Men are powerless, can eat more of these 4 types of food to become stronger? Don’t be fooled! or accelerate capacity decline

What makes men most proud of is their physical ability, but too much pressure in life, bad emotions, disease factors and age make their physical ability worsening, and they are unable to do their best in marital life, so they will pass The way to eat food to revive the glory. According to folklore, animal whips, leeks, mutton, dog meat and loach can regulate physical fitness, so these foods are very popular among men. Can they really regulate physical ability?

Can folk food really regulate physiological ability?

1. Animal whips and kidneys

When it comes to animal whips and animal kidneys, people will inevitably think of conditioning Physiological ability, however, the main components of animal kidneys are fat and protein, which cannot cure kidney deficiency at all, but will cause obesity due to eating too much; although animal whips and cattle and sheep treasures contain male hormones, they cannot be used after entering the body. Its effect, after heating and gastric juice digestion, the androgen in the food has no effect in the body, so it has no effect at all.

2. Certain seafood

Some men like to eat oysters and think they can be conditioned Physiological ability, the reason is that oysters contain a lot of zinc, and promote the production of rice green seeds. It is undeniable that zinc can promote reproductive development and facilitate the generation of germ cells, but it cannot improve physiological ability at all. So far, there is not enough evidence to prove that ingesting a large amount of zinc can improve physiological ability; some people believe that seafood such as fish and crabs contain nucleic acid, and nucleic acid is involved in the generation of genetic factors and rice green seeds. However, nucleic acid is a compound formed by the polymerization of nucleotides, which generally exists in animal and plant cells. Eating a large amount of nucleic acid-containing seafood may induce hyperuricemia or gout.

3. Leek

Chives are known as aphrodisiacs, so many men adjust their physical abilities by eating more leeks. It is true that leeks contain a variety of vitamins and sulfur compounds, which are beneficial to the body’s health, but have no effect on men’s physiological functions. In addition, the above nutrients are not unique to leeks and can also be obtained from other foods. Take the sulfur compounds contained in leeks, which are the main ingredient responsible for the pungent smell of leeks, and are also found in green onions and shallots.

4, beef and mutton, pigeon meat and loach

folk tradition: mutton, beef , donkey meat, pigeon meat and loach can play a role, although there are certain differences in their nutritional value, but similar to beef and pork, it will hardly improve male physiological ability. Uncontrolled meat consumption will cause obesity, damage the health of blood vessels, cause hardening of blood vessels and deterioration of elasticity, and damage the blood vessels of local organs, which will ultimately affect the physiological ability of men.

Message from the doctor

It can be seen that, The above foods have no effect at all, which means that these foods are not reliable. If you want to improve your physical ability, the most important thing is to have a balanced diet and physical fitness, pay attention to balanced and diversified nutrition, do a good job of matching meat and vegetables with thickness, and refuse smoking and drinking; ensure that you have more than 30 minutes of exercise time every day, such as walking, Brisk walking, jogging or skipping rope, and playing ball, etc., but not riding a bicycle or motorcycle for a long time, so as not to oppress the prostate.

It is worth reminding that if a man’s ability is significantly reduced, he should not always be ashamed to open his mouth and refuse to seek medical treatment. He should go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination as soon as possible, and take medicine strictly according to the doctor’s order. In addition, adjust the psychological state to avoid functional decline caused by spiritual factors.

Family doctor online feature, unauthorized reprint