Men drink tea and drink double kidney stones, which is healthier for long-term drinking of boiled water or long-term drinking of tea?

Mr. Liu, 37, was admitted to the hospital after drinking tea for a long time.

Six years ago, Mr. Liu suffered fromsevere pain in the left waist and abdomen At that time, the examination confirmed nephrolithiasis with hydronephrosis, and received minimally invasive surgery.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Liu’s right waist and abdomen also appeared last year. The pain was relieved, but Mr. Liu didn’t care.

Until September of this year, Mr. Liu, who wanted to procrastinate, suffered from severe lower back pain after exertion. , and then rushed to the hospital for treatment.

Dr. Liu conducted a comprehensive examination and found that he had double kidney stones, especially the right kidney, is also accompanied by moderate hydrops. If not treated in time, < strong>kidney function is likely to be further impaired or lost.

Finally, according to Mr. Liu’s condition and demands, the doctor prescribed a double-endoscope combined with minimally invasive nephrolithotomy for him. span>It shows that the main component of the stone is calcium oxalate stone, which has a great relationship with Mr. Liu’s love of drinking strong tea all the year round.

First, the more water you drink, the more serious the kidney damage?

First look at the relationship between water and kidneys.

Water needs to enter the stomach through the esophagus, and then enter the blood through the absorption of the digestive system. After water reaches the blood, it will be filtered in the kidneys to form original urine, and the original urine will also be absorbed in the kidneys. During this process, nutrients will be absorbed into the blood, while ammonia-containing metabolites and salt-containing aqueous solutions are It will be excreted along the urethra.

Does drinking more water harm the kidneys?

For people with abnormal renal function, drinking more water may lead to changes in the body’s urination habits, such as polyuria, frequent urination, increased urine foam, hematuria, etc. In severe cases, symptoms such as edema may even appear.

Chen Zuhui, director of the Infection Control Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University once said that under normal circumstances, if there is no large number of Exercising or perspiration, drinking a lot of water at this time will cause a burden on the kidneys and cardiovascular.

Generally speaking, on the premise of drinking adequate and hygienic water, normal people Drinking plenty of water is fine. The drinking habits that really hurt the kidneys are these two.

•Drink after thirst

When the feeling of thirst occurs, the body cells People are often dehydrated. At this time, the central nervous system sends out a distress signal. If you drink water after being thirsty for a long time, the detoxification ability of the kidneys will be reduced, and the incidence of kidney disease will increase.

•Drink as water

Often drink as water, then drink The phosphate and sugar will promote the excretion of calcium in the body, resulting in increased calcium content in the urine, increasing the risk of kidney stones.

Second, long-term drinking boiled water or long-term tea, which is healthier?

To this question, in fact, as long as it is consumed correctly, it can be said that there is no definite answer. First of all, boiled water is the most recommended water, although ordinary, it is also the healthiest.

During the boiling process of tap water, can kill all kinds of microorganisms, and at the same time allow minerals to precipitate, volatile chemicals in the water. The substance will also volatilize, which is the most economical and safe purification method.

Boiled water repeatedly is rumored to cause cancer. This statement is not very reliable, after all, talking about toxicity without dose is a hooligan. And even if the water is boiled more than 20 times, the nitrite content is lower than the national standard for drinking water. If I have to say that it is not good, it is very expensive to boil the water 20 times.

In addition, once circulated on the Internet that “the shelf life of boiled water is only 16 hours”, what is the truth?

The water has killed many microorganisms in the process of boiling, but after the water temperature drops to room temperature, the microorganisms will continue to enter the boiled water and multiply in the water. Therefore, the longer the boiled water is exposed to the air, the greater the number of microorganisms and the worse the natural water quality.

In other words, boiled water does have a “shelf life”, but it may not be accurate to 16 hours. All in all, just boiled open and cool boiled water will have better water quality than boiled water overnight or every few hours or days.

If you drink tea correctly, There are also many benefits for the body.

Drinking tea can increase the amount of water you drink, and the active substances such as tea polyphenols and chlorophyll in the tea can help the body to strengthen its resistance. And because tea is rich in caffeine, drinking tea in moderation can be refreshing and diuretic. In addition, it also helps to supplement nutrients such as vitamins and minerals to a certain extent.

However,tea is not a complete substitute for water, especially in excess On the contrary, it may turn the good into the bad.

Third, drinking these three kinds of tea regularly may damage the kidney and cause cancer

Tea can be said to be the favorite drink of Chinese people, but there are many kinds of tea leaves, and there are three kinds of tea, and drinking it regularly is actually not good for the body.

1. Strong tea damages the kidneys and the body

The content of fluorine in strong tea is high, Fluoride is mainly excreted in the kidneys. If you often drink strong tea, once it exceeds the excretion of the kidneys, the fluoride will continue to be in the body or cause “tea type fluorosis”.

In addition, strong tea contains a lot of caffeine and theophylline, which are highly irritating to the stomach. The caffeine in strong tea can inhibit the absorption of calcium in the duodenum, and also accelerate the excretion of calcium in the urine, which may cause osteoporosis.

Generally speaking, the taste of strong tea is too bitter, the color is thick, and even a little turbid. When the strong tea is cooled, a layer of tea oil will form on the surface.

2. Burnt tea may have carcinogens< /strong>

If the tea leaves are over-roasted during production, it will produce a burnt taste, some of the nutrients will be destroyed, and may even contain carcinogens. Therefore, whether from a nutritional or health perspective, it is best not to drink Jiaowei tea.

3. Too hot tea has cancer risk

Drinking tea when it is too hot may scald the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus, form ulcers, and increase the risk of cancer over time.

A study published in the “International Journal of Cancer” pointed out that compared with people who drank little tea and who liked herbal tea, those who drank more than two cups a day had a temperature of 60°C People who have scalded tea too much have a 90% higher chance of developing esophageal cancer.

Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)< /strong>It is recommended to drink plenty of water, a small amount and many times. In mild climates, with low physical activity, it is recommendedadult men drink 1700ml of water per day and adult women 1500ml. In addition,recommended to drink boiled water or moderate tea, and drink less or no sugary ones Beverages cannot be used in place of boiled water.

Drinking water is actually a very basic health behavior. When people drink insufficient or unsafe water, the body is easily troubled by various health problems. Of course, drinking tea is also a good habit, but you should pay attention not to drink too much tea, and pay attention to avoid drinking strong tea, burnt tea and tea that is too hot.


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