he will feel afraid of cold , Some people are afraid of the cold in their limbs, and some people are afraid of the cold in the whole body.

Once the yang qi is insufficient in males, there will be physical dysfunction and decreased reproductive function. In fact, there are not too many patients with simply insufficient yang qi in clinical practice, especially the patients with insufficient yang qi whose main physiological function declines in males. The common manifestations are soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, and the tongue coating is light and thick.

Therefore, at this time, if you simply replenish the yang qi, it will cause red eyes, swelling and pain, sores on the mouth and tongue, and it is easy to get angry. First of all, the deficiency of essence and blood in such patients should be supplemented, and at the same time, some yang-tonifying drugs should be added. Just like a car, we must fill up the gas first, and then repair the engine, so that it can have a good power.

2. To replenish yang qi, you must first change the habit of consuming yang qi

Now Many young people often stay up late to drink, and even indulge themselves without any control at all, which will damage their physical energy, qi and blood, etc. In the long run, their body will have insufficient yang qi, which will affect the kidney qi.

Therefore, if you want to replenish yang qi, you must change the habits or behaviors that deplete yang qi as soon as possible.

3. To replenish yang qi, you can do more dietary conditioning

You can usually eat more leeks , shrimp, sea cucumber and other foods, here is also a healthy tea for male friends, which is to use mulberry, wolfberry, Eucommia male flower, and then match with ginseng, Polygonatum, raspberry and other medicinal and edible flowers and herbs. The ingredients are combined and matched according to the formula ratio, and it is made into ginseng Huangjing tea to drink, which is very beneficial to enhance the yang qi, supplement the kidney qi, and enhance the constitution.

In addition, you can do more exercise, such asJogging, swimming, etc. for exercise, movement generates yang, which has a good effect on restoring yang.